
hú jūn shǔ
  • Vibrio
  1. 6株噬菌体与属内的亲水和温和气单胞菌的交叉裂解率分别为54.29%和17.31%,但对属外的弧菌属和肠杆菌科常见菌的裂解率较低。

    Cross lysis rates of 6 phages to Aeromonas hydrophila and Aero-monas sobria were 54 . 29 % and 17 . 1 % respectively . Cross lysis phenomenon of these phages wasn 't found to bacterium Vibrio and Enterobacteriaceae .

  2. 其中弧菌属(Vibrio)的细菌种有37种以上。

    And there are more than 37 species belong to Vibrio .

  3. 用常规生理生化方法将细菌鉴定到属,其中3株为弧菌属细菌(Vibriospp.)

    By the traditional physical and chemical methods , 3 of these strains were identified as Vibrio spp .

  4. 该菌株初步鉴定为脱硫弧菌属(Desulfovibrio)细菌。

    This sulfate-reducing bacteria belongs to Desulfovibrio .

  5. 7个活性菌株鉴定为脱硫弧菌属(genusDesulfovibrio)。

    Seven active strains were identified to belong to genus Desulfovibrio .

  6. 弧菌属30株,检出率3.6%;

    30 Vibrio , detectable rate 3.6 % ;

  7. 由弧菌属类细菌引起的。

    Caused by bacteria of the genus Vibrio .

  8. 养鱼稻田检测出10个属的异养细菌,优势种为弧菌属、气单胞菌属和芽胞杆菌属。

    10 genera in the fish-rice ecosystem were found and the dominant groups were Vibrion , Aeromonas and Bacillus .

  9. 在许多弧菌属的细菌中,溶血素是一种重要的毒力因子,但是关于鳗弧菌的溶血素的研究还很不充分。

    Hemolysin is an important virulence factor in many species of genus vibrio , but theprevious study on hemolysin from v.anguillarum was not adequately .

  10. 沙门氏菌属、弧菌属和气单孢菌属对氨苄青霉素的敏感率也很低,分别为43%、32.6%和24.4%。

    ; Salmonella , Vibrios and Aeromonas against Ampicillin are also vory low , i.e. 43 % , 32.6 % and 24.4 % respectively .

  11. 因此,突破传统的纯培养技术限制,在分子水平上研究环境样品中弧菌属的组成和弧菌菌群动态变化对于水产养殖安全和食品安全有着重要意义。

    Consequently , it is significant in mariculture and food safeties to analyse the community structure and kinetics of Vibrio genus in environmental samples by molecular techniques .

  12. 结果表明,志贺氏菌属,沙门氏菌属、弧菌属和病原性大肠杆菌对诺氟沙星和依诺沙星的敏感率分别为97%和96.8%;

    Results suggested that the susceptibility rates of Shigella , Salmonella , Vibrios and pathogenic E. colt against Norfloxacin , Enoxacin are 97 % and 96.8 % respectively ;

  13. 采用编码技术对医学常见的弧菌属、气单胞菌属及邻单胞菌属的12个菌种进行编码,建立了7位数编码鉴定法。

    Using coding technique , 12 species of Vibrio , Aeromonas and Plesiomonas which are common in medicine have been codinged , A7 digit coding identify method has been made up and 208 strains of standard funguses have been determined .

  14. 此4株菌革兰氏染色阴性,具1根极生鞭毛,氧化酶反应阳性,发酵葡萄糖,不产气,不发酵肌醇,对0/129试剂敏感,为弧菌属种类;

    And the morphologic and biochemical tests showed that those strains were all Gram negative , with one flagella , oxidase positive , glucose fermentation positive , inositol negative , sensitive to 0 / 129 reagent ( 150 μ g ) .

  15. 与此同时,随着土地越发干旱,更多的尘土将被吹入海洋,激发危险的细菌生长——自1996年后由弧菌属细菌致毒的海产品已经在85%以上。

    Meanwhile , as the Earth gets drier , more dust will be blown into the ocean , spurring the growth of dangerous bacteria - poisoning caused by bacteria of the genus Vibrio in seafood is already up 85 percent since 1996 .

  16. 经除菌底栖微藻的作用,0.8μm滤膜过滤后水样中的异养细菌组成发生了变化,原水样中的弧菌属和发光杆菌属细菌不再被检出,弧菌数量更是降至5cfu/cm2或以下;

    After processed by 4 strains of benthic microalgae , constitutes of heterotrophic bacteria in 3 samples of seawater filtered with 0.8 μ m filter membrane changed , bacteria of Vibrio and Photobacterium could not be dominant , vibrios were ≤ 5cfu / cm2 according to TCBS plate culture results .

  17. 利用LAMP法检测哈维氏弧菌在国内尚属首次报道。

    Using LAMP amplication to detect Vibrio harveyi is the first report in China .

  18. 弧菌科3个属,10个种1196株菌,属鉴定符合率为98.36%,种鉴定符合率为97.83%。

    In 3 genera , 10 species and 1196 strains of vibrionaceae , the genera identification respondent rate was 98.36 % , the species identification respondent rate was 97.83 % .

  19. 拟态弧菌(Vibriomimicus)是弧菌属常见的病原菌之一,广泛分布于自然水域和水产动物体内。

    Vibrio mimicus is one of the common pathogenic bacteria of vibrio genus , and it distributes widely in natural waters and bodies of aquatic animals .

  20. 检测致病性副溶血弧菌为阳性,非致病性副溶血弧菌属呈阴性。

    V.parahaemolyticus was positive in pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus , while non-pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus was negative .