
ruò shì qún tǐ
  • disadvantaged groups;underprivileged
  1. 社会弱势群体呼唤社会保障制度深层次改革

    Deep Reform of Social Security System Demanded by the Disadvantaged Groups

  2. 保障弱势群体利益实现是构建和谐社会的应有之义。

    The harmonious society should ensure the interests of disadvantaged groups .

  3. 在政治上,他总是为弱势群体奋斗。

    In politics , he was a champion of the underdog .

  4. 老年人是社会中尤为明显的弱势群体。

    Old people are particularly vulnerable members of our society .

  5. 他为弱势群体奔走呼号,赢得了全国的尊敬。

    His doughty campaigns for the underprivileged have earned him national respect .

  6. 必须重新考虑政府对待这一弱势群体的政策。

    There must be a rethink of government policy towards this vulnerable group .

  7. 文明社会的特征是照顾最弱势群体。

    The mark of a civilized society is that it looks after its weakest members .

  8. 大多数人喜欢从更多的弱势群体中选才,但却不会上门选才。

    " Most people would love to get students from more underserved populations , but they just can 't get them in the door . "

  9. 它也可以被滥用,对弱势群体来说尤其如此。

    It can also be exploitative , especially when used with vulnerable populations .

  10. 所以我放弃了销售工作又找到了另一份工作,帮助需要帮助的穷人和弱势群体。

    So   I gave my   sales   job   and   took   another   job , this   time   helping   people in need — the   poor   and   the   weak .

  11. 促进弱势群体是全面建设小康社会的需要

    Promoting the Social Vulnerable Groups to Take Up An Occupation Required

  12. 加强对大学英语学习弱势群体的关注

    More Concern Should be Paid to Those Unsuccessful College English Learners

  13. 新时期公共图书馆为弱势群体服务的若干探索

    Probing into the Library Service for the Disadvantaged in New Times

  14. 关注弱势群体应成为社会公正的重要内容之一。

    The existence of the vulnerable group disobeyed the society justice .

  15. 城镇弱势群体的救助与再就业扶持

    To Assist the Urban Vulnerable Group by Social Relief and Reemployment

  16. 现代中国的社会变迁与就业弱势群体

    Social Changes in Contemporary China and the Disadvantaged Groups in Employment

  17. 中国证券市场弱势群体法律保护研究

    Study on Legal Protection of Vulnerable Groups in Chinese Securities Market

  18. 当前我国农村弱势群体的现状和对策分析

    The Analysis on the Present Condition and Counter-measure of the Village Weaken-group

  19. 关于弱势群体研究的批判性分析

    A Critical Analysis On the Study of the Disadvantaged Group

  20. 用隐形课程构筑对大学生弱势群体的人文关怀

    Stealth Programs Used to Build the Humane Care for the Disadvantaged Groups

  21. 弱势群体的民事诉讼法保护

    The Protection for Feeble Group in the Context of Civil Procedure Law

  22. 我国社会新生弱势群体问题研究

    Study on the Problem of Newly Generated Social Vulnerable Groups

  23. 黑龙江省弱势群体的需求及社会保障措施研究

    Demand of Disadvantaged Group in Heilongjiang Province and Social Welfare

  24. 论对弱势群体的信息歧视

    On the Information Discrimination toward the Disadvantaged Groups of Society

  25. 转型时期的中国社会弱势群体

    The Chinese Social Vulnerable Group in the Social Transition Period

  26. 中国援助弱势群体的财政政策研究

    Studies on the Chinese Fiscal Policies on Assistance to the Vulnerable Group

  27. 2003年社会弱势群体报道透视

    Reflections on the Reports on the Weak Group in 2003

  28. 对转型时期弱势群体问题的经济学思考

    Looking into the Problem of the Social Weak-groups in the Social Transformation

  29. 大学生弱势群体心理压力的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Psychological Pressure of Inferior College Students

  30. 教师培训应关注弱势群体

    Attention Paid to the Inferior Group in Teachers ' Training