
yòu ér shī fàn xué xiào
  • School for Kindergarten Teachers
  1. 甘肃省幼儿师范学校学生心理健康现状与对策研究

    Study on the Student 's Psychological Health Status and Countermeasure in the Normal School for Kindergarten Teachers of Gansu Province

  2. 来自合肥幼儿师范学校,爱好长笛和钢琴演奏。

    From Hefei infant normal school , like flute and piano .

  3. 幼儿师范学校是我国幼教师资培养的主要机构,在新的形势下出现了一些问题。

    Middle kindergarten normal school is the main institution for preschool teachers .

  4. 中等幼儿师范学校毕业生职业生涯发展的叙事研究

    A Narrative Study on Career Development of Graduates from Preschool Normal School

  5. 幼儿师范学校学生生物学习策略的现状调查与实证研究

    An Investigation and Empirical Study of Biology Learning Strategies on Students of Infant Normal School

  6. 福建省福州幼儿师范学校百年历史的回顾与思考(上)

    Retrospection and Reflection on a Century History of Fuzhou Preschool Normal School of Fujian ;

  7. 这和培养幼教师资的中等幼儿师范学校的学生数学素养较低有关。

    And it has relationship with the normal kindergarten training school students ' lower math attainment .

  8. 本论文的研究立足于我国教师教育制度转型的背景下来思考幼儿师范学校在新时期的转型。

    The background of the middle kindergarten normal school transition is Chinese normal education system reform .

  9. 河南省平顶山地区中等专业幼儿师范学校美术课程研究

    Researching on Art 's Course in Middling Speciality Preschool Normal School in Pingdingshan Area of Henan Province

  10. 幼儿师范学校转型所面临的问题&全国幼儿教师教育委员会2006年年会综述

    Problems in the Transformation of Kindergarten Teachers ' School : A Review of 2006 Yearly Symposium of National Committee of Preschool Teacher Education

  11. 第六章是幼儿师范学校英语教学改革路径,通过分析找出对学校英语教学有益的方式。

    The sixth chapter is the teaching reform of Qingdao kindergarten teachers ' training school , and the finding of the appropriate mode in English teaching .

  12. 方法采用现况调查方法,整群抽取某幼儿师范学校的919名学生进行最近1年内危害健康行为及其相关因素的问卷调查。

    Methods A questionnaire survey of health risk behaviors in last year was conducted on 919 random samples among children 's normal school students by cross-sectional study .

  13. 加之国家对教材市场的逐步开放,各出版社和研究人员纷纷研究出版适合五年制幼儿师范学校的教材。

    With the opening of the textbook market , different Presses and researchers have produced different types of textbooks to meet the needs of the 5-year early childhood education .

  14. 随着师范教育体制的变革,中等幼儿师范学校纷纷由三级师范向二级师范过渡,招收培养以初中为起点的五年制大专学生。

    With reforms of the teacher education system , third-level normal schools have been transferred to secondary ones , training students graduating from junior middle schools for 5 years .

  15. 这一改革对幼儿师范学校的声乐教学提出了新的课题,同时幼儿师范学校声乐教学也面临了严峻的考验。

    Normal School , the reform of early childhood music teaching a new subject for teaching vocal music at the same time normal school child care is also facing a severe test .

  16. 当新一轮基础教育课程改革如火如荼地展开时,中等幼儿师范学校的课程改革仍然波澜不惊。

    Reform the school mathematics curriculum in normal kindergarten training school . At the moment when curriculum revolution on the basis education goes on like wildfire , the curriculum revolution in normal kindergarten school is still in straight line .

  17. 林英,1972年出生,1991年入福建师范大学物理系读本科,1993年毕业分配福州幼儿师范学校任教至今,现为中专讲师。

    Lin Ying , who was born in 1972 and studied in Fujian Teachers ? University from 1991 to 1993 . She has been working in Fuzhou Infant Teachers ? School since graduation , She is an instructor now .

  18. 本文中笔者以所在工作单位长春幼儿师范学校为个案,对幼师声乐教学进行调查研究,以学生专业技能向岗位技能转变为立足点,解决当前幼师声乐教学中存在的问题。

    This paper attempts to is in working unit to changchun infant education as a case of fine vocal music teaching , survey and study on students ' professional skills to post skills into foothold , solve current fine vocal music teaching problems .

  19. 如何在现有生源质量下降的现状中,努力提高学生的综合素质、中等幼儿师范学校的办学水平、幼儿教师的业务水平和师资力量成为了摆在我们面前的一个巨大的挑战。

    How the quality of students falling in the current situation , the efforts to improve the overall quality of students , middle school children the level of normal schools , kindergarten teachers , standards and qualified teachers in front of us become a great challenge .

  20. 其中,幼师是指专门培养幼儿教师的师范学校,幼儿教师是幼儿全面发展的最重要的启蒙老师。

    Among them , fine refers to the special education schools , preschool teachers ' all-round development of preschool teachers is the most important enlightenment teacher .

  21. 此次该校升格为合肥幼儿师范高等专科学校,既是全国第一批升专的幼师学校,也是我省第一所独立设置的幼儿师范高等专科学校。

    While , the upgraded Hefei Preschool Teachers College this time is the first nursery teachers'school in China who is transformed into a college , and is also the first of its kind in Anhui Province .

  22. 1980年,我省成立了第一所独立培养幼儿教师的合肥幼儿师范学校。

    In1980 , the province established Hefei Pre-school teachers School , which was also the first independent pre-school teachers training institution in the province .

  23. 幼儿文学与幼儿发展&幼儿师范学校幼儿文学课程的定位与构建

    Literature for Children and Children 's Development & on the Status and Function of Children Literature Course in Preschool Normal Education

  24. 幼儿教育学作为五年制幼儿师范学校的专业理论学科之一,其教材也出现了不同版本。

    The textbook of Early childhood Education Philosophy , which is one of the professional courses in this field , can also be found in different versions .

  25. 幼儿文学作为一门课程,是幼儿师范学校的一门必修专业课程;而幼儿文学也是作为一名合格幼师知识结构的重要组成部分。

    Literature as a child care courses , child care teacher training college is a compulsory professional courses ; and child care literature as a qualified kindergarten teachers is the knowledge structure of an important part .