
  1. 宋鸿兵在书中称,罗斯柴尔德(rothschild)银行帝国对货币发行的控制,是从滑铁卢(waterloo)战役以来一些看似不相关事件的根本起因。

    According to Mr Song , the control of money issuance by the Rothschild Banking Dynasty is the underlying cause of seemingly unrelated happenings from the battle of Waterloo on .

  2. 宋鸿兵在美国留过学,是世界金融阴谋论的宣扬者。

    Mr Song , who went to university in the US , has a history of popularising conspiracy theories about global finance .

  3. 《货币战争》作者宋鸿兵认为,“美元和人民币的汇率已经进入实战了”。

    Song Hongbing , the writer of Currency War , thinks that the US dollar and RMB have actually engaged in a battle .

  4. 该书作者宋鸿兵声称,即便在今日,美联储仍然只是私人银行的一个傀儡,而这些私人银行最终效忠于无所不在的罗斯柴尔德家族。

    Even today , claims author song Hongbing , the US Federal Reserve remains a puppet of private banks , which also ultimately owe their allegiance to the ubiquitous Rothschilds .

  5. 宋鸿兵是一位信息科技咨询顾问和业余历史学家,他从1994年起移居美国,现居于华盛顿。他表示,他的兴趣源于揭露1997年亚洲危机内幕的尝试。

    Mr Song , an IT consultant and amateur historian who has lived in the US since 1994 and is now based in Washington , says his interest was sparked by trying to uncover what lay behind the Asian crisis in 1997 .