
  • 网络babylonia
  1. 早在公元前4000年生活在巴比伦尼亚的远古民族的人。

    A member of an ancient people living E of Babylonia as early as 4000 BC .

  2. 据早期资料记载,外科学在巴比伦尼亚得到了别的国家无所企及的长足的发展。

    Records indicate that surgery was far more advanced in Babylonia than in any other country .

  3. 这个人就是巴比伦尼亚王国的开始统治者,而且他成了亚述中尼尼微和其它城市的创始人。

    This individual was the beginning of the kingdom in Babylonia , and he became the founder of Nineveh and other cities in Assyria .

  4. 至少自从犹太人被流放到巴比伦尼亚以来,侨民群体(居住在国外但与祖国仍然保持联系的群体)就一直存在于世界各地。

    Diasporas communities that live outside , but maintain links with , their homelands have been with the world at least since the Jews were exiled to Babylonia .

  5. 他揭发了犹大的罪,认为他们的敌人加尔底亚人(巴比伦尼亚人)是神派来惩罚他们的,但最后正义终将胜利。

    He denounced the sins of Judah , identifying their enemies the Chaldeans ( Babylonians ) as an instrument of God 's punishment , but also predicted the final triumph of righteousness .