
  • 网络bending stress;bend stress;Flexural stress
  1. 基于总成的重型汽车变速箱齿轮弯曲应力分析

    Bending stress analysis on gears of heavy duty automobile gear box based on assembly

  2. 在B处的单元体,弯曲应力为零。

    The bending stress is zero for the element at B.

  3. 基于ANSYS的斜齿面齿轮传动的弯曲应力分析

    Bending Stress Analysis of Helical Face-gear Drive based on ANSYS

  4. 基于ANSYS的滚齿直齿圆锥齿轮弯曲应力有限元分析

    Finite element analysis on the bending stress for roller spur bevel gear based on ANSYS

  5. 此式给出了至中性轴任意距离V处的弯曲应力值。

    The equation gives the value of the bending stress at any distance v from the neutral axis .

  6. 弯曲应力状态下Si3N4材料的力学特征

    Mechanical Properties of Si_3N_4 under Bending Stress

  7. 分析了V带在弯曲应力作用下楔角变化的规律,为使带楔面与轮槽更有效地接触,建立了V带带轮轮槽角与带轮基准直径的函数关系式。

    The variation law of the wedge angle of V belt with the effect of bending stress is analyzed in this article .

  8. 薄板Griffith裂纹弯曲应力强度因子KⅠKⅡ的简易计算

    The Simplified Computation for the Bending Stress Intensity Factors K _ ⅰ K_ ⅱ of Griffith Crack in Thin plate

  9. 利用有限元法,结合ANSYS分析软件,对棒形支柱瓷绝缘子的弯曲应力进行了模拟分析,研究了棒形支柱瓷绝缘子承载时的弯曲应力分布。

    The bending stress of solid core post insulator was analyzed by simulation using ANSYS , an finite element analysis ( FEA ) software package .

  10. 弯曲应力状况下微型BGA封装可靠性比较

    Comparative Research of Micro-BGA Reliability Under Bending Stress

  11. 用应力杂交法计算Reissner型板复合型弯曲应力强度因子

    The calculation of mixed stress intensity factors for reissner 's plate using hybrid method

  12. 以线性弯曲应力所组成的力偶,作用于杆两端的中心部分(图1a),使杆弯曲。

    Couples formed by linear bending stresses act at the ends of the middle portion of the bar to cause bending .

  13. 介绍了JH-2型轴流式搅拌桨叶面曲面的设计、桨叶根部弯曲应力的校核、功耗实验以及制造方面的内容。

    Presents the design , manufacture , intensity calculation and power-consuming experiment of JH-2 axial-flow stirrer .

  14. 研究了金属Al-Si复合不烧铝碳滑板材料的热态抗折强度、弯曲应力-应变关系和抗热震性,并利用XRD、SEM和EDAX对其物相组成和显微结构进行了分析。

    Hot modulus of rupture , bending stress-strain relationship and thermal shock resistance of Al-Si metal contained unfired Al_2O_3-C slide plate material were studied and phase composition and microstructure of the material were examined by XRD , SEM and EDAX .

  15. 应用这两个原理计算了二十多种载荷情形的薄板Griffith裂纹弯曲应力强度因子K1KⅡ,且列表给出了便于应用的公式。

    Applying these two principles , the bending stress intensity factors K_ ⅰ K_ (ⅱ) of the Griffith crack in thin plate for more than twenty loading conditions are computed and their general applicable formulas are also tabulated .

  16. 本文在Reissner型平板裂纹尖端位移场展开式基础上,采用高阶奇异元计算中厚板弯曲应力强度因子。

    In this paper , based on the asymptotic solution of the crack-tip displacement field for Reissner 's plate , a high-order special element is proposed to obtain the bending stress intensity factor .

  17. 首先通过模拟试验测得局部弯曲应力的分布规律,然后用MAS结构分析程序对计算模型进行了有限元分析,得出最大应力的计算图表和曲线。

    Firstly , distribution of local bending stress is obtained through analogical test . Afterwards , MAS program for structural analysis is used to make finite element analysis of the computational model . As a result , computational diagrams and curves of maximum stresses are plotted .

  18. 使用IDEAS软件分别计算了齿条刀具为普通圆弧形刀顶、椭圆形刀顶及单圆弧刀顶加工出的齿轮的齿根弯曲应力。

    The tooth bending stress of the gears cut by the cutters with ordinary circle arc cutter tip , the elliptic cutter tip and the single circle cutter tip are circulated by utilizing the large scale integrated Design Engineering Analysis software & I-DEAS ;

  19. 试件加工成20cm长的梁,并高度磨光其上表面,把它弯成向上凸,其最大弯曲应力宜为20bar或稍小一些。

    A test-piece is shaped into a beam of about 20 cm length and its upper surface is highly polished . The test-piece is bent convex upwards ; on that occasion one had better plan the maximum bending stress to be about 20 bar or less .

  20. 含内裂纹的圆柱体弯曲应力强度因子的一种情形

    A Case of Bending Stress-Intensity Factors of Cylinder with Internal Crack

  21. 给出了纯弯曲应力的精确解,并用欧拉法得到了位移的近似解。

    The approximate solution of displacement is obtained by Euler method .

  22. 文中并给出计算弯曲应力的近似公式。

    Approximate formulas for calculating the maximum bending stress are given .

  23. 大跨度悬索桥主缆弯曲应力试验研究

    Study on bending stress of main cable in long-span suspension bridge

  24. 板表面处的远场弯曲应力已被测出。

    The remote bending stress at the plate surface was measured .

  25. 基于分层滑移模型的斜拉索弯曲应力分析

    Based on Layered-Slipping Model for Bending Stress Analysis of Stay Cables

  26. 考虑弯曲应力的缠绕筒缠绕力计算方法

    Calculating method of winding force strip-winding cylinder taking account of bending stress

  27. 水工钢闸门轨道横截面弯曲应力分析

    Bending Stress of Cross-section in Track of Hydraulic Steel Gate

  28. 开体泥驳总纵弯曲应力计算

    The calculation of longitudinal bending stress on body-opening mud lighter

  29. 高铝砖高温弯曲应力-应变关系

    Bending stress-strain relationship of high alumina bricks at elevated temperatures

  30. 齿根过渡曲线弯曲应力的分析

    The tooth bending stress effected by various teeth base curves