- sierozem

Chestnut soil , light black mature soil , black gunny soil , yellow cotton soil and sierozem are principally developed in semi arid area with 250 ~ 450 mm precipitation .
Sierozem sections can be divided into humus , calcium , and the parent material laminated layers .
Study on adsorbing capacity of chromium cinder under circumstances of eluviation
Enviromental migration and capacity of lead in the sierozem soil-plant system
Study on Supplying Fertilizer Status and Applying Fertilizer in Cucumber Vegetable Plot of Sierozem
Preliminary study on the dynamical regime of water and salt in the irrigated Sierozem
Ecological criteria for heavy metals in sierozem
The Distribution and Soil-forming Characteristics of Sierozem in Qinghai and Gansu Provinces and Ningxia Autonomous Region of China
The percentage of antimicrobial actinomycetes in different soil types was different , arranging in the following order : chernozem > Castanozem > Sierozem > sandy soil .
But compared with reddish paleosols , it was formed in dry and cold conditions , so , loess even could serve as an indicator of dry and cold climate .
The pot experimental results showed that both available Zn content in soil and Zn concentration in plant of maize exhibited positive correlation with rate of applied Zn in salinized and non-salinized sierozem .
The urea hydrolysis characteristics in 3 different soils under a wide range of urea concentration , different incubation time , and different temperature were studied to clarify the hydrolysis behavior of urea applied in band or spot to upland soil .
The four sub-categories ' fertility characteristics are different , The tide of gray calcareous clay has the strongest fertility , and the organic matter content , the amount of phosphorus , nitrogen content , the amount of potassium are maximum .
The index of soil hydrology effect changes with soil depth , the change extent was sub-alpine shrub meadow soil forest gray-brown soil chestnut soil ;
The source function of the warm temperate brown desert soil is the worst and the other soils are arranged as gray brown desert soil gray desert soil gray calcium soil cultivated soil forest meadow soil .