
  1. 必须有律师执业资格证书才可以。

    Must have a lawyer hold job seniority certificate ability is ok .

  2. 公职律师是指依法取得律师执业证书,专门为行使国家权力、执行公务的机构、组织提供法律服务的国家公务员。

    Public office lawyers are lawyers having obtained practicing certificate and exercise state power in accordance with the law who offer law service to public affairs .

  3. 律师因故意犯罪受刑事处罚的,应当吊销其律师执业证书。

    Where a lawyer is subjected to criminal punishment for an intentional crime , his lawyer 's practice certificate shall be revoked .

  4. 首先指出专家责任角度下的律师是熟练掌握相关的法律专业知识和技能,取得国家颁发的律师执业证书,接受社会公众的委托并为其提供法律服务的专业人士。

    First of all , the lawyers , under the perspective of expert liability are the professionals who master the professional knowledge and skills , have lawyer practicing certificates , and provide legal services for the parties .