
  • 网络weak dollar
  1. 但美国财长和美联储(fed)主席口中表达的愿望与他们的实际行动并不符,结果就是,他们得到了一个弱势美元。

    But what the US Treasury Secretary and chairman of the Federal Reserve say they desire is not matched by their actions and they have got a weak dollar .

  2. 空客推迟了其巨型新机a-380客机;弱势美元也在亏损中起着作用。

    Airbus has had delays with its huge , new A-Three-Eighty passenger plane . a weak dollar also played a part in the loss .

  3. 石油供应吃紧和弱势美元等众多因素预示着油价会进一步上涨。

    A host of factors , including tight oil supplies and a weak U.

  4. 作为加工出口导向的国家,中国从弱势美元中获益。

    As a next-exporter of goods , China has benefited from a weak dollar .

  5. 弱势美元利于谁?

    WHO WILL BENEFIT From weak dollar ?

  6. 根据谢国忠的观点,弱势美元对全球经济的影响是扩张性的。

    In Xie 's view , the weak dollar was expansionary for the global economy .

  7. 只有欧洲公司计划提高产量,因为它们可以利用弱势美元来推动出口。

    Only the European companies are projected to lift production as they take advantage of the weak dollar to boost exports .

  8. 鉴于弱势美元曾与强劲的油价关联,这还意味着油价会下跌。

    Given that the weak dollar was correlated with the strong oil price , it also implied that the oil price would fall .

  9. 但要当心,很多专家认为这一轮美元上涨只是弱势美元走势的短暂反复,而弱势美元走势可能还会持续多年。

    But beware , say many experts : the surge is merely a blip in a weak-dollar trend that still has years to run .

  10. 因此即使卢布对弱势美元的名义汇率下降了,由于高通胀,其实际汇率也是上升的。

    Thus even when the rupee 's nominal rate against the weakening dollar was held down , india 's real exchange rate rose because of high inflation .

  11. 然后,在2008年7月美国发生信贷紧缩后,弱势美元成了强势美元:美元对除日元外的所有主要货币意外升值20%至30%,并且至今仍保持强势。

    Then , after the US credit crunch of July 2008 , the weak dollar became the strong dollar : the surprise 20 to 30 per cent dollar appreciation against all major currencies , except the Japanese yen , that is still with us .

  12. 迈克尔•德克,证券市场协会成员所有的经济因素都非常理想:积极的财政政策,宽松的货币政策,商业投资的大幅增长,稳定的股市,良好的公司收益,呈弱势的美元。

    MICHAEL DECKER , BOND MARKET ASSOCIATION You 've got all the stars aligned4 : very stimulative fiscal policy , accommodative5 monetary policy , big growth in business spending , solid stock market , good corporate profits , weak dollar .