
hú dù
  • radian;radian measure;circular measure
弧度 [hú dù]
  • [radian] 平面角的一种量度单位,其大小等于角所对的弧长被半径除的商,1弧度等于180=57.3

弧度[hú dù]
  1. 提出了椭圆弧弧度的定义,根据这一定义推出三次有理Bzier椭圆弧弧度不超过240°。

    A definition of elliptic arc radian is introduced . Under this definition , it is obtained that the radian of cubic rational B é zier elliptic arc is less than 240 degrees .

  2. 结论:MRI常规门控T1W成像可良好显示主动脉窦,弧度测量有助于窦腔评价;

    Conclusion : The sinus of Valsalva could be better shown on T1WI , and the measurements of radian were helpful to evaluate the condition of sinus .

  3. 你需要一个柔韧性好、能与你的颈椎弯曲弧度相吻合的枕头。

    You need a malleable pillow that will mould to the curves of your neck

  4. CNC系统中传统插补法的改进-弧度分割法

    Improve on traditional interpolated algorithm in CNC system & arc cutting method

  5. 颈深淋巴结转移癌与颈动脉粘连的CT诊断-应用多层螺旋CT再评价肿瘤包绕颈动脉弧度

    Re-evaluation of circumference in detection adherence of deep cervical lymph nodes metastasis to carotid artery with multi-slice CT

  6. c.脊柱侧弯,腰椎生理弧度消失,腰活动受限。

    Scoliosis , disappearance of lumbar physiology curve , limitation of lumber movement .

  7. 巴索母观察到水对硅烷处理的E玻璃接触角大约是1.2弧度。

    Basom observed the contact angle of water against silane-treated E glass to be about 1 . 2 rad .

  8. 用四种立体放射治疗技术对二靶区进行计算和比较:1.旋转治疗(ARC):似传统的直线加速器的旋转治疗,用3~4个弧度;

    The stereotactic techniques were compared for each target : 1 . Arc : 3 - 4 arcs as used in traditional linear radiotherapy .

  9. 利用瞄准误差模型,分析得出典型情况下星间光通信PI精度要求达到亚微弧度量级。

    By using the pointing error model , the conclusion was derived that the SOC links required the PI to be the sub-microradian .

  10. S90同样配备了“T”字型LED大灯——取意于挪威神话中的“雷神之锤”,其格栅由23根呈现弧度的钢栏组成。

    The S90 has the same , T-shaped LED headlights - a nod to Thor 's hammer from Norse mythology - and a grille made of 23 rods of curved iron .

  11. 三星自己的曲面设备GALAXYRound为横向弯曲,且弯曲弧度固定,在向柔性设备的逐渐演化中迈出了较早的一步。

    Samsung 's own curved device , the Round , curves horizontally and is in a fixed position , making it an early step in the gradual evolution flexible devices .

  12. 根据短道速滑冰刀的特点提出了用G1连续圆弧样条拟合短道速滑冰刀弧度曲线,以此建立短道速滑冰刀刃磨的数学模型。

    A thought of grinding the blade curve of skates for short track speed skating with G1 continuous arc splines is presented according to the skates blade properties .

  13. CPhase(0.01,x)在复平面内使1>分量的相位转过了百分之一弧度。

    CPhase ( 0.01 , x ) rotates the phase of the | 1 > component by one one-hundredth of a radian in the complex plane .

  14. 本文从理论上对球面波照明弱位相光栅时的自成像现象进行了研究,发现当相对位相分布(x)<<1弧度时,位相光栅也存在自成像现象。

    In this paper , a discussion is held on the self-images of weak phase grating , illuminated by spherical waves . It has been found that self-image phenomenon exists , too , with the phase grating when the relative phase distribution is much smaller than one radian .

  15. 结论SF内固定能恢复脊柱生理弧度和椎体高度,利于神经功能的恢复,是治疗胸腰椎骨折有效的方法之一。

    Conclusion SF pedicle internal fixators can be used to improve spinal physiological curve and vertebral height , and enhance neurological functional recovery and fracture healing , which is simple and effective in treatment of thoracolumbar fracture .

  16. Blackburn教授的公式通过对车的弧度和转角能力画圈,利用圆心来设置一个直角三角形。

    Blackburn 's formula does this by sketching the arc of your car 's turning capability into a full circle , then using the center of the circle to create the right-angle triangles Pythagoras loved .

  17. 结果:患者术后JOA评分较术前明显增高(P0.05);所有病例术后脊髓功能或神经症状均得到了改善,手术前后颈椎弧度有显著的性差异。

    Results : Comparing with the pre-operation , JOA score of patients after surgery improved significantly ,( P 0.05 ); all cases of postoperative spinal cord function or neurological symptoms were improved and the preoperative and postoperative cervical curvature showed significant differences .

  18. 你们的课不是R.Bryant的,这个弧度,是这里的弱点。

    Your lecture is not R.Bryant and the arc , this is gonna be the weak point here .

  19. 多数情况下是使用双精度值,并且角度是用弧度来度量的(而不是Arc2D类中使用的度)。

    Mostly double-precision values are used , and angles are measured in radians ( not degrees as used by the Arc2D class ) .

  20. 在基于直线测量、弧度测量、角度测量和比例测量等基础上,提出了一种将Farkas测量法与三维激光测量法相结合的颌面三维测量技术。

    Based on line measurement , radian measurement , angle measurement and proportion measurement , a new method , which combines both Farkas and three-dimensional laser measurement , is presented for three-dimensional facial measurement .

  21. 车身前三分之一的设计严重受制于一些因素:比如V8发动机尺寸、行人安全要求造成的发动机顶盖高度、通风与制冷要求、捷豹格栅设计风格(即单一大弧度线条的视觉形象down-the-roadgraphic)等。

    The design of the front third of the car was heavily constrained by factors such as the size of the V-8 engine ; hood height driven by pedestrian safety requirements ; ventilation and cooling requirements ; and accommodating Jaguar 's grille design , the down-the-road graphic .

  22. 多弧度不规则曲线结构施工技术

    Construction Technique for Multi - Radian and Irregular - Curve Structure

  23. 纳弧度分辨力角位移传感器及平均灵敏度标定

    Angular displacement sensor with nano-radian resolution and calibration techniques of mean sensitivity

  24. 函数的作用是:将角度转换为弧度。

    The deg2rad () function converts a degree to its radian number .

  25. 当输入以度数表达的数值表达式时,返回弧度

    Returns radians when a numeric expression , in degrees , is entered

  26. 实验表明,图像旋转过程中允许的最大倾斜角度为0.002弧度;

    The maximum tilt angle of the image is0.002 radian ;

  27. 给定以弧度表示的角度,返回相应的以度数表示的角度

    Given an angle in radians , returns the corresponding angle in degrees

  28. 它具有弧度的外形也与机场高速路入口弯道很雅致地相互呼应。

    Its curved shape responds gracefully to the curved expressway entrance ramp .

  29. 超卓的弧度,精绝的装饰,战争的艺术品!

    Excellent radian , beautiful decoration , the artwork of the war !

  30. 这就是我们在数学里用弧度表示角度的原因。

    That 's the reason why we always used radians in math .