
rè dài cónɡ lín
  • Tropical jungle;matto
  1. 热带丛林里的一个妄自菲薄的狮子试图使所有的动物都明白它的统治地位。

    A self-important lion in the jungle tried to make his mastery clear to all .

  2. 这里或许就是所谓的人间天堂了。在英属维尔京群岛850英亩的Guana岛上,除了蓝天、白云和银沙滩,还有茂密的热带丛林,网球场和潜水点供你独享。

    How 's this for a fantasy & 850 acres of white-sand beaches , tropical foliage , hiking trails , tennis courts and dive sites reserved solely for you .

  3. 史密斯先生觉得,那湿热的热带丛林简直无法生活。

    Mr. Smith found the steaming jungle a living death .

  4. 他们却似乎进入了一片热气腾腾的热带丛林

    theyseemed tobe entering a steamy , vibrant tropical jungle ,

  5. 巴西是世界上最大的热带丛林的生长地。

    Brazil is the home of the world 's largest jungle rain forest .

  6. 那男孩绘声绘色地谈著他的热带丛林之行

    The boy talk in an animated way about his trip to the jungle

  7. 秘鲁拿着大刀在热带丛林中劈荆斩棘这完全是19世纪末期的风格。

    Peru Hacking your way through jungle with a machete is so 1880s .

  8. 绿色寓所:热带丛林罗曼史

    Green Mansions : A Romance of the Tropical Forest

  9. 在热带丛林中旅行时,人们经常睡在睡袋中。

    Travelling in the jungle forest , people often sleep in the sleeping bag .

  10. 它被热带丛林环绕,坐落在大海之滨。

    It is surrounded by tropical mountain forests and situated close to the ocean .

  11. 那珊瑚礁定是海上的热带丛林。

    Then this , the coral reef , is surely the jungle of the sea .

  12. 我想穿越热带丛林,因为我喜欢刺激的假期。

    I 'd love to trek through the jungle , because I like exciting vacations .

  13. 泰国为我们准备了很多好玩的,从曼谷的焦点派对到美丽的海滩以及热带丛林。

    Thailand has a lot to offer , from the party-central Bangkok to beautiful beaches and tropical jungle .

  14. 因为犀牛甲虫生活在赤道附近的热带丛林,因此,它不得不足够强壮才能在炽热的地表搜寻到食物。

    Since they live in tropical jungles along the equator , rhino beetles have to be strong to forage through the jungle floor .

  15. 其中,边地写作是比较显著的特点,边地既有草原大漠,也有热带丛林,具有鲜明的异域色彩。

    Among those methods , border writing , which contains desert grassland and jungle , showing distinct exotic colors , is a prominent character .

  16. 亚洲各地很多国家都在大肆销售热带丛林和森林的使用权给一些棕榈油制造公司和造纸公司。

    Throughout Asia , a lot of countries are selling off jungle and forest rights for palm oil and for paper and pulp companies .

  17. 它们生活在沼泽,湿地和水流缓慢的溪流中,主要分布在亚马逊热带丛林和奥里诺科河盆地。

    Anacondas live in swamps , marshes , and slow-moving streams , mainly in the tropical rain forests of the Amazon and Orinoco basins .

  18. “享受休憩时光套装”则能让你闻到海的味道(摩诺伊油、提亚蕾花)和热带丛林的味道(草和树叶割开的味道)。

    The ' Enjoy the Break Pack ' includes Seaside ( monoi , tiare flower ) and Lush Jungle ( cut grass , leaves ) .

  19. 在稠密、复杂的热带丛林里,好的视觉比灵敏的嗅觉更加重要。

    In the dense complex world of a tropical forest , it is more important to see well than to develop an acute sense of smell .

  20. 让我们走进那似梦非梦的神秘情景,用画笔去寻找自己心目中的那片“热带丛林”吧。

    His best-known paintings of jungles are full of fantastic sense . Let 's walk into his mysterious jungle , using brushes to depict our own dreamland .

  21. 凤冠雉科中形似火鸡的几种大型猎禽;原产于美洲热带丛林;与凤冠鸟形似,是贵重的食用鸟。

    Any of several large turkey-like game birds of the family Cracidae ; native to jungles of tropical America ; resembling the curassows and valued as food .

  22. 对玛雅人为何会远离河流,选择在深山的热带丛林中建立城市的好奇,促使了这位这位少年开始研究星象图以找寻谜底。

    Wondering why the ancient people built their cities far away from rivers and in inhospitable mountains prompted the teenager to look to the sky for answers .

  23. 可一旦踏上该国土地,他们并没有得到美方许诺的肥沃土地,而是被扔到了热带丛林中,许多人因饥饿或陌生的疾病而丧命。

    But when they arrived , instead of the fertile land they had been promised , they were dumped in the jungle where many died of hunger or unfamiliar diseases .

  24. 证实云南古代的热带丛林地区为黄牛驯化地之一,瘤牛和普通黄牛是云南黄牛的基本来源,文山黄牛主要起源于瘤牛,与东南亚黄牛有较近的亲缘关系。

    And Bos indicus and Bos taurus were the primarily bloods of Yunnan yellow cattle , while Wenshan yellow cattle , mainly coming from Bos indicus origin , has a nearer relationship with southwest asia cattle ;

  25. 人类的视觉,和其它灵长目动物的一样,是在丛林环境中进化出来的。在稠密、复杂的热带丛林里,好的视觉比灵敏的嗅觉更加重要。

    Human vision like that of other primates has evolved in an arboreal environment.In the dense complex world of a tropical forest , it is more important to see well than to develop an acute sense of smell .

  26. 一点多址数字微波通信在热带山岳丛林中的组网应用

    Application of Networking for PMP Digital Microwave Communication in Tropical Mountainous Jungle

  27. 热带山岳丛林地训练

    Training in tropical mountain and jungle areas

  28. 生长于热带森林和丛林地带的大而生命力强的附生蕨类植物;产于非洲、亚洲和澳大利亚。

    Large robust epiphytic ferns of tropical forest and scrub ; Africa and Asia and Australia .

  29. 在隐秘的云南南部热带的小型低地丛林里

    But in the hidden pockets of lowland jungle in Yunnan 's tropical south ,