
yì sù shēnɡ zhǎnɡ
  • heterogenic growth;heterogony;heterogonic growth;allometric growth
  1. Beckmann城市体系异速生长模型的理论基础与实证分析

    Derivations of Beckmann 's Allometric Growth Equation from Beckmann ′ s Class-Size Model of City Hierarchies

  2. 异速生长定律与城市郊区化的分维刻画

    The law of allometric growth and theoretical foundation of several suburbanization models

  3. 异速生长分析表明,当硝态氮和铵态氮比例为75∶25和25∶75时,C分配偏向于根系,而其他处理C分配则偏向地上部分。

    The results of allometric analyses of seeding showed that when nitrate to ammonium were 75 ∶ 25 and 25 ∶ 75 , biomass were allocated into roots , and others were allocated above-ground .

  4. 雅南猪是优良地方猪种之一。应用Logistic生长模型Gompertz生长模型和异速生长方程对雅南猪整体的生长、组织与器官的生长进行了研究。

    Yanan Pig is one of the superior regional pig varieties , Three mathematical models of logistic , gompertz and allometry model are used to study the growth of whole-body , tissues and organs of Yanan Pig .

  5. 以人口规模作变量,运用城镇体系的异速生长模型和Zipf维数模型,分析了1984~2001年湖州市城镇体系时空结构的生长状态。

    This paper analyses the construction growth state of the urban system of Huzhou city from 1984 ~ 2001 by means of the allometry growth model and Zipf dimension index model .

  6. 异速生长关系在陆地生态系统生物量估测中的应用

    The Application of Allometric Relationships in Biomass Estimation in Terrestrial Ecosystems

  7. 在体组成之间数量关系的描述上,主要采用了异速生长公式。

    Ailoinetric equations are used to describe the relationship among body compositions .

  8. 太行山猕猴颅骨变量的异速生长研究

    Study on pelvic variables of Macaca mulatta in Taihang Mountains

  9. 长春地区城镇体系时空关联的异速生长分析:1949~1988

    An allometric analysis of the Changchun system of towns : 1949 & 1988

  10. 城市密度分布与异速生长定律的空间复杂性探讨

    The spatial complexity of the law of allometric growth and urban population density

  11. 异速生长的一个例外就是脂肪。

    The one exception to allometric relationships is fat .

  12. 云南松异速生长现象的初步研究

    Preliminary study on allometry phenomenon of Pinus yunnanensis

  13. 修正后的城市系统异速生长方程实证研究&以大连市为例

    Modification of Urban Allometric Growth and Cobb-Douglas Function : & A Case of Dalian

  14. 增强紫外-B对反枝苋的形态、生理及异速生长的影响

    Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on morphology , physiology and allometry of Amaranthus retroflexus

  15. 太行山猕猴第Ⅶ颈椎变量的异速生长分析

    Allometric Analyses of Variable of the Seventh Cervical Vertebra on Rhesus Macaques in Taihang Mountains

  16. 太行山猕猴掌骨和跖骨重量与颅长的异速生长分析掌跖角化牙周病综合征

    Allometric Analysis on the Weight of Metacarpals and Metatarsals of Macaca mulatta in Taihang Mountains

  17. 植物的异速生长关系及其变化有助于了解植物的适应性响应。

    Plant allometric relationships and their changes contributed to understand the adaptive response of the plant .

  18. 太行山猕猴肩胛骨和肱骨变量相关与异速生长分析

    Analysis on Sexual Dimorphism of the Scapula and Humerus Variables of Macaca mulatta in Taihang mountains

  19. 区域城市人口面积异速生长关系的分形几何模型对Nordbeck-Dutton城市体系异速生长关系的理论修正与发展

    Studies on the Fractal Geometric Model of Allometric Growth Relationships between Area and Population of Urban Systems

  20. 以肱骨最大长为参照,对其变量进行了异速生长分析。

    Allometric analyses of atlas and axis variables were made in contrast with the maximum length of humerus .

  21. 经异速生长分析表明,小肠和肝属早熟的器官,大肠属晚熟的器官,其它属中等早熟的器官。

    The analysis of allometric growth showed small intestine and liver were earlier-maturing than others , large intestine was later-maturing organ .

  22. 然后采用异速生长模型,对千粒重与经济系数之间的关系和小穗数与株高的关系进行模拟分析。

    We then imitating analyzed the relationships between ① 1000-grain weight and economic coefficient and ② spikelet and plant height used allometry model .

  23. 最近,关于异速生长模型的讨论再次成为焦点,讨论热点为异速生长指数的取值及其理论解释。

    Recently , the discussion on allometric model becomes a hotspot again , with the focus on the scaling exponent and theoretical explanation .

  24. 本文根据地理意义和数学意义,对经典的城市人口-面积异速生长模型进行扩展,推导出城乡人口-面积统一模型。

    Basing on geographical sense and mathematical sense , this paper extends the model of allometric growth of urban population-area study , works out model of rural and urban population-area .

  25. 3个生境刺五加种群的叶、茎与分株的相对增重均具有相同的幂函数异速生长规律。

    There was the same regulation of heterogeneous speed growth in the relative weight increase of the leaves , stems and ramets of the population under the three habitat conditions .

  26. 1977~1993年前后为异速生长的正幂律时期,城市化处于初升段;

    The second stage , from 1977 to 1993 , is positive allometric growth , during which the urbanization course is normalized and the level of urbanization of Henan ascended sustainedly ;

  27. 以肱骨最大长为参照,对成年太行山猕猴第Ⅶ颈椎变量进行了异速生长分析。

    Allometric analyses of variable of the seventh cervical vertebra on adult rhesus macaques ( Macaca mulatta tcheliensis ) in Taihang mountains have been made in contrast with maximum length of humerus .

  28. 结果表明观测值和预估值之间的相关系数除了节间截面积和针叶生物量外均大于0.85,说明上述异速生长关系的相关关系非常显著。

    The results showed that the correlation coefficient between predicted and observed values is more than 0.85 except the case between sectional area and needle biomass , and the correlation is statistically significant .

  29. 胴长是表征外部形态的变化的最为显著因子,茎柔鱼外部形态各组织间为异速生长,不同海区之间生长模式存在差异。

    Mantle length is the most significant factor of charactering changes of the external form . The External morphology of squid organizations grows at different speed , and the growth pattern is different in different sea areas .

  30. 1994年以后为异速生长的负幂律时期,乡村人口开始负增长,城市化进入加速阶段。

    The third stage , from 1994 up to now , is negative allometric growth , during which the urbanization is quickened , and the dynamic model of allometric growth of urban-rural population changed from positive power law .