
  • 网络Annual flower;New Year tree
  1. 埃洛普重新将业务重心放到定位和地图服务上。诺基亚2008年花80亿美元收购Navteq之后获得了其定位和地图业务。

    Mr. Elop is refocusing around services like location and mapping , which came with the company 's $ 8 billion 2008 acquisition of Navteq .

  2. 智能手机和平板电脑吸引了越来越多公众的眼球,这时像是谷歌在2010年花了7.5亿收购的移动广告(AdMob)就很受欢迎。

    As smartphones and tablets capture ever more eyeballs , digital-ad firms such as AdMob , for which Google paid $ 750m in 2010 , are hot .

  3. 1986年花了7000万美元进行维修。

    In 1986 it was renovated at the cost of 70 million dollars .

  4. 他们一年花多少钱供给子女衣服?

    How much does it cost them a year to dress their children ?

  5. 那件外套在1956年花了我四十先令。

    That coat cost me forty Bob in1956 .

  6. 看,先生,我们可以把接下来的5年花在法院。

    Look , don , we can spend the next five years in court .

  7. 他一年花二百美元。

    He spends $ 200 a year .

  8. 人们售卖年花。

    People sell good luck flowers .

  9. 这套房子的现房主于1973年花了3.5万美元买下这处住宅,如今房主希望将其缩小为一套公寓。

    The current owners bought the house for35,000 dollars in1973 and are looking to downsize to a condominium .

  10. 想到这些年花在十一度空间研究上的所有时间并没有白白浪费,感觉真是太好了。

    Well , it 's a wonderful feeling to think that all those years spent in the eleventh dimension were not completely wasted .

  11. 新的领导团队会在2014年花大量时间研发能够让日益关注健康的顾客群感兴趣的新产品。

    A new team of leadership should spend a large part of 2014 creating new products that will keep an increasingly health-conscious customer base interested .

  12. 一个例子:我的伴侣和我前几年花了8.5万美元用于生育治疗,随后开始了收养程序。

    Here 's an example : my partner and I spent $ 85,000 over the last couple of years on fertility treatments and then the adoption process .

  13. 什么时候你的父母还会一年花几千块供你去一个陌生的地方天天晚上喝醉。

    When else are your parents going to spend several thousand dollars a year just for you to go to a strange town and get drunk every night ?

  14. 他的第一部小说《太阳照常升起》(TheSunAlsoRises)是1925年夏天花九个星期写完的,初稿写在活页纸上,后来又在笔记本上写。

    He began the original draft of his first novel , " The Sun Also Rises , " which he finished in just nine weeks during the summer of 1925 , on loose sheets and then switched over to notebooks .

  15. 成为WWOOF中国主人家庭一年要花多少钱?

    How much does it cost to be a WWOOF China host for one year ?

  16. IBISWorld的估计更加保守,认为2013年美国人花了6.1亿美元购买性玩具,到2018年,这个数字将增长到7.92亿美元。

    A more conservative estimate from IBISWorld pegged that number at $ 610 million in 2013 and projected it to grow to $ 792 million by 2018 .

  17. 外婆要买医疗保险不报销的400美元的顶端步行器,跟我十年前花了将近1000美元购买Bugaboo婴儿手推车一样,只是为了表明自己属于都市母亲这个群体。

    Nanna 's quest for " the Cadillac of walkers , " a $ 400 number not covered by Medicare , mirrored my search a decade ago for the nearly thousand-dollar Bugaboo that would signal to my urban-mommy cohort that I belonged .

  18. 他不到一年就花掉了所有的遗产。

    He spent all his inheritance in less than a year .

  19. 1988年阿伦花了7000万美金买下球队。

    Allen bought the team in1988 for $ 70 million .

  20. 离家一年要花很多钱。

    A year off away from home can be costly .

  21. 我几年前花五百美元买的。

    I bought it a couple of years ago for five hundred dollars .

  22. 以下是2012年“花运”人体彩绘挂历的封面拍摄场景。

    The following is the cover of2012 " Lucky Flower " Calendar photography .

  23. 养狗要多花一倍的钱,也就是说一年要花110英镑。

    To keep a dog costs twice as much , i.e. $ 110a year .

  24. 改大小年为花年;

    Avoiding on-year and off - year ;

  25. 你知道在德国读书的话1年要花多少钱吗?

    How much do you know will be pay for your studying courses in one years ?

  26. 那么为何中国人在此方面却要比一年前花的多呢?

    So why are Chinese drivers paying more for petrol than they did a year ago ?

  27. 百年明花研究的回顾与评论&一个裕固族乡村社区的学术史

    Review on One-Hundred-Year Research of Minghua : An Academic History about Rural Community of Ethnic Yugur

  28. 三是许多金钱你活上一千年也花不完.

    And three : More gold than you can spend if you lived a thousand years .

  29. 我已经很多年没有花时间去倾听夜晚的声音了。

    It 's been years since I 've taken the time to really listen to the night .

  30. 我在1974年曾花两小时努力逃离一座没有任何路标的法国城镇。

    And the two hours in 1974 I spent trying to escape a French town with no signposts .