
  • 网络workflow software;Work Flow Software
  1. 基于人的工作流软件的根在工作组工具(workgrouptool)和群件(groupware)中。

    The roots of people-based workflow software is in workgroup tools and groupware .

  2. 工作流软件在办公自动化系统中的应用

    The application of workflow software in office automation system

  3. 整个系统都采用Java技术来实现,充分的利用了Java技术的平台无关性和WriteOnce,runanywhere的特性,这也为很好的复用此工作流软件打下了坚实的基础。

    The whole system is based on Java technology for its character of platform independent and ' Write Once , Run Anywhere ' . All these make solid foundation for reusing the workflow management system .

  4. 运用工作流软件的装备管理机关仿真

    Materiel Management Office Simulation Using Workflow Software

  5. 工作流软件设计方法

    The Design Methods of Workflow Software

  6. 浅析工作流软件

    On the Workflow Management Software

  7. 用户在业务流程优化、重组以及信息系统的集成、整合时,都将工作流软件作为重要的工具。

    During the optimization of business process and integration of information system , workflow softwares are always favorite choice for users .

  8. 两种观点的融合意味着工作流软件具有灵活地处理各种不可预料的情形的能力是非常重要的。

    Merging the two viewpoints means that the ability of workflow software to flexibly handle varied and unexpected circumstances becomes very important .

  9. 但是,在当今企业IT架构中,尤其是中小企业,其组织结构及业务流程都在不断变化,而且工作流软件的开发成本及硬件成本,对于这些中小企业来说根本无法承受。

    However , in the Information Technology architecture of most enterprises , especially for medium and small enterprises , their organizational structure and business processes are constantly changing .

  10. 应用Notes工作流作软件项目开发管理

    Management of Software Project Developing by Applying Notes Work-Flowing

  11. 基于Vortex工作流的软件应用研究

    A research of vortex workflow - based software application

  12. Runtime层设置了统一的管理环境,保证面向人员工作流应用软件的可靠运行;

    Runtime layer set up a manageable runtime environment to make application run reliably ;

  13. 基于CMM和工作流的软件项目管理系统的研究

    Research of Software Project Management System Based on CMM and Workflow

  14. 并在基于jBPM的工作流管理软件体系结构的基础上,实现了由编制编成、方案想定、指控流程管理、权限管理四个功能模块构成的防空指控流程管理系统。

    Realize the air-defense command and control process management system based on the above software system architecture , organization and equipment , plan and scenario , command and control process management , rights management four modules are built .

  15. 一种基于工作流的软件需求分析方法

    A New Method of Software Requirement Analysis Based on Workflow

  16. 基于工作流的软件开发过程支持平台框架

    A Framework of Workflow-based Software Development Process-supported Platform

  17. 基于工作流的软件开发配置管理方案

    Configuration management of software development based on workflow

  18. 这种工作流使软件能够按预定的规则将文档分送到指定人手中。

    Such workflow enabled software to send documents to specified individuals according to predefined rules .

  19. 检查时间可能会延长,这就需要使用协作支持和工作流管理软件。

    As the scale or length of time involved in review and inspection increases , collaboration support and workflow-management software may become necessary .

  20. 时间管理是工作流管理软件系统的关键部分,也是工作流技术实施复杂企业应用的严重局限。

    Time management is a crucial part of workflow management software systems , and is also a serious limitation in applying workflow technologies to complex enterprises .

  21. 建立了盟员选择评价系统与选择算法、工作流管理软件系统,用实例验证了本算法与工作流管理系统的有效性。

    A partner selection evaluation prototype system , the algorithm and a workflow management software system are developed . The validity of the algorithm and workflow management system is validated by a case study .

  22. 并结合案例实训系统的具体应用,在详细分析系统功能需求的基础上,讨论了基于工作流的软件案例实训系统的总体设计及数据库设计,分析了工作流引擎的功能结构和实现原理。

    Case and practice with the specific application system , a detailed analysis system on the basis of functional requirements , discussed the work flow software based on the practice of case design and database system design , analysis of the work flow engine structure and the function of Principle .

  23. 基于工作流技术和软件Agent技术,设计了一个能有效实现过程管理的计算机辅助工艺设计系统。

    Based on workflow management and software agent technology , a process workflow system is designed that is used to support process management .

  24. 统一建模语言(UML)为面向对象系统定义了一个统一的标准.使用UML提高了与不同背景领域专家、工作流专家、软件工程师和其他专业人员的沟通,UML可以用在各个方面。

    Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) defines a standard notation for object-oriented systems , and enhances communication between domain experts , workflow specialists , software designers and other professionals with different backgrounds .

  25. 因此,本文从CMM模型出发,综合各种流派的共同特点&软件过程的观点,使用软件过程技术和工作流技术对软件过程进行建模、分析和自动运行。

    From the CMM 's point , this paper has adopted a commonsense of those schools ' views of software process , modeled , analyzed and automatically run software process by taking best use of software process technology and workflow technology .

  26. 基于工作流技术的软件过程定义和追踪机制

    A Mechanism of Defining and Tracing Software Process Based on Workflow

  27. 基于工作流技术的软件开发过程管理系统的研究

    Research on the Software Development Process Management Systems Based on Workflow Technology

  28. 微工作流架构为软件开发人员提供了一个解决传统工作流弊端的新途径。

    The micro-workflow provides a new approach to deal with traditional workflow architecture shortages .

  29. 探讨基于工作流的协同软件过程建模环境中以主体为基础的知识共享机制。

    This paper introduces an agent-based mechanism for knowledge sharing in the workflow-based cooperative software process modeling environment .

  30. 软件发布记录有一个清楚的基本工作流来跟踪软件开发生命周期中的过程。

    The Software Release record has a fairly basic workflow to track the progress in the software development lifecycle .