
  • 网络BLOOMBERG NEWS;Bloomberg;Bloomberg LP
  1. 早前,彭博新闻社(BloombergNews)报道过网络泄密问题。

    News about the online leak was reported earlier by Bloomberg News .

  2. 彭博新闻社(BloombergNews)早些时候已就拟议中的查特公司收购时代华纳有线的交易条款进行过报道。

    News of the proposed terms of a Charter deal for Time Warner Cable were reported earlier by Bloomberg News .

  3. 本周三,彭博新闻社询问了两位了解苹果公司计划的内部人士,他们表示苹果公司将在今年年底发布一款较小的iPad。

    On Wednesday , Bloomberg was quoting " two people with knowledge of the plans " who said Apple will release a smaller iPad by the end of the year .

  4. 彭博新闻社(BloombergNews)率先报道了这项和解协议的条款。它将于本周二提交给加利福尼亚州的一位联邦法官进行最终审核,批准后方能生效。

    The settlement terms , first reported by Bloomberg News , are to be submitted on Tuesday to a federal judge in California whose final approval would be required for the deal to take effect .

  5. 侯伊告诉彭博新闻社说,他预期利率还会下降。

    Hoey told Bloomberg Television he expects rates will fall further .

  6. 彭博新闻社援引熟悉该公司运作人士的话报道,现年60岁的穆拉利将于今年年底离职。

    Bloomberg News citing people familiar with the company says the 60-year-old Mulally will step down at the end of the year .

  7. 彭博新闻社报导说,由于投资人纷纷减持俄罗斯资产,卢布兑美元汇率在8月份的下降幅度是过去九年多来最大的。

    Bloomberg News reports the Russian ruble is headed for its biggest monthly decline against the U.S. dollar in more than nine years as investors reduce their Russian holdings .

  8. 不久前,据彭博新闻社的消息,央行“拒绝公开2万亿美元紧急贷款的接受人名单,这些贷款均来自于保释金及央行持有的担保资产。”

    And , more recently , according to Bloomberg News , the bank refused " to disclose the recipients of more than $ 2 trillion of emergency loans from [ the bailout ] and the assets the central bank is accepting as collateral . "