
  • 网络Capacity;market capacity;market volume;Market size
  1. 世界石油物探市场容量近年来增长缓慢;

    Global oil geophysical exploration market size increased slowly in recent years ;

  2. 而在市场容量大的产业领域,顾客价值占据了产业活动的主要部分。

    In the field of large market size , the customer value occupies the most .

  3. 我国城市水环境产业发展规模和市场容量的SD模型

    Future Scale and Market Capacity of Urban Water Environmental Infrastructure in China : A System Dynamic Model

  4. 在众多发展中国家之中,中国凭借丰富的自然资源、廉价的劳动力以及巨大的市场容量成为了外商直接投资(FDI)的热点区域。

    Among many developing countries , China become the foreign investment hotspot with rich natural resources , cheap labor and huge market capacity .

  5. 区域政策改善了落后地区的投资环境,吸引了FDI,但是投资环境的其他方面,例如区位优势、市场容量、市场化程度等因素对FDI有更重要的影响。

    Although regional policies help to improve the investment environment in hinterland and to attract FDI , other aspects of investment environment , such as geographic advantages , market capacity , degree of marketization , will also exert indispensable influences .

  6. 分析内容包括比较2G与3G的价值链,从市场容量,产品细分、渠道发展等分析全球3G手机状况与我国手机市场现状,以及我国3G手机市场前景。

    There are 3 parts : first , comparison between 2G and 3G value chain ; second , difference between present Chinese and global market situation in the view of market capability , products segment , distribution development and so on ;

  7. 模型中,使用改进的重复购买Bass模型对市场容量进行估计,并引入技术学习率刻画新产品投入成本随时间变化的趋势。

    In this model , we use the repeat purchase Bass model to estimate new product market capacity . As the same time , using technology learning rate to describe the trend of new product R & D cost changes .

  8. 探讨了中国3G牌照何时发放、发放数量、牌照与标准是否捆绑、3G产业链如何搭建、频率如何分配、市场容量和终端等问题,并对此提出了建设性的意见。

    It discusses issues on when to give 3G license and the licenses number , whether binding the license and standard , how to establish 3G industrial link , how to assign frequency , market capacity and terminals , and gives suggestion on the above issues .

  9. 简要介绍了PP-R管材的性能和应用,分析了市场容量、前景和价格走势,简述了生产工艺技术,并进行了技术经济评价。

    The paper introduced the performance and application of PP-R pipe materials . The market volume , prospect and price trend are also analyzed . It also described the process technology and made the techno-economic evaluation .

  10. 农机产品市场容量的预测模型及应用

    The Forecast Model of Market Saturation Capability in Farming Machine Production

  11. 老年痴呆社区防治的市场容量分析

    Marketing Analysis on Prevention and Cure of Geratologous Dementia in Community

  12. 煤矿掘进设备市场容量和发展预测

    Prediction on Market Capacity and Development of Mine Roadway Excavation Equipment

  13. 我国电信行业市场容量的预测与分析

    The forecast and analysis of our country telecom market capacity

  14. 第一,市场容量扩大,市场需求增加。

    First , the expansion of market capacity , market demand increased .

  15. 市场容量越来越大,招标投标活动也越来越多。

    Market capacity is growing , the bidding activities more and more .

  16. 债券市场容量增加,发行利率进一步下降;

    Bond market incremented with a further drop of issuing interest rate ;

  17. 结果显示,特需医疗服务市场容量大,并且持续增长;

    Market capacity of special medical care is enormous and it continue growing ;

  18. 克莱斯勒近来虽然销量激增,但在市场容量巨大的紧凑车市场上却没有自己的一席之地。

    Chrysler has surged despite having no entries in the high-volume compact car segment .

  19. 中国国内市场容量的制约导致许多中国公司无法上市融资。

    Capacity constraints in domestic Chinese markets are preventing many firms from accessing capital .

  20. 区域房地产市场容量分析

    Analysis of Regional Real Estate Market Capacity

  21. 轿车家庭购买力模型的构建与市场容量分析

    The Model Construction of the Family Consumption of Cars and Analysis of the Market Capacity

  22. 日本桐材进口市场容量及发展趋势的调查研究

    A survey on the import market consumption of Paulownia timber and development trend in Japan

  23. 扩大市场容量。

    Expand the capacity of market ;

  24. 市场容量、城市化、基础设施的改善和政府作用的弱化也有利于工业集聚;

    Market scale , urbanization , infrastructure construction and the weakening of governmental role promote industry agglomeration .

  25. 中国人口多,市场容量大,消费快速发展且需求更趋多样。

    China has a big population , big market capacity , fast-growing and increasingly diverse consumer demand .

  26. 文章在对行业发展的宏观环境分析的基础上对市场容量进行了预测,并提出扩建方案。

    The article forecasts future market volume and proposes expansion plan after analysing macro-environment of industry development .

  27. 根据造纸产品所用原料及产品市场容量大小,构建了企业发展战略模式图。

    According to the raw material and market capacity , the enterprise development strategy model is constructed .

  28. 市场容量与区域土地生产潜力开发程度研究

    Research on the Relationship Between the Market Carrying-Capacity Demands and the Development Degree of Land Productive Potentiality

  29. 如果是批往本地,本地真有那么大的市场容量吗?

    If it is awarded to local , local really is there such a big market capacity ?

  30. 信息产业的市场容量和市场结构决定信息产业的成长和结构变迁。

    The market capacitance and market structure of information industry decide its growth and changes in structure .