
  • 网络jian;chang chien
  1. 张謇经济思想与实践浅析

    A Tentative Analysis on Zhang Jian 's Economic Thoughts and Practice

  2. 张謇与晚清社会变迁

    Zhang Jian and the Social Vicissitude of the Late Qing Dynasty

  3. 张謇的法律意识与经济立法实践

    Zhang Jian 's Law Awareness and His Practice of Economic Legislations

  4. 近代着名的实业家张謇就是南通人。

    The famed modern-time industrialist Zhang Jian was born in Nantong .

  5. 张謇与当代中国民营企业家的素质

    Zhang Jian and the Qualities of Modern Private Entrepreneurs in China

  6. 张謇近代高等教育思想形成初探

    On the formation of Zhang Jian 's thoughts of modern higher education

  7. 张謇庚子年间东南意识略议

    ZHANG Jian 's Consciousness of Southeast China in the Year of 1900

  8. 张謇推行股份制的历史贡献

    Zhang Jian 's Contribution to the Practice of Joint - Stock System

  9. 张謇开发南通文化产业的尝试

    Zhang Jian 's Attempt In Developing Nantong 's Cultural Industry

  10. 张謇与中韩文化交流

    Zhang Jian and the Cultural Exchange between China and Korea

  11. 张謇的文化观与企业管理思想

    Zhang Jian 's Cultural View and Thought of Business Management

  12. 张謇职业教育思想研究的回顾与展望

    Review and Prospects of Research on ZHANG Jian 's Thoughts on Vocational Education

  13. 张謇慈善思想探析

    A Probe into Zhang Jian ′ s Charitable Thoughts

  14. 张謇五篇文章写作时间考证

    Textual Research of the Time of Zhang Jian 's Writing of Five Articles

  15. 张謇的区域发展观与南通模式的兴衰

    Zhang-jian 's Region Developing Idea And " Nantong Model " Success And Decline

  16. 张謇及其南通现代化模式的失败原因

    An Analysis of the Failure of Zhang Jian and His Nantong Modern Mode

  17. 张謇的警政思想及其实践

    Zhang Jian 's Thoughts on Police and Relevant Practice

  18. 张謇与南通中国近代第一城

    Zhang Jian and NanTong & The First City of Modern Times in China

  19. 张謇的教育管理思想

    On Zhang Jian 's concept of educational administration

  20. 张謇的创新精神及其对当代南通工业的借鉴意义

    The Enterprising Spirit of Zhang Jian and Its Significance to Modern Industry of Nantong

  21. 张謇构建的近代南通社会保障体系

    Zhang jian 's Social Security System in Nantong

  22. 张謇开创中国近代世博会事业的实践

    On Zhang Jian 's Practice and Contribution to Modern China 's World Exposition Cause

  23. 张謇的教育思想十分丰富,并且具有鲜明的时代特点。

    Zhang Jian 's ideology on education was rich with strong characteristics of times .

  24. 张謇与清末民初南通的慈善事业

    Zhang Jian and the Charities of Nantong

  25. 张謇的宏观实业思想研究

    Research on Zhang Jian 's Macro-enterprise Thought

  26. 张謇构建中国近代第一城之擘画与实践

    Zhang Jians Great Construction and Practice of the First Street of China in Modern Times

  27. 张謇是著名的实业家和教育家,中国现代化的伟大先驱。

    Zhang Jian is a renowned industrialist , educationist and the pioneer of Chinese modernization .

  28. 张謇与江苏谘议局

    Zhang Jian and the Jiangsu Provincial Assembly

  29. 张謇与近代博览事业

    Zhang Jian and Chinese Modern Exposition Career

  30. 张謇实业思想的重商主义性

    Mercantilism in Zhang Jian 's Industrial Thought