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  • 网络Nemea
  1. 尼密阿是巨人堤丰和蛇妖厄格德的儿子。

    Nemean was the son of giant Typhon and monster of a snake .

  2. 阿尼本不愿与赫五力为敌,但为了保护心上人许,他决定将赫五力挡在尼密阿大森林外。

    Nemean refused to fight with Hercules but to protect his beloved , Nemean decided to beat Hercules .

  3. 当人与妖相爱的时候,尼密阿就从月亮上掉了下来,是上天赐给这对夫妇一个漂亮的宝贝,家人都叫他阿尼。

    When people and monsters loved each other , Nemean would fall from Moon , which was a gift to them .