
  • 网络german history;History of Germany
  1. 摘要德国历史进程发展十分曲折。

    The cause of German history is very sinuous .

  2. 著名的“费舍尔”争论迄今,德意志帝国及其木代君主始终成为集中探究和沟通所谓“德国历史连续性”的理想题材。

    From the famous " Fischer controversy " till today , the German Empire and its last monarch have become the ideal theme of the enquiries and researches of the so-called " continuity in German history " .

  3. 我的父亲是一名颇有名气的历史学家,他专门研究德国历史。

    My father was a historian of repute . His speciality was the history of Germany

  4. 作为德国历史最悠久的私人股权公司,DBAG明显不是目光短浅,它的执行官坚称DBAG有长期规划。

    DBAG , one of Germany 's oldest private-equity firms , is not obviously locust-like . Its executives insist it is there for the long term .

  5. 德国历史学派的经济史学解析

    The Interpretation of the German Historical School from the Perspective of Economic History

  6. 德国历史悠久的面包公司现寻求优秀的运营经理共同开创上海市场。

    Traditional German bakery seeks qualified operations manager to lead Shanghai market entry .

  7. 这已是整个德国历史的一部分。

    And which is already part of the entire German nation 's history .

  8. 魏玛共和国是德国历史上政治教育制度化的最早时期。

    Weimar Republic of Germany was the earliest epoch with systematic political education in the history of Germany .

  9. 在西门子深陷德国历史上最大的企业腐败丑闻之际,该公司短短几天内失去了两位最高官员。

    It has lost both of its top officials in a matter of days amid the biggest corporate corruption scandal in Germany .

  10. 早在十九世纪中叶,德国历史学派经济学家就发现并提出了所谓斯密问题;

    In the middle of 19 th century , the Germany economists of historical school found and advanced the so called " Smith Problems " .

  11. 在德国历史上没有一个政权像纳粹政府在如此程度上运用行政力量来对艺术进行干预的。

    In the history of Germany , there is no government like Nazi utilizing the executive power to intervene the art world in such a degree .

  12. 这幅作于帆布上的油画是由约翰·巴提斯·兰匹于1794年完成的,它目前在柏林的德国历史博物馆展出。

    The oil on canvas was completed in 1794 by Johann Baptist Lampi . It now hangs in the Deutsches Historisches Museum in Berlin , Germany .

  13. 魏玛政府据此制订了比较完善的学校政治教育体系和制度,开创了德国历史上政治教育制度化的历史先河。

    The Weimar government stipulated perfect system for the school political education and inaugurated a leading card with systematic political education in the history of Germany .

  14. 德国历史文化传统与纳粹主义的产生有无必然的联系,一直是学术界关注的一个重大理论问题。

    The academic circles have focused for a long time on the issue of whether there is an inevitable connection between the rise of Nazism and the traditional German historical culture .

  15. 德国历史学派从大量的经济史料中抽象出了许多有价值的经济学理论,是第一个基于经济史的经济学流派。

    The German Historical School , drew some valuable economic theories form the studies of the economic history , was the first economics school that based on the studies of economic history .

  16. 德国历史上的分裂使德国缺乏一个文化中心,德意志人之间也只能通过语言和文学来相互认同。

    The historical division of Germany led to the absence of a political and cultural centre , and the retarded development of German political culture resulted in the lack of an effective public sphere .

  17. 在柏林的德国历史博物馆举行的展会“希特勒和德国人”自上周五开幕以来,已经吸引了一万多游客前来观看。这场展会对“创造出”希特勒的社会进行了调查研究。

    Hitler and the Germans , " an exhibition in Berlin 's German Historical Museum which investigates the society that created Hitler , has seen more than 10000 visitors walk through its doors since opening on Friday 。

  18. 他在经济思想史上的贡献是多方面的,除了向经济学引入国家主义和生产力这两个新颖的观念外,他的历史分析法成为德国历史学派的理论先驱。

    His contributions to the history of economic theories are manifold . Besides introducing the new concepts of nationalism and productivity into economics , his proposal of historical analysis is deemed as a pioneering work of the theory of German Historical School .

  19. 文章第二部分具体分析了文化身份在新表现主义艺术中的体现,包括采用具象语言,关注德国历史、文化和现实政治问题,取材于德国历史和神话等等。

    The second part of this article deals with how the cultural identity was represented in German New Expressionism , including adopting figural language , responding to German historian , cultural , and political problems , and using motives from German history and myth , etc.

  20. 这些作品更多按德国设计历史的时间为组成元素,它们其实是时代发展的见证。

    These works are composited by the timeline of German design history , witnessing it 's development .

  21. 德国在历史上是奥地利主要的贸易伙伴,很容易受到德国经济中的快速变化的冲击。

    Germany has historically been the main trading partner of Austria , making it vulnerable to rapid changes in the German economy .

  22. 本文的核心任务在于说明马克思是如何批判和超越19世纪德国的历史主义,以及马克思本人对历史性质的根本态度。

    The core task of this paper is to explain how Marx criticize and exceed the 19th century German historicism , and to clarify his own attitude to history .

  23. 本论文紧密结合德国社会历史的发展,研究德国现代家具风格和特征及其影响因素,得出对中国当代家具设计的启示与借鉴意义。

    This thesis studied Germany modern furniture style , its characters , the reasons of its forming and developing by combining Germany social history development and gained the revelation for China modern furniture design .

  24. 此外,鉴于德国的历史背景就在20年前,柏林墙的倒塌让东德秘密警察的手段大白于天下这种做法令人震惊。

    Moreover , in the German context - only two decades since the fall of the Berlin Wall brought the methods of East Germany 's secret police to light - such practices cause shock .

  25. 德国正视历史的荣与辱,正视纳粹时期的历史,使它赢得了邻国的尊敬并成为欧盟的重要成员;

    Germany is facing up to the honor and disgrace of history and to the history of Nazi era , so Germany wins respect from neighboring countries and turns to be an important member of EU .

  26. 简论德国移民的历史进程

    Brief Discussion on the Historical Process of the German Immigration

  27. 美国和德国在重大历史时刻都经历过人口大迁徙。

    The mass movement of peoples lies at the heart of both American and German history .

  28. 论19世纪末20世纪初德国在欧洲历史地位的巨变

    Great Changes : Germany in Historical Status in Europe During the End of 19th Century and the Beginning of 20th Century

  29. 在此基础上,分别对美国、英国、德国的监管历史和监管法律进行分阶段回顾。

    Base on that , Respective phases for review the supervisory law & history of The United States , United Kingdom , Germany .

  30. 尼采和李贽是分别出现在德国、中国历史大转折时期的浪漫思潮的代表人物。

    Nietzsche was one of the main representatives of the romantic thoughts in Germany while Li Zhi was somewhat his equivalent in China .