
  • 网络Agricultural Revolution;Green Revolution;agrarian revolution
  1. 英国农业革命及其对工业化的影响

    The Agricultural Revolution of England and Its Effects on Industrialization

  2. 农业革命前后英国普通民众生活水平之比较

    The Living Standards of Commons in England Before and After Agricultural Revolution

  3. 但在宗教改革(reformation)之后,英国从中世纪进入现代社会,农业革命开始。

    After the reformation , however , as England passed from the Middle Ages into the modern era , an agrarian revolution was under way .

  4. 开展了以推广玉米新品种为主要内容的非洲农业革命。

    Initiated the extension and demonstration program for agriculture in Africa .

  5. 英国农业革命与工业革命的关系;

    Relation between agriculture revolution and industrial revolution in Britain ;

  6. 在农业革命中,科学没有机械那么重要。

    Scarcely less important than machinery in the agriculture revolution was science .

  7. 论英国农业革命对工业革命的孕育和贡献

    The Gestation and Contribution of British Agricultural Revolution towards the Industrial Revolution

  8. 农业革命导致农业社会的产生,工业革命导致工业社会的形成和发展,20世纪90年代的信息革命和信息技术的飞速发展,使人类社会逐步进入信息社会。

    Agricultural society comes from agricultural revolution , and so does industrial society .

  9. 新农业革命与农业的21世纪

    A New Agri-revolution and the 21 Century of Agriculture

  10. 但他没能料到农业革命能如此大规模地提高粮食产量。

    He failed to anticipate how the agricultural revolution would increase food production .

  11. 古埃及作为世界上第一个地域文明在农业革命中崛起;

    The first regional civilization , ancient Egypt grew up in the agricultural revolution .

  12. 关于英国近代农业革命研究的几个问题

    Several Questions on Modern Agricultural Revolution in England

  13. 英国农业革命初探

    A Study of the Agricultural Revolution of England

  14. 英国农业革命与家庭农场的崛起

    English Agricultural Revolution and the Family Farms

  15. 浅论英国农业革命中贵族乡绅的历史定位

    The Survey on Peer-Gentry 's Historical Orientation in the Course of England 's Agricultural Revolution

  16. 英国农业革命发生的时间;

    Time of agricultural revolution in England ;

  17. 西部农业革命的几条线索

    Some Clues Of The Western Agricultural Revolution

  18. 中国的大农业革命

    The Great Agricultural Revolution of China

  19. 18世纪末的农业革命

    I.Agricultural Changes in the Late18th Century

  20. 英国农业革命及其启示略论

    Agricultural revolution of England and enlightenment

  21. 现在的大量人口出现始于农业革命。

    The large , anonymous crowds in which we now teem began with the agricultural revolution .

  22. 近代欧洲早期农业革命考察

    Early Agricultural Revolution in Modern Europe

  23. 农业革命使城市诞生于世界,工业革命则使城市主宰世界;

    Agricultural revolution make city be born in world , and industrial revolution makes city dominate world ;

  24. 由于农业革命而产生的先进的作物改良技术对近代中国的农业产生了极为深远的影响。

    The advanced crop improved technology , engendered by agricultural revolution , has affected the Chinese agriculture deeply .

  25. 英国是世界上第一个实现城市化的国家。英国城市化的主要因素不仅仅是工业革命,还包括农业革命、商业革命。

    The main cause of British urbanization is not merely industrial revolution it also includes agricultural revolution and commercial revolution .

  26. 18世纪末、19世纪初的农业革命期间,随着《圈地法》的颁布,传统的开放田地制结束。

    During the late 18th and early 19th centuries , the open-field system ended when the Enclosure Act was passed .

  27. 历史地看,农业革命创造了灿烂的农业文明,奠定了人类社会的全新基础。

    Historically , the agriculture revolution has created a magnificent agricultural civilization , layed a new completely foundation of the social .

  28. 农业革命引起的英国农业迅速发展,为英国的城市化发生奠定坚实的基础。

    The agricultural revolution brought about the quick development of Britain agriculture , which became the solid base of Britain urbanization .

  29. 当前,全球农业革命蓬勃兴起,农业技术对农业发展的推动极其重要。

    Currently , the seven seas agriculture revolution vigorous spring up , agriculture technology is very important to drive agriculture development .

  30. 在新石器时代文化研究中,农业革命和城市革命的理论认识早就普遍接受。

    In the research of culture of Neolithic , the theories of Agricultural Revolution and Urban revolution have been widely accepted .