
  • 网络Annual total;annual amount;GDP;MAT
  1. 宁夏太阳辐射逐日、月、年总量的变化特征

    Change Characteristics of Daily , Monthly and Annual Solar Radiation in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

  2. 鄱阳湖地区潜在蒸散年总量多年平均值呈现逐年减少的变化趋势,青海湖地区蒸散量减少趋势缓慢。

    The annual potential evapotranspiration in Poyang Lake region shows decreasing trend , but in Qinghai Lake area it is reducing very slowly .

  3. 本文给出了计算坡地上任何一段时期太阳辐射总量的普遍公式并详细分析了坡地上辐射季总量与年总量变化的特征。

    In this paper we have introduced a general formula for computing the amount of astronomical solar radiation which falls on slope in any period .

  4. 该森林蒸散年总量为1126.99MJ/m2,相当于450.8mm降水量,占年总降水量(538.4mm)的83.7%。

    The annual evapotranspiration amounted to 1 126.99 MJ / m2 ( 450.8 mm of rainfall ), accounting for 83.7 % of the annual rainfall ( 538.4 mm ) .

  5. 针对大气污染物排放总量控制A值法,总量控制区在符合污染物年总量允许排放限值的情况下,不能保证污染物的单位小时环境质量浓度都能连续达标的问题。

    The hourly and daily environmental quality concentration in the total amount control zone could not guarantee to be above the standard , under the circumstance that the yearly pollutant total amount is permitted based on A-value method in air pollutant total amount control ( APTAC ) .

  6. 全球N2O年释放总量及各类源相对贡献率初步分析

    A primary analysis of global n_2o emission and relative contributions of some sources

  7. 2009年经济总量超过日本,GDP世界排名第二位,仅次于美国的。

    Total economic output are more than Japan in 2009 , GDP ranks second in the world after the United States .

  8. 这份报告预测,战略新兴行业(比如新能源和先进制造业)的产出将会达到2017年GDP总量的10%。

    It predicts that among strategic emerging industries , such as new energy and advanced manufacturing , output would about 10 percent of total GDP in 2017 .

  9. NP配施时土壤CO2的年排放总量显著增加,比不施肥增加了36.93%。

    Annual amount of CO2 emission increased significantly when N and P fertilizers were applied in combination , which was 36.93 % higher than that in unfertilized plot .

  10. 结果表明,地下水对边坡的年腐蚀总量近40t,年腐蚀深度均为2.7mm。

    The results indicated that the corrosion amount and corrosion depth per year is 40 t and 2.7 mm respectively .

  11. 结果表明,有机碳的分解前期较快,7d时有机碳的分解量即占到年分解总量的37%~41%,以后逐渐变慢;

    Results indicated that decomposition of organic carbon proceeded rapidly at the early period and then slowed down . The decomposition amount of organic carbon during the first 7 d made up 37 % ~ 41 % of that during a whole year ;

  12. 中国2000年污水总量预测

    Prediction of Total Wastewater by the year 2000 in China

  13. 您能完成的年销售总量是多少?

    What is the total annual turnover you could fulfill ?

  14. 2007年经济总量较2001年翻了一番。

    In 2007 , Beijings total economic size doubled compared to its 2001 level .

  15. 两者差额几乎等于德国和日本的年排放总量。

    The difference is roughly equal to the total annual emissions of Germany and Japan combined .

  16. 中国经由香港进口了1158吨黄金,是2012年进口总量的两倍多。

    China imported 1,158 tonnes of gold via Hong Kong , more than double its 2012 total .

  17. 少数民族心理研究论文总体数量较少,以心理学9种期刊为例,不到6年发文总量的1%;

    Take 9 psychological journals as example , the number was less than 1 % of the total during 6 years ;

  18. 每日航班数量已超过6600多架次,超过一年前总量的40%。

    The number of flights had jumped to over 6600 per day , exceeding 40 percent of the volume a year ago .

  19. 中国2000年污水总量的预测成果为决策者制定全国范围内的宏观决策与控制对策提供了科学依据。

    The predicted total wastewater by the year 2000 will provide the policymakers with scientific basis for national macro-decisions and control control countermeasures .

  20. 中部地区暴雨以上降水减少是年降水总量略呈下降趋势的主要原因。

    In the central of Guangdong the decreases of storm and heavy storm rainfall are the main cause of the decrease of annual rainfall amount .

  21. 加上中国,这些专利部门的专利申请量占2004年申请总量的四分之三,2004年是掌握全面数据的最近一年。

    With China these patent offices accounted for three-quarters of all patents filed in 2004 , the latest year for which comprehensive figures are available .

  22. 我国玻纤行业2004年生产总量已经突破60万t大关,其中池窑拉丝产量达到40多万t。这意味着我们玻纤行业又迈上了一个新台阶。

    The total glass fiber production of China in 2004 exceeded 600 000t , which means China 's glass fiber industry has stepped on a new stage .

  23. 春秋季减少的降水量远大于夏季增加的份额,致使全省年降水总量呈下降趋势。

    The precipitation reducing in autumn and Spring is bigger than the share increasing in summer , and this causes the entire province precipitation to a declining trend .

  24. 红松人工林的年凋落总量最大,针阔混交林次之,天然次生林最低。

    Main results were as follows : ( 1 ) Total litters contents of Korean pine plantations was the largest , followed by needles leafy mixed forest and leafy secondary forest .

  25. 虽然未来年降水总量的变幅没有超过过去50年器测记录变幅,更不及全新世的降水变化量,但湖泊水量对气候变化的反映变率较变幅要大。

    Although the future changes in precipitation are equivalent to the last 50-yr gauges and lower than changes in the Holocene , the speed of lake water change was much high .

  26. 各气象因素之间相关分析发现年降水总量、年实测日照总时数、年平均实际日照强度与年平均气温高度相关(P<0.01)。

    However , it was found by the correlation analysis between factors that the whole year rainfall , sunshine time and mean annual sunshine intensity were strongly associated with the air temperature ( P < 0.01 ) .

  27. 气相法白炭黑是目前世界上能大规模工业化生产的唯一纳米材料,目前全世界生产能力已超过11万t/a,年需求总量超过10万t/a。

    At present gas phase method silica aerogel is the only nanometer material which can be commercially produced on large scale in the world , whose capacity of the world is more than 120000t / a and total demand is over 100000t / a.

  28. 公共建筑在城镇总建筑面积中所占的比例不大,但其单位面积能耗惊人,年耗能总量可观,具有很大的节能潜力。

    Public buildings account for only a small proportion in the total urban building area , yet their consumed energy per unit is astounding . Since the amount of energy consumption of public buildings is huge , there are a lot to be done to improve their energy efficiency .

  29. 整体而言,在2010年全球ipo总量中,中国贡献了接近一半。

    Overall , China has contributed close to half the global IPO volume for 2010 .

  30. 2009年中国GDP总量33.5万亿元,按13亿人计算,人均GDP是25769元。

    In 2009 , Chinese GDP was 33.5 trillion yuan , the per capita GDP was 25,769 yuan calculated at 13 billion people .