
  1. 欧洲国家工伤保险费率管理实践及其对我国的启示&用经济手段促进企业改善劳动安全条件的尝试

    Management Practice of Premium Rate of Occupational Injury in European Countries and Its Enlightenment & A Trial to Perfect the Occupational Safety Condition in Enterprises by Economic Measure

  2. 2001年底,全国平均工伤保险费率为1%左右,参加工伤保险的职工达4345万人。

    By the end of 2001 , the national average rate of industrial injury insurance premium was about 1 percent , with over 43.45 million employees covered by the industrial injury insurance scheme .

  3. 工伤保险费率机制是工伤保险制度的核心问题,对工伤保险基金的稳定性、工伤预防效能的发挥和企业参与的积极性等多方面产生直接影响。

    Decision mechanism of the premium rate is the core of the insurance system for occupational injury , which has direct impact not only on the balance of insurance fund and promotion of the injury prevention , but also the enthusiasm of enterprise insurers .

  4. 我国工伤保险差别费率的研究

    The Study of the Differential Rate for Occupational Injure Insurance in China

  5. 工伤保险差别费率是工伤保险费率机制的核心内容,它关系到企业参保的积极性及工伤保险预防效能的发挥。

    Differential rate is the core of occupational injury insurance mechanism , which has direct impact on the enthusiasm of enterprise to buy insurance and the preventing of occupational injure .

  6. 工伤保险行业差别费率确定方法探讨

    Probe into evaluation of trade discrimination rate of occupational injury insurance

  7. 研究了基于工伤风险评价的煤矿工伤保险费率运行机制,改进了费率的确定方法。

    Furthermore , the dissertation researches the mechanism of coal mine industrial injury premium rates based on the industrial injury risk evaluation and improves the method to ascertain the premium rates .

  8. 通过调查重庆市1998~2000年39个行业共102家企业工伤情况,分析了该市的工伤保险费率体系。

    This paper made an analysis on the industrial injury insurance rate system based on the investigation on industrial injury situation of 102 enterprises in 39 trades from 1988 to 2000 in Chongqing .

  9. 本文以传统的激励理论为依据,分析指出要达到扩大工伤保险覆盖面的目的,应该是设计科学、合理的工伤保险费率机制去激励企业主动参加工伤保险和加强工伤预防。

    Based on the theory of motivation , this paper suggests to design reasonable occupational injury insurance rate mechanism to arousing enthusiasm of the corporation to join occupational injury insurance .

  10. 我国实行的是工伤保险和雇主责任险并存的工伤社会保险体系,制定合理的行业工伤保险费率对于工伤保险基金的稳定、促进企业改善安全生产状况有积极作用。

    The social insurance system of injury in our country is the combination of injury insurance and employer liability . Rational injury insurance rate plays a positive role in the stabilization of fund of injury insurance and the improvement of the sound production of the enterprises .