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  • asynchronism
  1. 通过把存储与信息的物理移动结合起来,它获得了必要的异步性和一致性。

    It achieves the necessary asynchronism and persistence by combining storage with the physical movement of information .

  2. 在通信过程中,使用了邮箱和通信服务器,实现了系统通信的异步性。

    In the process of communication , mailbox and communication server are used to implement the asynchronism of communication system .

  3. 作为增强企业特性的代价,您牺牲了简单性,客户机占用空间(clientfootprint)也不再像以前那么小了,而且也没有了异步性。

    In exchange for enhanced enterprise features , you sacrifice simplicity , a small client footprint , and asynchrony .

  4. 否则,agents的异步性将意味着无法确保所发送的函数是否已得到应用。

    Otherwise the asynchronous nature of agents would mean that you cannot be sure if the function sent has been applied to it .

  5. 第一个版本演示了交互操作,而第二个版本隐藏了Web页面上的按钮和内部的工作过程,以此来展示交互性和异步性。

    The first demonstrates the workings of the interactions , while the second version hides the buttons and inner workings of the Web page to show the interactivity and asynchrony .

  6. 由于Ajax天生就具有异步性,因此GWT定义了一个异步接口来访问远程服务。

    Because Ajax is inherently asynchronous , GWT defines an asynchronous interface for accessing remote services .

  7. 针对CORBA传统调用技术在异步性方面的不足,研究了回调和轮询两种异步调用模型。

    To solve the shortage of asynchronism in CORBA traditional invoke technology , this paper studys the two asynchronous invoke model : callback and polling .

  8. 异步性是使用像JMS这样的企业消息传递技术的主要优势之一,而且,在取得这一优势的同时它并没有失去什么。

    Asynchrony is one of the major advantages of using an enterprise messaging technology like JMS , and losing it is no small thing .

  9. 其中,PTP模式把队列作为中介存储,使通信具有同步性或异步性;

    In PTP mode , queues are the intermediate storage which ensures the communication synchronic or asynchronous .

  10. 在P2PVOD中,观看同一部影片的不同用户之间,影片播放位置可能存在较大差异,这种播放异步性给节点间资源的分享带来巨大的挑战。

    In the P2P VoD , there is a great playback difference among the users who watch the same movie . This difference challenges peers to share their resources .

  11. 基于P2P技术的下载系统和直播系统已经比较成熟,由于点播系统的高度交互性和播放异步性增加了系统实现难度。

    The download system broadcasting system based on P2P technology have been developed , because of the interaction and broadcast asynchronous , the implementation of the broadcast system on demand has been increased .

  12. 由于adhoc网络中信息的分布性、动态性、随机性和异步性与蚂蚁算法非常相似,从而启发人们将蚂蚁算法应用于解决adhoc网络路由问题。

    Since the distribution , trend nature , randomness and asynchrony are similar to ACO algorithm in Ad Hoc network , enlighten people apply the ACO algorithm to resolve the Ad Hoc network route problem thereby .

  13. 异步性(Asynchronicity)&如果一个方法,由它得到的架构不假定模块调用将被立即响应,那么该方法就满足异步性。

    Asynchronicity-A method satisfies Asynchronicity if it yields architectures that do not assume an immediate response from a module invocation .

  14. 并行梯度算法具有在结构上的分散性和通讯上的异步性的特点。

    The algorithm is decentralized in structure and asynchronous in communication .

  15. 此外,普适计算环境还具有固有的异步性。

    Moreover , there is intrinsic asynchrony in the pervasive computing environment .

  16. 再有,您很好地使用异步性了吗?

    And do you make good use of asynchrony ?

  17. 全球化进程中的发展中国家社会发展的异步性

    The Unbalance of Social Development in Developing Countries in the Process of Globalization

  18. 该系统有良好的可靠性,异步性,开放性,跨平台性。

    This system haves good reliability , synchronism , open and inter - platform .

  19. 双模型语音识别中的听视觉合成和模型同步异步性实验研究

    Experimental Research on Audio Visual Fusion and on Model Asynchrony for Raising Speech Recognition Rate

  20. 到目前为止,还不能明显看出这个简单的搜索框中哪里存在异步性。

    It 's actually not readily apparent where the asynchrony happens in this simple search box .

  21. 而且,所涉及的系统之间的很多交互都实现了具有异步性本质的工作流。

    Moreover , many of the interactions between the involved systems are implementing workflows that are asynchronous in nature .

  22. 本研究力求实现一个实时性与异步性相结合、适用性与生成性相结合的网络资源。

    This study seeks to implement a real-time and asynchronous combining , combining fitness and generation of network resources .

  23. 还有一个同等重要的方面认识到的人不多:异步性可以从根本上降低基础设施的成本。

    Equally as important , but less often appreciated , is the fact that asynchrony can substantially reduce infrastructure cost .

  24. 异步性允许对等样式的通信,但它也不排除常规的客户机/服务器通信。

    Asynchronicity allows for peer-to-peer style communication , but it doesn 't rule out conventional client / server communication either .

  25. 如果选择这种方法,则必须清楚或考虑复制本身的异步性。

    You must be aware of or account for the asynchronous nature of replication if this is your chosen method .

  26. 在性能和速度无关紧要的情况下,有一种非常容易且具有异步性的应用集成方式:基于邮件的集成。

    A very easy and asynchronous way to integrate applications where performance and speed aren 't an issue is a Mail based integration approach .

  27. 网格环境下软硬设施的异构性、通信的异步性以及协同工作的特点使得基于事件的交互成为虚拟组织成员交互的自然抽象。

    The heterogeneous , asynchronous and collaborative aspects of grid environment make event-based interaction become a nature abstraction of interaction among members of virtual organization .

  28. 不幸的是,这对许多交互模式而言不够好,因为它排除了象异步性、有状态的交互和对等通信这样的情况。

    Unfortunately , this isn 't good enough for many interaction schemes , as it precludes things like asynchrony , stateful interaction , and peer-to-peer communication .

  29. 网络协议具有空间分布性、并发性和异步性,这些特性对网络协议的开发质量带来了巨大挑战。

    The features of network protocols , such as distributed , concurrency and asynchronous , have brought a great challenge to the quality of the network protocol development .

  30. 具体而言,本文的主要贡献包括:首先,本文引入逻辑时钟来应对普适计算环境的异步性。

    More specifically , the main contribution of this work is three-fold . First , logical time is adopted to cope with the asynchrony of pervasive computing environments .