
  • 网络the ground floor
  1. 她带他参观了这处空房子的底楼。

    She showed him around the ground floor of the empty house

  2. 他住在底楼的一套复式公寓里。

    He lived in a ground floor maisonette .

  3. 大雨把旅馆的底楼淹没了。

    The heavy rain has flooded out the ground floor of the hotel .

  4. 酒店底楼设有功能齐全的KTV。环境舒适,是您放松自我、展示才艺的理想场所。

    The all-functioned KTV of the ground floor is comfortable , where you can relax yourself and display your talent .

  5. 我在找一间底楼的公寓。

    I am looking for a flat on the ground floor .

  6. 德律风在底楼的小书房里。

    The telephone was in the little study on the ground floor .

  7. 它在底楼的健身房隔壁。

    It 's next to the workout room on the first floor .

  8. 底楼的巨大厅堂面对着北方。

    The enormous room on the ground floor faced towards the north .

  9. 卡洛:我们去底楼的自助餐厅吧。

    Carlo : Let 's go to the cafeteria on the ground floor .

  10. 在底楼有一个礼堂和一个美丽的花园。

    There is a hall and a beautiful garden on the ground floor .

  11. 她买了一套漂亮的底楼房间。

    She had taken a beautiful ground-floor flat .

  12. 在低层楼或底楼的。

    Located on a lower or main floor .

  13. 我父母住在底楼。

    My parents live on the ground floor .

  14. 我们花一大笔钱买新地毯,布置整个底楼。

    We spent a bomb on new carpets for the whole of the ground floor .

  15. 我到的时候是凌晨2:30,那幢房子里黑漆漆的,只有底楼的窗户边还留着一盏灯。

    When I arrived at2:30 a.m. , the building was dark except for a single light in a ground floor window .

  16. 商务中心位于酒店底楼,为您提供商务咨询、文传真、英文打字、印等各种商务便捷服务。

    The business center is located at the bottom floor of the hotel , where you could fax , typing and copying .

  17. 学院建筑的底楼是汉堡公共图书馆的中心图书馆,作为歌德学院的学员您可以免费使用。

    The ground floor of our building houses a large public library , which our course participants can use free of charge .

  18. 我们的演技还达不到上高档餐厅一试身手的水平,所以我们在底楼兜了一圈就走了。

    We weren 't up to trying our act at an exclusive restaurant , so we wandered around the first floor and left .

  19. 入住就是凭事先给的密码进入大楼,进入房间,第二天早上,根据底楼墙上的指示和地图,去隔壁的一家饭店吃自助早餐。

    In this hotel , to check in is just to enter the building and the room by the password you have got in advance .

  20. 底楼宽敞的大厅是圣乔治原始大楼的一部分。

    The great hall , an enormous room on the first floor , is part of the Casa di San Giorgio 's original building that survives today .

  21. 邮差从马路那头过来的时候,她可以从三楼的公寓套间里看到了;她难得有信,偶尔有信件寄来,总是由住在底楼的小男孩给她送上来。

    From the second floor flat she could see the postman when he came down the street , and the little boy form the ground floor brought up her letters on the rare occasions when anything came .

  22. 赫斯渥一家住在林肯公园附近的北区。那是一幢三层楼的砖瓦房屋,底楼比街道稍稍低一点儿,这种式样的房子当时很流行。

    Hurstwood 's residence on the North side , near Lincoln park , was a brick building of a very popular type then , a three-story affair with the first floor sunk a very little below the level of the street .