
  1. 师夷长技以制夷学习西方的教育思想。

    Secondly , education thought of learning foreign technology to countering foreigners .

  2. 大学英语教育的目标应体现师夷长技以制夷的价值取向,体现以英语为专业发展之工具的课程价值观。

    The aim of college English education should show the value of curriculum that English is an instrument to develop all kinds of specialties .

  3. 他忧国忧民,用师夷长技以制夷来自救,再次证明了他以匡济天下为己任的经世情怀。

    His concern for the state and the people of fate , with the learn from foreigners to compete with foreigners to rescue China , proved his economic statecraft feelings once again .

  4. 洋务思想最初发韧于鸦片战争,林则徐、魏源等维新派提出了师夷长技以制夷的思想,使近代中国迈出了向西方学习的第一步。

    The Westernization movement started during the Opium War , Lin Zexu Wei Yuan the and Reforming Party proposed " studied from the foreign nation to deal with foreign nation the enemy " Started the first step of modern China to learn from the western society .

  5. 他提出师夷之长技以制夷的主张,为中国人走自己的近代化道路指明了努力的方向。

    He proposed " teacher yi special skill by system yi " the position , took own modernizing path for the Chinese to indicate the direction diligently .