
fú hào mínɡ
  • Symbolic name;token name
  1. 在FORTRAN语言中,由符号名标识的非数组或非数组元素的一种数据项。

    In FORTRAN , a data item that is not an array or array element , identified by a symbolic name .

  2. SymbolicName设备的符号名(人们可读)调用程序随意指定的一个名称,比如xi50e

    Symbolic Name Symbolic ( human-readable ) name of the device an arbitrary name that the caller specifies , such as xi50e

  3. add()函数的第一个参数是一个符号名,可以在notebook中通过它引用生成的页:下面我们将使用它。

    The first argument to the add () function is a symbolic name , by which the generated page can be referred to in the notebook : we will make use of it below .

  4. 地址到符号名的映射使得Tprof可以按模块和子例程分配节拍。

    The address to symbol name mapping allows Tprof to assign ticks by module and subroutine .

  5. 在用于Java代码的jprof工具的帮助下,a2n共享库可以完成地址到符号名的映射。

    Address to symbol name mapping is then performed by the a2n shared library , with the help of the jprof tool for Java code .

  6. 我们在封装标签的NoteBook窗口小部件中使用pageconfigure()函数来完成这一任务,传入的第一个参数为被引用的标签的符号名。

    We do this using the pageconfigure () function on the enclosing NoteBook widget , passing the symbolic name of the referenced tab as the first argument .

  7. 您可以随意命名该参数,但使用模块名的话可使符号名保持一致。

    This can be anything you want , but using the module name keeps symbol names consistent .

  8. 搜索将返回当前浏览范围中满足以下条件的所有符号名:搜索字符串与该符号名的任意部分匹配。

    A search returns all symbol names in the current browsing scope where the search string matches any part of the symbol name .

  9. 应用程序和一般用户使用的符号名应该是指向主机名的“别名”。

    Furthermore , the symbolic name used by applications and regular users should only be an " alias " pointing to a host name .

  10. 第一个参数是您想要分配到设备的符号名(这个名称尽量要短,因为经常会用到)。

    The first parameter is the symbolic name that you want to assign to the appliance ( keep this name short , because it will be used often ) .

  11. 另外,应用程序和用户(非管理员)不应该通过服务的TCP/IP地址使用或指定网络服务;他们应该只使用符号名。

    Additionally , applications and users ( non-administrators ) should never use or specify a network service by its TCP / IP address ; they should only use a symbolic name .

  12. 将名字拷贝到符号链接名。

    Copy the name into the symbolic link member .

  13. 标点符号的名与实实名制可信网络很好的解决了这个问题。

    A host real-name architecture based on the HIP protocol can deal with these problems very well .

  14. 符号调用名就是实际的方法名(这是上述限制的必然结果)

    The symbolic call name is the name of an actual method ( a corollary of the previous point )

  15. 如果我们从NSOL符号(文件名)后获得该符号,则意味着以上文件名遇到一个函数。

    If we get this symbol after an N_SOL symbol ( file name ), it means a function is encountered for the above file name .

  16. {person.name}符号指代名为“person”的Seam组件的name属性,名为“person”的Seam组件是Person实体bean的一个实例。

    The # { person . name } symbol refers to the name property on the Seam component named " person ", which is an instance of the Person entity bean .

  17. “绑定包的名称”是绑定包文件的名称减去语言环境符号和扩展名(在上面的示例中,绑定包的名称是DE>messagesDE>)。

    The " bundle base name " is the name of the bundle file minus the locale specifier and extension ( in the example above , the bundle base name is messages ) .

  18. 在后面的部分您将看到的其他类型的代码单元是表示内核线程的TID,表示模块的MOD,以及表示符号(子例程名)的SYM。

    The other types of code units , which you will see in later sections , are TID for kernel thread , MOD for module , and SYM for symbol ( subroutine name ) .

  19. 第二节是基本符号、数、名、量、值。

    Section 2 consists of basic symbols , numbers , names , quantities and values .

  20. 注释的使用是由@符号后面跟注释名来表明的。

    The use of an annotation is indicated by the @ symbol followed by the annotation name .

  21. 全文共分下列八个部分:引言,基本符号,操作数的约定,符号名,语言结构,说明,微语句和控制序列。

    They are introduction , basic symbols , convention of operands , symbolic name , language structure , explanation , microstatement and control sequence .

  22. 我们其实也在避免使用重量级的符号库,避免用符号来做方法名,但我觉得这是Scala的一个很重要的特性,也跟其他特性一样,都有可能被过度使用。

    We 've tended to steer clear of heavily symbolic libraries and using symbols for method names , but I think this is an important feature of the language , which like any feature is possible to over-use .