
dǐ yùn
  • details;inside information;the reality beneath the surface
底蕴 [dǐ yùn]
  • [inside information;details] 内情,事情的具体内容

  • 同见底蕴。--《宋史.范祖禹传》

  • 不知其中底蕴

  1. 德国政治教育有深厚的传统和底蕴,其政治教育的概念与内涵与德语政治(Politik)的语源及德国古典人文主义Bildung教育观有深刻的渊源。

    Political education ( Politische Bildung ) of Germany has profound tradition and details , its concept and connotation have close relationship with the derivation of german " Politik " and the " Bildung " conception of classical humanism .

  2. 韩国有着深厚的儒家文化底蕴。

    The Repubic of Korea has the Confucian culture details profoundly .

  3. 威尼斯是一座具有深厚文化和历史底蕴的美丽城市。

    Venice is a beautiful city full of culture and history .

  4. 论英汉词语的文化底蕴制约&从WhiteElephant的释义谈起

    On Constraints of Cultural Spirits of E-C Words : From the Angle of White Elephant

  5. 中和之美的人文底蕴及其现代意义

    Beauty of Neutralization and Harmony : Humanistic Connotation and Modern Significance

  6. 论哈代小说的历史文化底蕴

    On the Historical and Cultural Connotation of Thomas Hardy 's Novels

  7. 论中国传统艺术与设计的和文化底蕴

    On Harmony Cultural Inside Information of Chinese Traditional Art and Design

  8. 中国画是中华民族艺术的瑰宝,有着深刻的文化底蕴。

    Chinese painting is the treasure of the Chinese nation art .

  9. 试论我国生态文明建设之哲学底蕴

    On Philosophical Implication of the Building of Ecological Civilization in China

  10. 源远流长的中医文化,有着深厚的文化底蕴。

    Ancient Chinese medicine culture , with deep cultural inside information .

  11. 第二部分,阐述了生命教育的文化底蕴。

    The second part describes the culture deposits of life education .

  12. 黄山不仅自然景观奇特,而且文化底蕴深厚。

    Huangshan is not only peculiar natural landscape and cultural heritage .

  13. 湖南是一个文化资源大省,悠久的历史造就了深厚的文化底蕴。

    Hunan is rich of culture resources with its long history .

  14. 小康社会是一个蕴含丰富文化底蕴、与时俱进的中国式概念。

    A well off society is a Chinese concept with rich culture .

  15. 绚丽多彩的颜色词有着深刻的文化内涵和思想底蕴。

    Gorgeous colorful words contain some profound connotations and ideological inside information .

  16. 鲁西北民间绝技的文化底蕴

    On the Cultural Context of the Folk Stunt in Northwest of Shandong

  17. 多媒体教学有助于培养宽厚知识底蕴、创新愿望和创新思维。

    Multimedia teaching is helpful to cultivating innovative desire and innovative thinking .

  18. 欧洲户外广告的底蕴是文化刘宏姝。

    Culture is the details of out-door advertising in europe .

  19. 建设学校文化,积淀深厚的文化底蕴。

    We should build school culture and store up deep culture details .

  20. 我国民族传统体育具有深厚的历史文化底蕴。

    China traditional sports culture has a deep historical and cultural foundation .

  21. 可持续发展观有着深刻的道德底蕴。

    The view of sustainable development contains profound moral implication .

  22. 调解制度的文化底蕴及其当代转型

    On the Cultural Background and Modern Transformation of the System of Mediation

  23. 品牌名称的音译需迎合译入语民族的文化底蕴

    On transliterating brands by meeting the cultural connotation of the target-language-speaking nation

  24. 第三是毫无文化底蕴,又自以为是的孩子。

    Third is without any culture detail , bumptious child .

  25. 中国近现代音乐创作和文化底蕴的历史观照

    Historical Observation on Modern Chinese Musical Creation and Cultural Depth

  26. 城市形象之建筑文化底蕴的构建

    Construction of the cultural inside information of urban architecture

  27. 一名合格的导游员还应当具备广播的文化知道底蕴。

    A qualified guides should also know that with the cultural foundation broadcasting .

  28. 法治文化:都市法治化的深层底蕴&关于上海都市法治文化的理论思考

    Legal Culture & Deep Inside Information in Urban Legalization

  29. 《兰亭诗》《序》的思想底蕴及文学价值

    Ideological Details and Literary Value of Poems Written Around Orchid Pavilion and Preface

  30. 秀山花灯民俗艺术的文化底蕴及其传承发展

    Cultural basis of the folk art-Xiushan Festival Lantern and its inheritance and development