
  • 网络The Netherlands;netherland;Nederland
  1. 他们是尼德兰附近来的吧?

    They come from somewhere near the netherlands , right ?

  2. 工会组织立刻对其想要把业务一并撤离尼德兰作出职责。

    Unions immediately accused it of wanting to pull out of the Netherlands altogether .

  3. 教授;这是因为您搞错了。尼德兰说。

    That 's just where you 're mistaken , professor , Ned replied .

  4. 相当好吃的鱼。尼德兰回答。

    Pretty fair eating , Ned Land replied .

  5. 尼德兰达到了他的目的。

    Ned Land hadn 't missed his target .

  6. 是的,尼德兰,我再说一遍,我所以相信,我是有事实根据的。

    Yes , Ned , I repeat it with a conviction backed by factual logic .

  7. 尼德兰是虚构出来的地方。

    The Netherlands is this make-believe place .

  8. 尼德兰带着不大能使人安心得语气回答,

    I give you my word , professor , Ned Land replied in an unenthusiastic tone .

  9. 尼德兰当然是帝国总收入更大的耗费之地。

    The Netherlands became , of course , an even greater drain upon general imperial revenues .

  10. 而来自佛罗里达的动物摄影师任-尼德兰每年奔走上万英里,就为拍下这一个个精彩瞬间。

    Animal photographer Ren Netherland from Florida , travels thousands of miles every year capturing these stunning transformations .

  11. 开拓新尼德兰的荷兰人和法国雨格诺教徒主要只在商业上留下了痕迹。

    The Hollanders , who founded New Netherland , and the French Huguenots left their mark chiefly on commerce .

  12. 在女王与达朗松的婚姻谈判以及英国是否出兵尼德兰的问题上,女王最终都接受了枢密院的建议。

    Elizabeth took their advices about the negotiation of her marriage with Alenson and English military action in the Netherlands .

  13. 可是,诚实的尼德兰,您晓得您身上有多少平方厘米的面积吗?

    Now , my gallant Ned , do you know how many square centimeters you have on your bodily surface ?

  14. 迪克领导了一个以尼德兰为基地的四年期项目,这个项目旨在产生一个科学的和商业性的计划,从而把昆虫带到西方人的餐桌上。

    Dicke heads a Netherlands-based four-year programme aiming to produce a scientific and business plan to bring insects to western tables .

  15. 那它们的身体要用八英寸厚的钢板造成,跟铁甲战舰那样才行。尼德兰回答。

    They 'd need to be manufactured , Ned Land replied , from sheet-iron plates eight inches thick , like ironclad frigates .

  16. 本文主旨在于初步探究尼德兰绘画大师博鲁盖尔的绘画思想观念在其作品中的展现。

    The initial purpose of this paper is to explore the Netherlands painter Bruegel painting ideas in his works in the show .

  17. 首先,阐述了尼德兰地区自古罗马统治时代至哈布斯堡王朝统治时代的政治发展史及尼德兰联省共和国的建国历程。

    First , I detail political history since Roman to the Habsburg times , and the course of founding of the Dutch Republic .

  18. 他生于尼德兰,受训于安特卫普学院,并于1869年定居英国。

    Born in Dronrijp , the Netherlands , and trained at the Academy of Antwerp , Belgium , he settled in England in 1869 .

  19. 在意大利文艺复兴和北方尼德兰艺术革命之前,湿壁画和坦培拉绘画这两种技法是主要的绘画形式。

    Before Italian the Renaissance and north nun virtue orchid artistic revolution , wet fresco and tempera this two drawing skill is major drawing form .

  20. 圩田填筑水体并用堤坝保护的一片地势很低的地区,尤指位于尼德兰的。

    An area of low-lying land , especially in the netherlands , that has been reclaimed from a body of water and is protected by dikes .

  21. 肖像画的发展变化主要发生在北部地区,即尼德兰地区,而后逐渐传播到南方。

    The change and development of Portraiture were mainly conducted around the northern region , the Netherlands region . Then they gradually spread to the southern part .

  22. 他们努力的结果却是遭到了迫害,于是他们横渡到了尼德兰,也被称作荷兰,去那里寻找宗教自由。

    As a result of their efforts , they were persecuted , so they sailed to the Netherlands ; also known as Holland , seeking religious freedom .

  23. 文章拟就扬·凡·艾克这位尼德兰最重要的画家做研究,探讨在他的绘画中光元素所体现出来的内在涵义。

    The article will take Jan van Eyck who is the most distinguished painter in Netherlands as center , and try to study the meaning of the Light in his paintings .

  24. 正像您说的那样,尼德兰,现在您想想,这样一个巨大的物体,以快车的速度撞在一只船壳上,可能产生的破坏力量是怎样。

    Right , Ned , and then picture the damage such a mass could inflict if it were launched with the speed of an express train against a ship 's hull .

  25. 在研究者列出的排比名单上,冰岛名列榜首,成为同性恋者最幸福的国家。挪威、丹麦、瑞典、乌拉圭、加拿大、以色列、尼德兰等国家紧随其后。

    Iceland tops their list as the country where gay men are the happiest , followed by Norway , Denmark , Sweden , Uruguay , Canada , Israel , Netherlands , Switzerland and Luxembourg .

  26. 本文以尼德兰绘画形式作为切入点,从历史、现实因素和作品分析三个主要方面,力争较为详尽的论述勃鲁盖尔双重理念在其艺术思想中的地位和绘画作品中的体现。

    The paper , beginning with the factors of the Netherland painting patterns , analyzed the history , reality and works so as to review and comment on the effects and embodiment of double-ideology on Bruegel 's art genius and painting works .

  27. 尼德兰,好吧,当您潜入水中,在您上面有多少倍三十二英尺的水,您的身体就要顶住同等倍数大气压的压力,即每平方厘米面积上要顶住同等倍数公斤的压力。

    Well then , when you dive under the waves , Ned , for every thirty-two feet of water above you , your body is tolerating the pressure of one more atmosphere , in other words , one more kilogram per each square centimeter on your body 's surface .