
  • 网络Small Transformer;small-sized transformer;miniature transformer;miniature transformator
  1. 小型变压器计算机辅助优化设计

    Computer Aided Optimization Design of Small Transformer

  2. 中小型变压器负载突降的数学模型及数值计算

    Models of Transformer for Suddenly Lower Load and Numerical Calculation

  3. 小型变压器中氟硅橡胶密封圈的设计和应用

    The design and application of fluorine-silicon rubber sealing ring in certain mini-transformer

  4. 中小型变压器微机电磁计算优化设计

    Optimum Design of Microcomputer Electromagnetic Calculation of Distribution Transformer

  5. 电机、小型变压器、继电器、接触器上都需要用到线圈。

    Motors , small transformers , relays and contactors need to use the coils .

  6. 新形势对中小型变压器的要求

    Demand of New Situation for Distribution Transformers

  7. 中小型变压器铁心截面设计

    Design for Core Sections of Distribution Transformers

  8. 小型变压器具有足够的油箱表面积来散发所有由损耗引起的热而使之不超过允许的温升。

    Small transformers have enough tank surface to radiate all the heat caused by their losses without exceeding the permissible temperature rise .

  9. 本文工作旨在设计出损耗和谐波失真小的小型ADSL变压器,并对该变压器传输特性参数进行测试分析。

    In this thesis , the aim is to design the ADSL transformer with low loss and harmonic distortion , and analyze the characteristic of transmission .

  10. 中小型干式变压器制造的发展趋势

    Development of dry - type transformers of low and medium capacity

  11. 小型三相变压器磁路的优化设计

    Optimum Design of the Magnetic Circuit of the Small-type Three-phrase Transformer

  12. 中小型电力变压器故障模式与可靠性运行

    The Trouble Pattern and Reliability Operation of Small-Medium Size Power Transformers

  13. 中小型电力变压器经济寿命分析

    The Economical Life Analysis of the Small and Middle-Sized Power Transformers

  14. 变压器油的体积效应在小型脉冲变压器中的应用

    Application of Volume Effect of Transformer Oil to Mini-Pulse Transforer

  15. 加速配网中小型老旧变压器的更新换代

    Modes of Accelerating the Renewal of Old and Small Transformers in the Distributing Network

  16. 按负载率分挡设计中小型电力变压器

    Step Designing Distribution Transformers by Load Rate

  17. 因此,加速配网中小型老旧变压器的更新换代是供电企业的当务之急。

    So it is imperative to accelerate the renewal of old small transformers in the distributing network .

  18. 小型脉冲变压器设计

    Small Pulse Transformer Design

  19. 本文介绍了中小型电力变压器经济寿命的概念。

    The conception of economical life is introduced for the small and middle-sized power transformers ( SMSPT ) .

  20. 针对小型环形变压器的修复,介绍自己在日常维修工作中的体会。

    In accordance with the repair of the small-sized ring transformer , the authors summarize their experience in operating repairs .

  21. 自然油循环的冷却方式不仅广泛应用于电力网中的中小型电力变压器,也会在在大型电力变压器低负荷和低环境温度时应用。

    The cooling method of nature oil circulation is not only widely used in small-middle type power transformer , but also used in large type power transformer with low load and low ambient temperature .

  22. TWX小型位移差动变压器式传感器线性度的测定与分析

    Test and Analysis about the Linear Accuracy of the TWX Miniature Linear Variable Differential Transformer

  23. 小型三相电力变压器线圈短路故障查找

    Troubleshoot of Coil Short of Miniature Three-phase Power Transformer

  24. 中小型全密封变压器的技术措施

    Technical Measures on Sealed Distribution Transformer

  25. 该系统运行可靠,成本低,适用于监测中小型配电网变压器。

    This system is reliable , low cost , and suitable for monitoring middle-and - small sized distribution transformers .

  26. 小型平面高压脉冲变压器

    Miniature high voltage pluse planar transformer

  27. 根据我们的调研,本课题对高压平面脉冲变压器的研究在国内尚属首创,我们对高压平面脉冲变压器探索性的工作为小型化高压脉冲变压器设计提供了一条可行途径和技术经验。

    No other researches about low-profile planar pulse transformer for high-voltage in domestic according to our known . The study on the design and execution of the planar pulse transformer for high-voltage provide a feasible approach and technical experience .