
  • 网络Peng Wensheng;SHENG PENG
  1. 据巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)彭文生估算,在计入假期后,中国1月份出口下降7%,进口下降35.9%。

    Peng Wensheng at Barclays Capital estimated that after taking into account holidays , exports declined by 7 per cent in January and imports by 35.9 per cent .

  2. “由于欧元发生的情况,乃至全球市场出现的各种不确定因素,人民币升值的近期概率看上去日趋减小,”巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)中国研究主管彭文生表示。

    " The near-term probability of a revaluation looks increasingly unlikely because of what has happened to the euro and more broadly the global market uncertainties , " says Wensheng Peng , head of China research at Barclays Capital .

  3. 彭文生提出,中国会在力所能及的时候很好地进行建设。

    Mr Peng argues that China would do well to build while it can .

  4. 彭文生指出:最坏的情境是在放松货币政策的同时放开对房地产领域的调控措施。

    The worst scenario would be to ease monetary policy and at the same time to relax control measures on the property sector , says Mr Peng .

  5. 中国国际金融有限公司经济学家彭文生指出,这使得他们在账面上增加将近7.5万亿元的贷款。

    This puts them on course to add less than 7.5 trillion yuan to their loan books this year , according to Peng Wensheng of China International Capital Corporation .

  6. 彭文生表示:城市化意味着可以更好地获取城市中的教育及医疗资源,但也有预测表示,私家车使用率将下降,人们更多地选择公共交通出行。

    Urbanization means better access to educational and medical resources in the city . But it also predicts less use of personal vehicles and more use of public transportation , said Peng .

  7. 正如彭文生所言:“过去10到15年,任何根据产能过剩理念来分析中国的投资者,都赚不到一分钱。”

    As Mr Peng puts it : " any investor who based his views on China on the idea of overcapacity would not have made any money over the last 10-15 years . "