
  • 网络The Kingdom of Nepal;Nepal
  1. 上世纪50年代历史名城大森被划为一个地级城市,现在也是尼泊尔王国的排第三位的最古老的城市之一。

    The historical Tansen was declared a municipality in the1950s and is the third oldest municipality of the Kingdom of Nepal , the RSS news report said .

  2. 受印度洋暖湿气流的影响,尼泊尔王国气候湿润,四季如春。

    The air off the Indian Ocean makes Nepal a fertile land with an eternal spring .

  3. 喜马拉雅山像个巨大的屏障,静静地护绕着尼泊尔王国。她拥有雄伟壮丽的自然景色,年代久远的佛寺,和世界上少有的适于徒步旅行的路径。

    Draped along the greatest heights of the Himalaya , Nepal is a land of sublime scenery , time-worn temples , and some of the best walking trails on earth .