
bā lā guī
  • Paraguay
巴拉圭[bā lā guī]
  1. B组除了实力不错的西班牙队外,还有斯洛文尼亚队、巴拉圭队和南非队。

    Strong contender Spain along with Slovenia , Paraguay and South Africa make up group B.

  2. 巴拉圭强调WTO中的协商一致原则,但也表示其并不会轻率利用自己的权力封阻协商一致。

    Stressing the importance of the consensus rule in the WTO , Paraguay noted that it was not using its power to block consensus lightly .

  3. Onthesouth的意思是“在南边”、“与南边接近”。例:玻利维亚的北边和东边与巴西接壤,南边与阿根廷和巴拉圭接壤,西边与秘鲁和智利接壤。

    Bolivia is bounded on the north and east by Brazil , on the south by Argentina and Paraguay , and on the west by Peru and Chile .

  4. 波兰在2比1战胜哥斯达黎加后后来居上,最终在A组中排名第三。而巴拉圭则以2比0意外击败特立尼达和多巴哥,最终排名B组第三。

    Poland came from behind to beat Costa Rica 2-1 to finish third in Group A , and Paraguay upset Trinidad and Tobago 2-0 to be the third-placer of Group B.

  5. 她还安排了与联合国秘书长潘基文(BanKi-moon)共进午餐,并将会晤克罗地亚、厄瓜多尔、加纳和巴拉圭的国家元首。

    She was scheduled to have lunch with Ban Ki-moon , UN secretary-general , and would meet heads of state from Croatia , Ecuador , Ghana and Paraguay .

  6. 巴西的伊塔乌联合银行(Itaú)在海外采取了一些动作,但主要是在邻国智利、阿根廷、巴拉圭和乌拉圭。

    Ita ú of Brazil has made some moves abroad but mostly into neighbouring Chile , Argentina , Paraguay and Uruguay .

  7. 六年来,巴拉圭首都Asuncion一直是生活成本最低的城市。

    For the six years in a row Asuncion Paraguay , it is the cheapest city to live in .

  8. 结果显示,乙醇的体积分数为70%,回流时间60min,回流温度80℃,料液比1∶30为巴拉圭茶多酚的最佳提取工艺条件;

    The results showed that the optimum extraction conditions were 30 fold of 70 % ethanol , dip in 80 ℃ water , refluxing 60 min ;

  9. 在随后的几年里,Aspire非洲演变为“Aspire足球之梦”(AspireFootballDreams),范围扩展到多达17个国家,包括三个美洲国家(危地马拉、哥斯达黎加和巴拉圭)及两个亚洲国家(越南和泰国)。

    In the years that followed , Aspire Africa was rebranded as Aspire Football Dreams , its scope expanding to as many as 17 countries , including three in the Americas ( Guatemala , Costa Rica and Paraguay ) and two in Asia ( Vietnam and Thailand ) .

  10. 扎克伯格并没有公布这个庞大的项目的运行时间,但是他透露说,去年巴拉圭(Paraguay)和菲律宾(Philippines)已有300万人开始接触互联网了。

    Zuckerberg hasn 't released a timeline yet for his massive project , but he has said that over the last year , 3 million people now have access to the Internet that didn 't before in the countries of Paraguay and the Philippines .

  11. 巴西和巴拉圭的图皮人的语言。

    The language spoken by the Tupi people of Brazil and Paraguay .

  12. 巴拉圭&巴拉那水道河运协定

    Agreement on River Transport for the Paraguay - Parana Waterway

  13. 瑞典攻入他们在06年世界杯上的第一球,战胜了巴拉圭。

    Sweden scores first goal of ' 06 Cup , downs Paraguay .

  14. 杰夫:巴拉圭队这一下可算是一鸣惊人了。

    Jeff : The Paraguayan team taas made a great coup now .

  15. 欢迎首次加入奥运会的巴拉圭和津巴布韦。

    Welcome to your first Olympics , Paraguay and Zimbabwe !

  16. 巴西在中国的外交使团规模还不如巴拉圭。

    Brazil has a smaller diplomatic presence in China than in Paraguay .

  17. 巴拉圭:来自美洲的心脏,就是瓜拉尼人的精神。

    From the heart of America , this is the guarani spirit .

  18. 不久,查之间的战争,玻利维亚和巴拉圭开始。

    Shortly after this the Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay began .

  19. 这4个国家为阿根廷、委内瑞拉、巴拉圭和乌拉圭。

    The other members are Argentina , Venezuela , Paraguay and Uruguay .

  20. 印度、土耳其、巴拉圭和玻利维亚支持蒙古的豁免请求。

    India , Turkey , Paraguay and Bolivia supported Mongolia 's waiver request .

  21. 居住在巴拉圭和波利维亚的北美印第安人。

    A member of the South American people living in Paraguay and Bolivia .

  22. 巴拉圭在之后的一个星期将有运动。

    Paraguay is going to be campaign full time for the next week .

  23. 为巴拉圭队进军法兰西铺平了道路。

    It has paved the way for the Paraguayan team marching to France .

  24. 藏身于巴拉圭的逃亡者的生活。

    The life of a fugitive in paraguay .

  25. 巴拉圭雄狮一声吼,南非也要抖三抖!

    The Guarani lion roars in South Africa !

  26. 英格兰因为巴拉圭4号的乌龙球,最后以1比0获胜。

    England won Paraguay 1-0 , for No 4 's own goal of Paraguay .

  27. 有九节鳞片;产于从得克萨斯到巴拉圭的地区。

    Having nine hinged bands of bony plates ; ranges from Texas to Paraguay .

  28. 伊拉克将在半决赛中对阵韩国和巴拉圭比赛的胜者。

    In the semi-fianls , Iraq will play against either South Korea or Paraguay .

  29. 决斗在巴拉圭是合法的,只要双方都是注册捐血者。

    Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors .

  30. 卡特斯,作为巴拉圭最有权力的人,亲手缔造了整个王国。

    As one of Paraguay 's most powerful men , Cartes built up an empire .