
  • 网络Mountain grassland;mountain steppe;Mountain Meadow
  1. 结果表明,拉萨地区的主要生态环境类型包括河谷农业类型、山地草原类型、高山草甸类型及高山裸岩及冰雪类型。

    The result shows that there are five main ecoregion types in Lhasa area , namely valley agriculture zone , mountain steppe , alpine meadow , snow and ice and rock , and lake .

  2. 其植被垂直带结构为荒漠、山地荒漠草原、山地灌丛草原、山地草原和嵩草高山草甸。

    The main vertical zonal vegetation types could be categorized into desert , mountain desert steppe , mountain shrub steppe , mountain steppe and Ko-bresia alpine meadow .

  3. 草原植被垂直幅度450~650m,东西部山地草原带水平宽幅9~22km。

    Vertical extent of the vegetations on the grasslands are over 450 ~ 650m , grassland zonal width of the east-west on the mountain is 9 ~ 22km .

  4. 新疆山地草原牲畜采食践踏路迹研究

    Study of Livestock Feeding and Trampling Track in Xinjiang Mountain Grassland

  5. 肃南县山地草原畜牧业的发展模式

    A Development Pattern of Mountain-pasture animal husbandry in Sunan Country

  6. 祁连山区山地草原荒漠化的原因诊断与治理对策

    Analysis on the causes and Countermeasures of grassland desertification in Qilian Mountain Area

  7. 山地草原人工草场植物群落演替动态

    Succession dynamic of plant communities of the artificial pastures

  8. 新疆天山北坡山地草原植物生育节律分析

    Study on the Growing Rhymes of Plants of Grassland in Northern Slope of Tianshan Mountain

  9. 山地草原生物量的垂直变化及其与气候变暖和施肥的关系

    Biomass responses to a simulated global warming by changing of elevation and fertilizer addition in upland grassland

  10. 天山北坡高寒草甸和山地草原氮磷配方施肥的研究

    Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer on the Alpine Meadow and Mountain Pasture in Northern Tian Shan Mountain

  11. 该段山区共有山地草原、山地草丛、山地灌草丛、山地灌丛,亚高山草甸,河漫滩草甸6个草地类型。

    In this area there are 6 grassland types & the steppe , herbosa , shrub-herbosa , subalpine meadow and liman meadow .

  12. 由下而上包括了山地草原带、山地森林带、草甸带、冰川恒雪带等等不同的生态圈。

    From the bottom to the top , there are different biospheres , such as alpine prairies , alpine forests , meadows , glaciers and permanent snow .

  13. 高寒草原Shannon-Weiner指数、Simpson多样性指数和均匀度指数分别为2.13、0.85和0.81,山地灌丛草原则最低只有1.36、0.65和0.65。

    Shannon-Weiner index 、 Simpson index and Species evenness index were 2.13 , 0.85 and 0.81 of frigid grassland , which were 1.36 , 0.65 and 0.65 of upland brushy grassland .

  14. 山地荒漠草原不同植物群落物种-多度关系分析

    Analysis on the Species-abundance Relationship of Different Plant Communities in the Mountain Desert-grassland

  15. 山地荒漠草原植物群落多样性与环境因子动态关系研究

    Studies on Dynamic Relationship Between Plant Diversity and Environmental Factors in the Mountain-desert Grassland

  16. 山地森林草原气候带;

    Mountain forestry grassland climatic zones ;

  17. 方法野外调查,收集并阅读有关资料,按季节实地观察测验,并取水样进行水质分析和微量元素的光谱分析。结果1-气象环境该矿泉处于中山地、草原、森林、河谷中。

    Methods A investigation of fieldwork , collecting and reading data , analysis of quality for water and analysis of trace element .

  18. 风力发电场的高压电线对栖息于山地草甸草原和针叶林的隼形目鸟类造成一定影响。

    The Falcons inhabiting in the mountain meadow steppe and artificial coniferous forest were influenced by the high voltage wires of the wind generating electricity factory .

  19. 植物群落分布体现了山地荒漠草原的特征,多数植物群落类型分布在山地阴坡;

    The distribution of plant community fits the characteristics of mountainous desert grassland . The most types of the community are in the shady slope of the mountain .

  20. 在中部低山丘陵干草原区呈零星分布,在西北部山地草甸草原区无分布。

    Most Chinese Ephedra are growing in hilly sandy dry rangeland area in the southeast and a few growing in low hilly dry rangeland area in the middle of this area .

  21. 通过3年田间定位试验,对施肥条件下退化山地灌丛草原土生物学肥力的变化进行了研究。

    In a three-year field trial , this paper studied the dynamics of biological fertility of degraded cultivated mountain shrubby steppe soil in the lower reaches of Lisa River as affected by fertilization .

  22. 贺兰山山地疏林草原主要植物花粉形态观察

    The Morphology of Main Plant Species in the Woodlands of the Helan Mountains

  23. 晋东南山地、盆地森林草原小区。

    Hill , basin with forest and prairie in the southeast .

  24. 地上生物量主要集中于高寒草原和高寒草甸,两者占总量的41.7%;其次是典型草原、山地草甸和荒漠草原,分别占19.0%、18.3%和14.6%;

    The grassland aboveground biomass is distributed primarily in alpine steppe and alpine meadow , which accounts for 41.7 % .

  25. 中国历来重视综合开发利用山地、水面、草原等国土资源,增加各类食品产量。

    China has always attached great importance to comprehensive development and utilization of mountain areas , water surfaces , grasslands and other resources to increase the output of various foodstuffs .

  26. 山地荒漠带和山地草原带苔藓植物物种相似性最高,为0.6809,山地森林带和高山垫状植被带相似性最低,仅为0.1342;

    The species similarity between mountain desert and mountain grassland belt was the highest ( 0.6809 ), while that between mountain forest and alpine cushion belt was the lowest ( 0.1342 ) .

  27. 山地景观生态系统由居民点、耕地、山地荒漠草原、山地草原(典型草原)、山地针叶林、亚高山植被、高山植被、冰川、水系、道路10种景观组分组成;

    The mountain landscape ecosystem is made up of 10 landscape elements types , that are residence land , cultivated land , mountain desert , mountain grassland , mountain forestland , sub-mountain vegetation , mountain vegetation , ice and snow , river and road .