
wān tuǐ
  • Bent leg;knee;rhaeboscelia;rheboscelia;cabriole
弯腿 [wān tuǐ]
  • (1) [knee]∶家具腿部的向外弯曲部分,即腿和框架交接处下面的部分

  • (2) [cabriole]∶安妮女王(Queen Anne)式和契彭得尔(Chippendale)式家具中常用的家具腿的形式。从它所支承的结构处先向外弯,然后向下逐渐变细而向内反弯,至末端有装饰性脚

弯腿[wān tuǐ]
  1. 这些残酷的刑具是用来阻止犯人弯腿的。

    These cruel devices are designed to stop prisoners bending their legs

  2. 就不会有弯腿的孩子、不禁食也不打人。

    Would not have bandy children , nor fasting , nor birch .

  3. “架几式三弯腿石案”和“木身石面圆包圆裹腿式长方棋桌”也是这次展览中的经典作品。

    Other notable pieces are Rectangular Side Table with Cabriole Legs and Low Square Table with Stone Top .

  4. 膝关节必须指向运动的方向,不能向外,形成弯腿或被绊住。

    The stifle joints must point in the line of travel , not outward resulting in a bowlegged appearance nor hitching in under the dog .