
  • 网络Underlying development;Driver&HAL
  1. 基于DSP的故障录波测距装置的底层开发

    Base part development of distance measurement device for fault recorder based on DSP

  2. 在系统开发,特别是操作系统、底层开发中,C语言的效率是其他编程语言难以企及的。

    In systems development , especially operating systems , the underlying development , C language , the efficiency of other programming languages are difficult to match the .

  3. 本文的主要工作包括FPGA电路板设计和FPGA的底层开发设计。

    The main work of this paper lies in the design of PCB with FPGA and underlying development of FPGA .

  4. Windows系统下的多媒体软件底层开发,包括音、视频的捕获、压缩、解压和回放。

    The multimedia underlying software developments including sound and video stream capture , compression and decompression and playback of the stream in windows system .

  5. 在数字村镇增量更新系统的基础上,采用Visualc++2005底层开发,对本文的理论和算法进行了验证。

    Verified theory and algorithm of the thesis based on the " Digital Village Incremental Update System " using Visual C + + 2005 kernel development technology .

  6. 本文研究组件技术与GIS融合而产生的组件式GIS的特点和开发方法,提出了从底层开发适合综合布线管理系统的GIS组件。

    The paper studies the characteristic and development methods of Components GIS , and one component that adapts to GCS management is developed from the bottom .

  7. 该报文接收器为Profibus报文分析和底层开发的实现奠定了良好的基础。

    Such a datagram receiver makes good groundwork for the Profibus low level development .

  8. 将上述的研究成果加以整合,并采用面向对象开发工具Visualc++6.0和符合工业标准的开放式图形库OpenGL相结合从底层开发了地形建模及可视化分析工具。

    The research results above integrated , the kit of terrain modeling and analysis visually has been developed in junction with Visual C + + 6.0 and OpenGL .

  9. RTI的底层开发环境

    Basic Developing Environment of RTI

  10. 论文合理架构模块软件结构,从底层开发,同时将OpenGL三维图形程序设计接口集成在模块中,实现了各种钣金构件的动态显示。

    The CAD module 's software structure is constructed reasonably , and OpenGL graphics standard is integrated in it , realizing dynamic display of sheet metal .

  11. 在对目前矢量图形系统开发现状研究的基础上,本文提出了基于VC++从底层开发GIS矢量图形系统的方案。

    In this paper , the solution that developing a GIS vector graphic system from the bottom using VC + + is brought forward On the basis of study for the current status of the development of vector graphic system .

  12. C语言优化编译器是借助于微机上的Intel80386C语言编译器为研制平台,采用交叉编译的方法设计实现的,它是我国自行设计的第一个从底层开发实现的巨型机C语言编译器。

    The YH 2 C optimization compiler has been designed and realized by taking microcomputer 's Intel 80386 C compiler as the research and design platform and using the cross compiling method . It is the first supercomputer C compiler designed from bottom layer in our country .

  13. 本文从红外成像系统基本原理出发,利用开源的Ogre渲染引擎实现了一个实时三维红外场景仿真框架,解决了底层开发工作量较大和仿真平台无法获取红外模块算法等问题。

    Based on the principles of infrared imaging system , a 3D real-time infrared simulation framework is implemented with Ogre rendering engine in this paper .

  14. 很多公司都有自己的“新产品导入(NPDI)”流程,但这类流程没有太大的必要深入到具体的底层开发。

    Lots of companies have processes and procedures for NPDI and the like but that equivalent doesn 't necessarily have to be brought down to the lower levels of product development .

  15. 角变形测量系统中的时统部件底层开发与设计

    Development of the Time - code Generator for Angular Distortion Measuring System

  16. 原有的仅凭系统设计人员由底层开发的系统控制软件的日常维护、功能改善和更新也变得越来越困难。

    The old control software which are developed from bottom layer is becoming difficult in maintenance , improving and replacement .

  17. 基于前面的研究从底层开发了一套实验型地理网络分析系统。

    Based on the achievements above , the experimental system for geographic network analysis the on PC platform is developed .

  18. 实验结果证明该算法简单、高效和实用,从底层开发的三维建模软件可提供相关矿山用户应用。

    The results prove that those algorithms are simple , high-efficient , and useful for developing 3D modeling software of mine .

  19. 这种底层开发方案主要用于规范、简单的建筑场景的绘制。

    This kind of design is based on vertices and polygons , which is mainly used in the design of simple and small architecture .

  20. 在以往研究的基础上,以VC++底层开发的方式实现了流场、流线、含沙量场、河床(海床)变形等动态制作和显示;

    Based on previous research , the dynamic visualization for velocity field , flow streamline , sediment content , river bed ( or sea bed ) deformation etc.

  21. 以VC++为开发工具,直接从底层开发,仿真加工环境、数控程序的解释与翻译和三维实体加工过程。

    Developed with VC + + from the understratum directly , the system is used to simulate machining environment , error check and translation of NC program , machining process of 3D-solid .

  22. 该节点设计对实验台总线其他节点给出参考范例,为整车的CAN总线底层开发和上层控制策略提供有力的支持。

    The node design provides a reference modal to other nodes design of the experimental platform , it also gives a strong for the whole vehicle 's CAN Bus bottom-layer development and top-layer control strategy .

  23. 一方面,在设计用户界面设计底层开发模块时使用逻辑主键,方便代码的实现;另一方面,系统能适应业务数据的变化,便于系统升级。

    On one hand , use the logical primary key in user interface in order to realize the function of code ; on the other hand , system can adapt to changes in business data in order to upgrade system .

  24. 在传统的Web开发中,界面开发与底层逻辑开发分工不清,代码质量较差。

    In traditional Web development , the division of developer between Interface development and the underlying logic development is not so clearly that the quality of code is poor .

  25. 为了提高软件的适用性和扩展性,软件制作过程中尽量选用工业标准技术和具有广泛适用性的技术:以Windows为平台,以Visualc++为开发工具,从底层自主开发;

    To raise the applicability and development of the software , the industrial standard technique and that has extensive applicability is chose as far as possible in course of software development : develop independently from bottom layer with Windows as platform , and Visual C + + as development tool ;

  26. 厦门KT信息技术有限公司创建于1999年。是一家注册资金2500万元,以3S(地理信息系统GIS、遥感RS、全球定位系统GPS)底层技术开发与集成应用为核心业务的民营IT企业。

    Xiamen KT Information Technology Co. , Ltd was founded in 1999 , registration capital 25 million RMB , is a private IT enterprise with " 3S " ( GIS , RS , GPS ) software technology development and integration application as its core business .

  27. MMB功能块的重用性,实现了软件复用,对于控制一个特定的工程,实现不再是从底层的开发,而是在已经开发好的MMB功能块的基础上。

    The reusability of MMB FB has realized the software reuse . To control a specific project , development realizing is no longer from the ground but based on the existing function blocks .

  28. 在开发此类产品的过程中,系统架构选择、原理图设计、底层软件开发是至关重要的一个环节。

    The choice of hardware system architecture , schematic design and the low-level software costruction are important steps in the product development process .

  29. 然而,完全从底层独立自主开发一套地图综合软件需要投入大量的人力、物力和财力,开发周期长,且存在较大的风险。

    However , developing a series of map generalization software with only a kind of programming language is in need of abundant manpower , material resources and money . It takes much time , there is a risk .

  30. 本系统目的在于对动态导航系统的科学研究,根据现有的实验室条件,主要采用开源的开发平台,使用通用语言从底层独立开发小型的科研型导航系统。

    The purpose of this system lies in scientific research of the dynamic navigation system . Based on existing laboratory conditions , this system mainly adopts open-source development platform , and uses common languages to independently develop a small research-based navigation system .