
  1. 幼儿师范教育课程结构改革研究

    The Research of Curriculum Structure Reform in Normal Education for Preschool Children

  2. 我国幼儿师范教育改革的基本趋势和问题分析

    On the Tendency and Problems of the Reform of Preschool Normal Education

  3. 幼儿师范教育与幼儿园教育发展的不适应性

    The Non-Adaptability of the Preschool Teachers Education and the Development of Preschool Education

  4. 中国幼儿师范教育的世纪回顾与前瞻

    Retrospect and Prospect on Chinese Preschool Normal Education

  5. 在我国各级幼儿师范教育始终是培养专业化幼儿教师的唯一官方许可途径,也是培养幼儿教师的摇篮。

    Pre-education is the cradle of the infant teachers and the only way to cultivate specialization infant teachers .

  6. 幼儿师范教育作为师范教育的一个组成部分,它是培养幼儿教育工作者的摇篮。

    As a part of normal education , normal education for kindergartens is the cradle of educating nursery teachers .

  7. 幼儿师范教育是培养合格幼儿园师资的专业体系,也是我国教育航程的第一站,因此,对幼儿师范教育的关注,具有重要的理论意义与现实意义。

    Preschool teacher-training education is an institute to train qualified preschool teachers , which is the first stage in the education of our country . So focusing our attention on this has important theoretical .

  8. 随着知识经济的来临以及我国基础教育系统内部以培养创新为核心的素质教育的推进,我国的幼儿师范教育遇到了很多新情况和新问题。

    With the coming of the knowledge economy and education system based on cultivating innovation within the quality education as the core of education in preschool teachers of , meet many new situations and new problems .

  9. 最后,幼师教育体系要勇于改革,重组幼儿师范教育资源、更新幼教课程体系,实现幼师教育的与时俱进,为现代幼儿教育输送高素质的人才。

    Finally , preschool teacher education system should have the courage to reform , restructuring of preschool normal education resources , update the preschool education curriculum system , the realization of preschool teacher education advancing with The Times .

  10. 第二部分通过对美国幼儿师范教育发展历程的梳理,把美国幼教师资的职前培养分为师范学校时期、师范学院时期和综合大学的教育学院和文理学院的教育系时期。

    Section two divides America kindergarten teacher pre-service education to four terms which are normal school , normal college , education college in university , and education department in arts & science college by sorting the development course of America kindergarten education .

  11. 最后建构了一种着眼于时代的要求,建立以学生的发展为本,以能力培养为中心,以职业需求为主线的五年制幼儿师范教育课程结构。

    To establish a kind of " focusing on the requirements of The Times , to build the development of students , to train the ability for as the center , take the professional requirements for the preschool teacher education " five-year course structure .

  12. 发展幼儿教育可以扩大就业市场,可以为提高劳动力素质奠定基础,同时可以推动幼儿师范教育的进一步发展。

    The development of infant education can bring more jobs to school-leavers , and improve the quality of labour force .