
  1. 服务型政府导向下的市容环境卫生治理

    The Improvement of Environmental Sanitation Guided by Service-oriented Government

  2. 轰轰烈烈的市容环境卫生专项整治行动是一场大刀阔斧的创卫攻坚战。

    The astounding city 's appearance environment health special the campaign is a sweeping news tough sell .

  3. 本市广播、电视、报刊和户外广告应当有市容环境卫生方面的公益性宣传内容。

    The Municipality 's radio , television , press and outdoor advertisements shall have public-interest publicity contents of city appearance and environmental sanitation .

  4. 街道办事处、镇人民政府负责本辖区内的市容环境卫生管理工作。

    Sub-district offices and town people 's governments are responsible for the administration of the city appearance and environmental sanitation within their respective jurisdictions .

  5. 文章论述了市容环境卫生专业规划的重要意义,提出了市容环境卫生专业规划的原则和基本内容。

    As an important part of the planning of Wetland Park , the special plan for vegetation does not have a scientific method to follow .

  6. 落实《北京市城市市容环境卫生条例》、《北京市城市绿化条例》等有关规定,进一步明确有关单位责任范围,定期开展检查和巡查。

    Beijing Municipal Provision on environmental sanitation , Beijing Municipal Provision on greening and other stipulations will be strictly enforced to further clarify the responsibility of relevant authorities and make regular check-up and inspections .

  7. 市容环境卫生服务作为一种具有明显社会公益性的公共物品,一直以来都由政府承担保证供给的责任。

    The City Appearance , Environment and Sanitation Service has been always taken responsibility for supply guarantee by the government , as one kind of public goods with an obvious feature of public welfare .

  8. 上海市市容环境卫生管理局按照市府统一要求,将局直属单位转制,通过资产重组组建上海环境集团。

    According to the requirement of Shanghai government , Shanghai City Appearance and Environment Sanitation Administrative Bureau change the structure of companies which were directly under it to Shanghai Environment Group ( SEG ) by property reorganization .