
bā ná mǎ
  • Panama
巴拿马[bā ná mǎ]
  1. 巴拿马共和国于1903年脱离哥伦比亚。

    The Republic of Panama seceded from Colombia in 1903 .

  2. 这艘船是在巴拿马注册的。

    The ship was registered in Panama .

  3. 在侵略巴拿马的战役中他是总司令。

    He was commander in chief during the invasion of Panama .

  4. 我们的飞机摇摇晃晃地飞过巴拿马中部地区。

    We had a bumpy flight over the centre of Panama .

  5. 她与丈夫隐居在他们在巴拿马的农场。

    She lived in seclusion with her husband on their farm in Panama

  6. 他戴着一顶巴拿马草帽,穿着一身挺括的白西装。

    He wore a panama hat and a crisp white suit

  7. 为吸引投资者,巴拿马调整了税法和劳动法。

    To attract investors , Panama has adjusted its tax and labour laws .

  8. 巴拿马城的公共注册处把所有公司的登记信息都存入了电脑。

    The public registry in Panama City keeps computerized records of all companies .

  9. 他从小在巴拿马城中心闹市区的穷街陋巷里长大。

    He was raised on the mean streets of the central market district of Panama City .

  10. 巴拿马运河连接大西洋和太平洋。

    The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans .

  11. 巴拿马运河连通两大洋。

    The Panama Canal joins two oceans .

  12. 巴拿马海峡把北美同南美连接起来。

    North America is connected with South America by the isthmus of panama .

  13. 他第一次入狱是在FoxRiver,之后,是在巴拿马那间令人恐惧、毫无法则可言的Sona监狱,而这一次,迈克被关在摩洛哥。

    First it was Fox River , then there was Sona - the ghastly , lawless prison in Panama - and now Michael ’ s incarcerated2 in Morocco .

  14. 巴拿马型船舶航运市场价格波动的VAR模型分析

    VAR model analysis on Panamax shipping market 's fluctuation

  15. 与在所有其他国家(除美国和维京群岛以外)注册的公司相比,在巴拿马注册的公司出现在世界银行(WorldBank)2010年发布的大型腐败案例数据库当中的几率更高。

    Companies incorporated in Panama were more likely to appear in the World Bank 's database of big corruption cases , published in 2010 , than those of any other country except the US and the British Virgin Islands .

  16. 上月,中国的施工队在一条贯穿尼加拉瓜的运河工地开工。这个雄心勃勃的项目投资500亿美元,有一天可能会与巴拿马运河(PanamaCanal)相匹敌。

    Last month , Chinese construction teams began work on an ambitious $ 50 billion canal across Nicaragua that could some day rival the Panama Canal .

  17. 巴拿马已经做出一些改变以回应金融行动特别工作组(FinancialActionTaskForce)的批评。金融行动特别工作组是一家打击金融犯罪行为的国际监管机构,在去年6月将巴拿马列入其反洗钱高风险国家的“灰名单”。

    Panama has already made some changes in response to criticism from the Financial Action Task Force , the international financial crimes watchdog , which put the country on its " grey list " of anti-money laundering high-risk countries in June .

  18. 由于其“有利的地理位置”,巴拿马有可能成为“美洲的新加坡”,delaTorre说。

    Panama , with its " privileged geographical location ," has the potential of becoming a sort of " Singapore for the Americas ," says de la Torre .

  19. 相比之下,巴拿马运河(PanamaCanal)去年实现营收24亿美元,税前盈利16亿美元。目前巴拿马运河正在进行扩建,相关投资50亿美元。

    By comparison , the Panama Canal , which is undergoing a $ 5bn expansion , earned $ 1.6bn in pre-tax profit last year on revenues of $ 2.4bn .

  20. PedroMiguel断裂带穿过巴拿马运河的两个水闸,该运河正在进行一场大型拓宽工程。

    The Pedro Miguel fault runs between two of the locks on the Panama Canal , which is undergoing a major widening project .

  21. 在这个问题上,华盛顿的标准论据表明,国会通过布什(bush)政府时期磋商的与韩国、哥伦比亚、巴拿马之间的双边贸易协议极其重要。

    At this point , the standard Washington talking points would suggest that I argue for the tremendous importance of pushing through Congress the bilateral trade deals with South Korea , Colombia and Panama negotiated by the Bush administration .

  22. 要想替换单艘中型的巴拿马型散货船(Panamax),需要多达3500只集装箱。

    It takes as many as 3,500 containers to replace a single Panamax , a medium-sized dry bulk carrier .

  23. 2006年,巴拿马运河运力几近饱和,时任尼加拉瓜总统恩里克•博拉尼奥斯(EnriqueBola&241;os)也曾寻求恢复修筑运河的计划。

    In 2006 , Enrique Bola & # 241 ; os , then president of Nicaragua , also sought to revive the plan when the Panama Canal was close to capacity .

  24. 那是在2000年3月份,我和我的朋友保罗(Paul)正在位于巴拿马-哥伦比亚边界的达连地堑(DariénGap)寻找稀有植物物种。两位哥伦比亚导游刚刚带我们进入一片林间空地。

    It was March 2000 and I was with my friend Paul in the Dari é n Gap on the Panamanian-Colombian border looking for rare plant species . We had just entered a clearing with our two Colombian guides .

  25. 巴拿马史密森热带研究所的代理所长EldredgeBermingham说DNA条码技术有助于发现和保护热带生物多样性。

    And Eldredge Bermingham , acting director of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama , says DNA barcoding helps to identify and protect tropical biodiversity .

  26. 1996年,Luna生产系列增加了一种新产品:移动式港口起重机,用于巴拿马型船只的装卸。

    In1996 a new product was added to the LUNA production range : the Mobile Harbour Cranes for loading and unloading ships up to a " Panamax " size .

  27. 根据彭博(Bloomberg)的数据,谷望江一直担任香港、中国内地和巴拿马多家私人公司与上市公司的董事,注册的个人持股总额为7900万美元。

    Gu Wangjiang has been listed as a director of private and publicly traded businesses in Hong Kong , China and Panama , and has registered personal shareholdings of $ 79m , according to Bloomberg data .

  28. 在巴拿马的北部加勒比海沿岸,游客应该去圣布拉斯群岛(sanblasislands)欣赏白色的沙滩、潜水以及参观kuna印第安人等土著部落,巴布尔建议。

    On the northern , Caribbean coast , visitors should head to the San Blas islands for white sand beaches , diving and to meet indigenous tribes such as the Kuna , advises barber .

  29. 在HA1区氨基酸序列上,与疫苗株甲/巴拿马/2007/99(H3N2)存在25~30个氨基酸的差异,同源性为92.1%。

    Compared with vaccine strain A / Panama / 2007 / 99 ( H_3N_2 ), there were 25-30 amino acid substituted on HA_1 protein , and the homology of amino acid sequence was only 92.1 % .

  30. 在周三发表讲话后,坎普还举行了一场关于美国贸易政策的听证会,听取美国贸易代表罗恩柯克(ronkirk)作证,并敦促其加快与韩国、巴拿马和哥伦比亚达成自由贸易协定的步伐。

    After his remarks on Wednesday , Mr camp held a hearing on US trade policy featuring testimony from Ron Kirk , US trade representative , pressing him to move swiftly to advance free trade agreements with South Korea , Panama and Colombia .