
  • 网络Presentation;Verbal Ability;verbal aptitude
  1. 此外,MIT的通识教育重视写作教育和学生口头表达能力培养。

    Besides , MIT is aware of the importance of training students'writing and presentation capability .

  2. 有较强的学习能力和口头表达能力。

    Good learning ability and presentation skills are required .

  3. 一些商学院院长也表达了另一个忧虑:GMAT考试偏重于评估定量和口头表达能力,但没有衡量申请人身上其他一些同样很重要的特质。

    Some business deans also express concern that the GMAT fails to measure attributes of candidates that are as important as the quant and verbal skills the test assesses .

  4. 体操教学口头表达能力的培养

    On the Cultivation of Oral Expression Ability in Gymnastics Teaching

  5. 试论英语口头表达能力的构成因素及训练途径

    On Constituting Elements and Training Ways of Verbal Expressive Capacity of English

  6. 21世纪对人才的口头表达能力有了更高的要求。

    The 21st century requires higher oral ability to a qualified personnel .

  7. 略论法学专业教学中对学生口头表达能力的培养

    How to Improve Students ' Capacity of Oral Expressions in Law Specialty

  8. 口头表达能力强,善与人沟通。

    The oral communication expresses ability strong , kind communicate with person .

  9. 我想提高我的口头表达能力。

    I want to improve my ability of oral expression .

  10. 试论体育院校大学生口头表达能力的培养

    On Training the Oral Expression Ability of Students in Physical Education Institute

  11. 关于提高学生口头表达能力的调查

    Investigation on improving students ' ability of oral expression

  12. 浅析外语口头表达能力的自主学习

    The Autonomy Learning of the Comprehension and Expression of the Foreign Language Learning

  13. 具有流利的中英文书面及口头表达能力。

    Fluent in English with written and oral expression .

  14. 提高口头表达能力和写作技巧。

    Improve your oral and written communication skills .

  15. 你怎样评价自己自己的口头表达能力和演讲的能力?

    How do you rate your oral skills and your ability to make oral presentations ?

  16. 具备英语书面及口头表达能力者优先考虑。

    Capable of communicating in English both verbally and written form will be a plus .

  17. 开发人员经常具有很强的数学能力,而好的架构师则倾向于表现出更强的口头表达能力。

    Developers often are mathematically strong , whereas good architects tend to be stronger verbally .

  18. 这能提高你的英语口头表达能力;

    That will improve your spoken English .

  19. 这有利于提高她的口头表达能力以及练就在众人面前的胆量。

    It contributes to her oral speaking as well as being unembarrassed in front of audience .

  20. 浅析制约学生英语口头表达能力的因素

    Factors affecting students ' oral English

  21. 它不仅能提高你的口头表达能力,还可以帮助你更好的交流。

    Not only does it increase your verbal prowess , it also helps you communicate better .

  22. 二是多方位创造条件,采取各种行之有效的途径,加强口头表达能力的训练。

    The other is to create conditions and take effective approaches to strengthen verbal expression training .

  23. 口头表达能力是当今大学生适应现代生活和工作的基本能力。

    Speaking skill is an very important quality required of people from all walks of modern life .

  24. 良好的中文书写和口头表达能力,有英语基础。

    Good Chinese written and oral communication ability ; can read and write and work with english .

  25. 信息社会要求高素质的人才应该具有较强的交流信息的口头表达能力。

    Information society requires the talent of high quality who has better oral expression ability of exchange information .

  26. 谈影响学生英语口头表达能力的几点因素浅谈英语口语表达能力的培养

    The Influences on the Students ' Ability to Express Themselves in English How to Train Speaking Ability of Students

  27. 有益于提高我们的听力和口语能力。这能提高你的英语口头表达能力;

    Beneficial to the improvement of our listening comprehension and oral English . that will improve your spoken English .

  28. 建议学校开设相关课程,全面提高学生的口头表达能力。

    This paper suggests that the relative courses should be considered to improve students ' ability of oral expression .

  29. 外贸、英语等相关专业,英语四到六级,具有良好的英语书面和口头表达能力。

    Foreign Trade business or major in relevant business courses , CET4 or6.Good command of English writing and speaking .

  30. 口头表达能力良好,书写流畅,熟悉外贸交易磋商流程和商务函电写作;

    Oral communication ability , good writing and fluent , familiar with foreign trade consultation process and business letter writing ;