
  • 网络instrumental course
  1. 多年来的分科教学让这两门课程逐渐失去了最根本的意义,理论的枯燥让学生学习兴趣降低,作为技能课的视唱练耳也变成了学生识谱的工具课。

    Years of separated teaching let these two courses lose the fundamental significance gradually , the boredom of theory lower students ' interest in learning , and solfeggio , as a skills course , also become an instrumental course of students to read musical notation .

  2. 大学英语的课程属性规定,它既是一门语言工具课,也是一门文化素质课。

    College English is regarded both as a linguistic tool and a cultural quality course .

  3. 摘要把语文课当作政治课或单纯的工具课,是多年来语文教学症结所在。

    The sticking point in Chinese teaching lies in the fact that Chinese is regarded as a political lesson or as a tool .

  4. 在全面提高学生素质的过程中,数学即作为基础课又是工具课,而有在现代文化中有重要的地位,故在教学过程中培养学生的创新思维尤为重要。

    Mathematics , as a basic and tool subject , plays an very important part in modern culture , so it is especially important to train students ' creative thoughts in math teaching .

  5. 古代汉语课作为高等师范专科学校中文系的一门基础工具课,其教学应该既强调其基础性,又突出其工具性。

    As a foundational tool lesson of Higher College of Teacher Training , the teaching of archaic Chinese lesson should not only pay attention to its foundational character , but also give prominence to its tool essence .

  6. 基本乐理与视唱练耳作为两门基础乐科,其性质和教学目的是培养学生的音乐审美能力,并不是单纯的工具课。

    Basic music theory and solfeggio , as two basic subjects of music theory , whose nature and teaching purpose are to develop students ' ability of musical aesthetic judgment , and are not merely instrumental courses .

  7. 提高工具痕迹实验课效果的思考

    Considerations on Improving the Effects of Experiment Courses of Instrumental Traces

  8. 工具性是语文课的基本属性。语文课工具性的要义就是要使学生学好祖国的语言文字并掌握这一工具。

    The basic attribute of the course of Chinese is its instrumentality , whose essence is to make the students learn Chinese well and master it as a tool .