
  • 网络jobs report;The Employment Report;ADP National Employment Report
  1. 一份有好有坏、令人困惑的就业报告,德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)策略师艾伦拉斯金(AlanRuskin)表示。

    A very mixed and confusing employment report , said Alan Ruskin , strategist at Deutsche Bank .

  2. 周五有最重要的就业报告及消费者信贷。

    Friday rounds out the week with the all-important employment report and consumer credit .

  3. 美国最新的就业报告十分糟糕,致使人们纷纷呼吁美联储(fed)拿出更多的财政刺激行动。

    The most recent grim US jobs report brought forth calls for more federal reserve action on fiscal stimulus .

  4. 有意攻读MBA的学生可得注意:学校就业报告里给出的六位数薪水,并不能保证在毕业时就一定能兑现。

    Prospective students take heed : the six-figure school-reported numbers are not a guarantee of a sweet paycheck come graduation day .

  5. 催化剂就是一轮走弱的美国经济数据,以令人失望的3月份就业报告为顶峰,再加上美联储(Fed)较之前更温和的论调。

    The catalyst came in the form of a bout of weaker US data culminating in a disappointing March jobs report , along with a more dovish-sounding Federal Reserve .

  6. 本日美国的就业报告所带来的效果可能和周三ADP报告的效果相似,即预期因素的效果会远远超过真正失业的规模。

    Today 's US job report could trigger a similar creation from Wednesday 's ADP report , whereby the expectations element dominates the reaction rather than the scale of job losses .

  7. 来自芝加哥商品交易所(cme)的持仓数据显示,在此次就业报告公布前夕,押注美元下跌的空头头寸数量,处于2008年6月以来的最高水平。

    Bets on further dollar weakness short dollar positions were at their highest level since June 2008 , according to positioning data from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , going into the jobs report .

  8. 不过,随后一天公布的一份强劲的就业报告宛如一针强心剂,使市场出现反弹。

    The market rebounded following a strong jobs report this morning .

  9. 股市开盘后稍高,随后是今早就业报告的公布。

    Stocks open slightly higher following this morning 's jobs report .

  10. 在六月份就业报告出炉前,交易量平稳地推移。

    Trading was calm ahead of a pivotal report on June employment .

  11. 日前,国内顶级高校陆续发布各自的2015年度就业报告。

    Top universities in China have released their employment reports in 2015 .

  12. 周五早上,美国政府发布了8月份的就业报告。

    On Friday morning , the government released the jobs report for August .

  13. 美国劳工部9月就业报告在周五公布。

    The Labor Department 's jobs report for September is due out Friday .

  14. 月度就业报告与分析人员的预期相符合。

    The big monthly jobs report is coming under analysis or analysts ' expectations .

  15. 美国上周五公布的就业报告是导致美元下跌的一个重要因素。

    Friday 's U.S. jobs report was a significant factor in the dollar 's fall .

  16. 每周就业报告表明,首次申领失业救济人数创下九个月新高。

    Weekly Jobs reports shows new claims on unemployment benefits have reached a 9-month high .

  17. 前段时间的就业报告显示,八月份美国的就业率增长为0。

    An earlier employment report recorded zero job growth in the United States for August .

  18. 就业报告中的多项细节显示出美国经济存在健康的一面。

    A number of details in the jobs report pointed to some health in the economy .

  19. 大选前最后一个月的就业报告将在11月6日前几天出来。

    The final monthly jobs report before the election will come just days before November 6 .

  20. 即将在这个周末发表的就业报告将给我们带来严峻的消息。

    We are expecting a sobering job [ s ] report at the end of the week .

  21. 最新的就业报告显示,十三和一个50万美国人仍然三月失业。

    The latest jobs report showed that thirteen and a half million Americans remained unemployed in March .

  22. 由于这份就业报告,美国股市下跌,从亚洲到欧洲的投资者都非常紧张。

    U.S. stocks fell on the weak jobs report - as did markets from Asia to Europe .

  23. 但奥巴马总统刚度过了艰难的几周,这源于一份令人失望的就业报告。

    But President Obama has had a difficult few weeks that began with a disappointing jobs report .

  24. 威尔伯称,关于就业报告标准,商学院在许多方面都走在前列。

    In many ways , B-Schools have led the charge in employment reporting standards , Wilbur says .

  25. 最新的就业报告显示,三月份,仍然有1350万美国人未能就业。

    The latest jobs report showed that thirteen and a half million Americans ed unemployed in March .

  26. 这恐怕是劳工统计局迄今为止所拿出的最差的就业报告。

    This is maybe one of the worst jobs report the Bureau of Labor Statistics has ever produced .

  27. 之后不久罗姆尼说就业报告7.8%的失业率不是真正的经济复苏看起来的样子。

    Romney said shortly after the jobs report that 7.8 unemployment is not what a real recovery looks like .

  28. 再之前就是极其糟糕的月度非农就业报告。此外,数据还显示,美国房价正式出现了双底回落。

    This follows a terrible monthly payrolls report and data showing that house prices have now officially double dipped .

  29. 就业报告成为投资者近来的关注焦点,因为没有强劲的就业,经济就可能依然疲软。

    Employment reports have become investors'primary focus recently because without robust hiring , the economy is likely to remain sluggish .

  30. 就业报告发布后,美国股指期货走强,美元走弱,而美国国债价格上涨。

    US equity futures were firmer , the dollar weakened and Treasury bond prices rose after the report was released .