
  1. 黄胄(1925-1997)是一位富有创新精神的杰出的人物画家。

    Huang Zhou ( 1925-1997 ) was an excellent Chinese figure painter with a creative spirit .

  2. 黄胄的用色也很大胆,把那些鲜明、单纯的色彩与墨色配置起来,强烈艳丽,产生较强的视觉扩张感,既有传统意味又富有现代观念。

    In applying color , Huang used single bright colors together with inks to form a strong visual effect , a technique which displays both traditional and modern Chinese painting ideas .

  3. 第一部分艺术的准备阶段,概述黄胄的艺术经历和师承,分析此时期黄胄艺术作品的题材内容和艺术特征,指明其批判现实主义的思想内涵。

    Parts one is about the preparatory stage , summing up Huang Zhou 's artistic experience and learning stage . In this part , the researcher analyzes the artistic feature and the content of his topics and indicates his concept of critical realism .