- 网络Bioaccumulation

They possess high toxic and bioaccumulation ; which are eventually hazardous to human health through the food chains .
Chlorobenzene is existed in environment , is one kind of pollution with more toxicity and bioaccumulation and persistence , had more harmful to the health of people and livestock .
Studies on Environmental Toxicology recently focus on the toxic function and mechanism of persistent bioaccumulative toxic pollutants ( PBT ) on organism .
With the characteristics of environmental persistence , bioaccumulation , semi-volatility and high toxicity , POPs are harmful chemicals to human health and environment .
Because of the characteristic of long-term residual , bioaccumulative , semi-volatile and highly toxic properties , persistent organic pollutants ( POPs ) has become one of the most controversial environmental pollutants .
Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic Pollutants & Related International Policies and Activities
Mercury , due to its persistence , bio-accumulation and neurological toxicity , has received tremendous attentions .
Organic pollutants attracted the most serious primary focus due to its high toxicity , hard degradable and bioaccumulative .
Due to strong persistence , volatility and bio-accumulation , mercury has become the focus of pollution prevention and control .
Dioxins ( PCDD / Fs ) are a common name of a group of pollutants that are semi-volatile , bioaccumulative , persistent and toxic .
Due to a strong bioaccumulation effect , the heavy metals are very harmful to the environment , which is one of the hot research issues .
Trace-level do not mean small capability to contaminate . These organic pollutants mostly have strong bioaccumulation . Ocean environment and human health are invaded step by step .
Though the toxic organic pollutants are trace quantity in aquatic system , they cause potential hazardous effects on human health because of their high degree of biocumulatiori and carcinogenic .
Therefore , the organotin compounds can cause the accumulation poison to halobios mentioned above or the terrible reversible change of procreation even at very low concentration of TBT and TPT .
With the rapid development of organic industry , more and more hardly-naturally-degraded persistent bioaccumulative toxic pollutants have been released into the natural waters directly without any effective control , which leads to a highly-polluted water environment around the world .
Mercury pollution has become one of the major environmental issues in the air pollution control because of its volatility , persistence , and bioaccumulation .
PCBs are semi-volatile organochlorine compounds with persistence , toxicities and bio-accumulative properties .