
  • 网络intermountain basin;intermontane basin
  1. 该煤系主要由陆源碎屑物质组成,总厚度大于1000m,长期以来认为它是陆相的山间盆地型沉积。

    The coal measures are composed dominantly of terrigenous clastic materials with a total thickness of more than 1000 m. They have long been considered as continental deposits of intermontane basin type .

  2. 典型山间盆地地震勘探采集方法探讨

    Researching of Seismic Exploration Acquisition Methods in Typical Intermontane Basin

  3. sorokiniana弱。动态挤压磨浆早一中侏罗世为弱挤压背景下的山间盆地;

    An inter-mountain basin under the background of weak extrusion in the Early and Middle Jurassic ;

  4. 晚侏罗世的盆地往北推移,在内蒙地轴南部及东部的E&W向及NE向的山间盆地中,接受了周边山地的物源而形成磨拉石建造;

    The basin was migrated northward in Late Jurassic , and in the piedmont basins with EW and NE directions in the southern and eastern parts of Inner Mongolian Axis , the substance from adjacent mountainous areas was deposited , forming the molasse formation ;

  5. 晚元古界早期构造层,为山前凹地或山间盆地磨拉石堆积,形成于1000-800Ma;

    The third one , formed at early stage of later-Proterozoic ( 1000-800Ma ), was belong to molasse formation accumulated in foredeep or intermountain basin ;

  6. 中线工程沿线多年平均降雨500~900mm,并具有从南向北,从山区向平原及山间盆地递减趋势。

    The mean annual precipitation along the Middle Route Project is 500 ~ 900 mm and characterizes successive decreasing tendency from south to north and from mountainous area to plain area and intermountainous basin .

  7. 大围山土壤分布自下而上依次为山地红壤、山地黄壤、山地黄棕壤和山地灌丛草甸土,在海拔1100m以上的山间盆地和凹地间有草甸、沼泽土分布。

    Soil distribution from the foot to the top were : mountain red soil , mountain yellow soil , mountain yellow-brown soil and mountain meadow soil . Above the 1100 m of absolute altitude of the intermountain basin is bog soil .

  8. 较稳定区域内的山间盆地,曾有过区域隆起。

    Intermontane basins in relatively stable regions subjected to regional uplift .

  9. 云南山间盆地城镇建设适宜性评价

    Suitability assessment of the urban construction of Intermountain basins in Yunnan Province

  10. 山间盆地震害特征及其形成原因的探讨

    Considerations on the Characteristics of Seismic Disaster in Intermountain Basins and Their Causes

  11. 西北发育内陆山前坳陷盆地和山间盆地;

    Inland Empire In north-western China , fore-deep and intermontane basins were developed .

  12. 山间盆地地貌与城市发展

    The geomorphy of mountain basin and urban development

  13. 山间盆地海相沉积;

    The marine sedimentary rocks in intermountain basins ;

  14. 白云岩山间盆地型水源地地下水资源评价方法研究

    Study Methods of Evaluation on the Groundwater Resources Which is the Type of Dolomite 's Mountain Basin

  15. 新疆天山构造带中小型山间盆地构造特征及油气勘探方向

    Characteristics of moderate-small - size Intermont basins structures and prospects for oil-gas exploration in Tianshan Mountain structural belts

  16. 雪峰山区山间盆地农业生态经济系统模式探讨

    A discussion on model of Agricultural Ecologic - economic system in the Intermountain basins of Xuefeng mountainous region

  17. 早一中侏罗世为弱挤压背景下的山间盆地;

    An inter - mountain basin under the background of weak extrusion in the Early and Middle Jurassic ;

  18. 澜沧江以西的白垩系,分布于冈瓦纳古陆和古特提斯造山带的小型山间盆地,地层层序齐全,岩性、厚度稳定,含古生物化石。

    The Cretaceous west of Lancang River is distributed in Gondwana and the small intermontane basin of Tethys orogen .

  19. 天山造山带山间盆地砂岩型铀矿成矿模式及找矿方向探讨

    Metallogenic model and prospecting targets for Interlayer oxidation type sandstone-hosted uranium deposits in intermountain basins of the Tianshan orogenic belt

  20. 隔层窜流现象的数值模拟研究潜水层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿特征与成矿模式&以滇西地区山间盆地为例

    Characteristics and metallogenic models of phreatic interlayer oxidation zone sandstone-type uranium deposits : Case study of intermontane basins in Western Yunnan Province

  21. 玉环柚、常山胡柚、黄岩柑桔等分布在沿海平原及山间盆地,地势较低的地方;

    Yuhuan pomelo , Changshan Hu pomelo , Huangyan honey tangerine are distributed in low-lying area such as coastal plains and intermontane basins .

  22. 吐鲁番盆地是中国陆地最低的山间盆地,也是新疆水资源量最少的地区之一。

    Turpan Basin is the lowest mountain-surrounded basin in China , and is also one of the areas with poorest water resources in Xinjiang .

  23. 分析认为中生代盆地具“伸展断陷盆地”特征,而新生代盆地演化为“挤压走滑型山间盆地”。

    It was an extensional and faulted basin in Mesozoic , and then developed into an intermountain basin with compressed strike-slip attribute in Cenozoic .

  24. 老君山组广泛分布在古祁连山的山前和山间盆地,主要为冲积扇粗碎屑沉积。

    The Laojunshan Formation was dispersed over the piedmont and intermountainous basin along the PaleoQilian orogenic belt and is composed of coarse clastic rocks .

  25. 氡的主要污染源是山间盆地沉积物中局部富集的放射性铀元素。

    Rn is derived from radioactive elements in granitic sediments in the intermountain basin and granite base , which are the major sources of pollution .

  26. 滇西(怒江以西)地区分布着数十个新生代盆地,且多为小型山间盆地。

    Tens of Cenozoic basins , mostly small-sized in tramontane basins , are dispersely distributed in western Yunnan ( west to Nujiang ri ver ) .

  27. 软土是指近代水下沉积的饱和粘性土,广泛分布于我国沿海内陆平原或山间盆地。

    Saturated clays that deposited in neoteric years are called soft soil , which are easily found in inland plains and mountainous basins in China .

  28. 山体在造山演化过程中表现为两侧双峰式隆起、中部形成山间盆地的隆升模式。

    The uplift model of the mountain body is two-peak uplifting at two sides and intermontane basin forming in middle in the process of orogenic evolution .

  29. 门源盆地是祁连山中段的山间盆地,南北边缘均为断裂控制,发育古近系白杨河组、第四纪冰碛物和冰水堆积物。

    The Menyuan Basin is an intermontane basin in the central segment of the Qilian Mountains , bounded by boundary faults on the north and south .

  30. 南京座落在中&新生代山间盆地,是长江南岸一座山青水秀的山城。

    Nanjing is a green hills and clear waters-picturesque scenery city at south bank of Changjiang river located in Cenozoic-Mesozoic basin , at the western part of Ningzhen moutains .