
  • 网络Employability;employment competence
  1. 根据这份由英国专业教育公司QuacquarelliSymonds(QS)发布的2019年QS毕业生就业力排名榜,清华大学位列第9,北京大学则排名第20。

    Tsinghua University ranked ninth while Peking University took the 20th spot , according to the QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2019 released by Quacquarelli Symonds , a British company specializing in education .

  2. 就业力是无边界职业背景下的重要课题。

    Employability becomes an important subject in the context of boundaryless career .

  3. 本文在对就业力相关研究文献的回顾和分析基础上,系统阐述了Fugate(2001)提出的基于个人特质的就业力三维结构,即个人适应性、个体与市场界面和职业认同。

    Founded on the review of the previous researches , this paper specified the three-dimension employability construct presented by Fugate ( 2001 ), and the three dimensions are Personal Adaption , Individual-Market Interface and Career Identity .

  4. 大学生心理资本对就业力具有较强的正向预测作用。

    Psychological capital has strong positive effect on predicting employment ability .

  5. 开发职业环境,提升高职毕业生就业力

    Developing occupational environment to enhance employment ability of higher vocational graduates

  6. 基于就业力视角的大学生就业政策研究

    Research on Graduate Employment Policy from the Perspective of Employability

  7. 以特色创优势提高大学生就业力

    Creating Advantages through Specialties and Improving the Employment Abilities of College Students

  8. 英国高校提升大学生就业力的经验探讨

    Discussion on the Experience of Graduates Employability Enhancement in British Higher Education

  9. 强化职业生涯规划指导有效提升大学生就业力

    Strengthen the Guidance of Career Planning to Enhance the Employment Ability of College Students

  10. 他的观点在启德教育集团发布的《2013海归就业力调查报告》中得到了验证。

    His view is echoed in the 2013 Survey Report on Overseas Returnees ' Employability .

  11. 近日,某招聘行业网站发布《2016年应届毕业生就业力调研报告》。

    Recently , a recruitment website issued the Investigation Report of Employability of 2016 Graduates .

  12. 大学生就业力强弱,成为大学生就业能否成功的关键因素。

    College students low employment ability is a key factor that determines whether a student succeeds or not in job hunting .

  13. 从生源地上来看,来自不同地区的大学生在就业力总体及自我发展、人际沟通和实践能力上有显著差异。

    Students from different places showed apparent differences in overall employment ability and self-development ability , interpersonal communication ability and practice ability .

  14. 塑造职业人,提升就业力&高职学院大学生思想政治工作的探索

    MOLD Career Man , Upgrade Employment Abilities & The Exploration of the College Students Ideological and Political Work of Higher Professiona College

  15. 探讨了如何从大学生素质拓展计划的实施来提高大学生就业力。

    The author also discusses how to improve the undergraduates ' abilities to be employed by implementing the strategic plan to develop quality undergraduates .

  16. 从家庭月收入上来看,家庭收入情况不同的大学生在就业力总体及实践能力和适应能力上有显著差异。

    The students ' situation of different income of family had apparent differences in the overall employment ability and practice ability and adaptation ability .

  17. 就业力不足是社会人才供给与需求之间最深层次的内在矛盾,也是大学生就业难问题症结所在。

    The under-employment is the talent supply and demand between the deepest inner contradiction , also be the crux of the problem of employment of College students .

  18. 提升高职院校学生就业力的工作探讨&浅谈高职就业教育三阶段论模式

    Probe into the Work of Promoting the Employment Ability of Higher Vocational College Student & " Three Phases " Model of Employment Education in Higher Vocational College

  19. 大学生心理资本与就业力呈显著正相关关系,表明大学生的心理资本积累越丰富,大学生的就业力就越强。

    The research shows a significant positive correlation between psychological capital and employment ability of college students , proving that richer accumulation of psychological capital betters the employment ability .

  20. 大学生就业力在民族、是否独生子女和是否兼职变量上没有显著差异。

    There were no remarkable differences in ethnic , whether the only child or not , whether had a part-time job of college students ' employment ability . 3 .

  21. 知识型员工就业力在主管职业支持和工作角色绩效、职业角色绩效之间发挥了中介效应,即主管职业支持通过影响员工的就业力,进而影响了员工的工作角色绩效和职业角色绩效;

    Employability of knowledge workers acts as mediator between Supervisor Career Support and Job - role and Career - role Performance , so do the three dimensions of Employability .

  22. 市场经济对大学生就业力提出了更高的要求,就业力的高低直接影响到大学毕业生就业的质量。

    The market economy sets higher requirements on the employability of university students , the level of the employability has direct influence on the employments quality of university graduates .

  23. 大学生职业价值观与就业力呈极其显著的相关关系,大学生职业价值观对就业力具有一定的预测作用。

    It showed a prominent correlation between occupational value and employment ability of college students . The occupational value could effect on predicting employment ability in a certain extent .

  24. 然而,大学生的心理资本对于就业力的提升是否有影响?是否可以通过调整大学生的心理资本状态,帮助大学生提升就业力?等等这些问题都值得我们去研究。

    However , can psychological capital influence the improvement of employment ability ? Whether we can promote the college students ' employment ability through adjusting their psychological capital condition ?

  25. 功利性读书是社会就业力不足导致的问题,要改变这种现状,我们还需付出艰辛的努力。

    Since utilitarian study is mainly resulted from deficient vacancies and fierce competitions , we still have a long way to go and should devote our efforts to change the current situation .

  26. 对大学生就业力的内涵,从大学生自身和学校角度打造就业力,作一探索性论述。

    The article seeks to expound on the connotations of college students ' employment ability and explores ways to build up this ability from the perspectives of both the students and colleges and universities .

  27. 其中笔者认为高校在目前的教育体制中起着最主要的作用,因而从高校教育管理体制改革入手能最有效的提高学生的就业力。

    From them I feel that the university plays a most important role in the current educational system , therefore , starting from the reform of university management system can effectively enhance graduates ' employability .

  28. 在总体排名中,麻省理工学院首次名列全球毕业生就业力排名榜榜首,斯坦福大学和加州大学洛杉矶分校分列2、3位。

    Overall , Massachusetts Institute of Technology has been crowned the best university in the world for graduate employability for the first time , followed by Stanford University and University of California , Los Angeles .

  29. 就业力是毕业生素质中的最重要的综合素质,就业力不仅包括获取工作的能力,还包括保持工作、更换工作以及实现个人职业生涯规划的能力。

    Employability is the essential quality that a graduate student should have , which not only includes the capacity to find a job , but also to keep the job , change the job and promote personal career development .

  30. 主管职业支持对知识型员工的就业力及其三个子维度均有显著影响,而且主管职业支持对员工的职业角色绩效有直接的影响作用;

    Supervisor Career Support has a positive effect on the Employability of knowledge workers , and also on the three dimensions of Employability , that is , the career supports from supervisors will benefit employees for their improvement of employability .