
xiǎo yàn zi
  • young swallow
  1. 小燕子穿花衣,年年春天来这里

    Flying Swallow to wear Pied Piper , in mid-spring , come here

  2. 小燕子说:春天是温暖的泥巢。

    Little swallow says : Spring is a warm nest .

  3. 不料,天气骤变,忽然降临的一场霜冻死了不幸的小燕子。败家子看到燕子的尸体后,大喊道:“可怜的小鸟!都是因为你,我才会跟着挨冻呀。”

    A change , however , took place in the weather , and there came a sharp frost of cold myself . "

  4. 普通的欧洲小燕子,在房子的屋檐下筑巢。

    Common small European Martin that builds nests under the eaves of houses .

  5. 工人把这颗破碎的心扔在死去的小燕子身旁。

    The worker takes the broken heart and puts it near the dead Swallow .

  6. “假如你看到了那只小燕子的话,我请求你代我向他问候一声。”“滴丽!

    Greet the little swallow from me , if you should see him again .

  7. 她就像电视上“小燕子”一样可爱。

    She is very lovely like the " little swallow " on the TV .

  8. 她抬头一看,这正是那只小燕子刚刚在飞过。

    She looked up , and there was the swallow himself flying close by .

  9. 但是,3岁的小燕子从1岁起就开始练习这个了。

    But 3-year-old Xiao Yanzi has been doing this since the age of 1 .

  10. 例:“小燕子”赵薇就是个一夜成功,一举成名的典型例证。

    Zhao Wei was vaulted to fame , a classic example of overnight success .

  11. 小燕子夫妇继续用泥土,乾草和枯枝作窝。

    The swallow couple keep working on their nest with mud , straws and sticks .

  12. 小燕子低声说出最后的话,吻了快乐王子的嘴唇,就跌落在他脚下死去了。

    The little swallow muttered his last words , kissed the Happy Prince on the lips and fell down dead at his feet .

  13. 睁眼一看,天啊,真是稀罕事&两只小燕子不知道什么时候从小气窗飞进了我的房间。

    Eyes open to see , God is really uncommon two Flying Swallow & do not know when I flew into the small fanlight room .

  14. 再见吧,亲爱的王子。我要死了。可怜的小燕子说。他吻了快乐王子,然后死在他的脚边。

    Goodbye , dear Prince . I am dying , says the poor little Swallow . He kisses the Happy Prince and dies near his feet .

  15. 因为那些小燕子太小了,还不会飞行,只得靠父母到外面去找食物回来喂它们。

    Because those who swallow too small , will not fly , had to rely on their parents to feed them back out to look for food .

  16. 今年窝里有三只小燕子,到我们走的时候,已经剩下一只了,有两只从窝里掉下来摔死了。

    There were three chicks when we arrived but only one left just after two days , two of them found dead under the nest on the stone floor .

  17. 可在今天却发生了一件不幸的事,一只刚出生不久的小燕子不知怎么从窝里掉了下来,重重地摔在地上,死了。

    Today , it can be an unfortunate thing happened , a new born swallow do not know how lost from the nest down heavily crashed to the ground dead .

  18. 珂赛特,她连空中小燕子能享受的快乐也不曾享受过,从来不知道什么叫做躲在母亲的影子里和翅膀下。

    Cosette , less happy than the most insignificant swallow of heaven , had never known what it was to take refuge under a mother 's shadow and under a wing .

  19. 小燕子拚命振翅保暖,不过这并不管用。喷淋蒸发翅管式冷凝器传热传质研究

    The little bird tried desperately to keep warm by flapping his wings , but it was no use . The study on heat and mass transfer of the fin-and-tube condenser with spray evaporating

  20. 我不敢再往下想,我希望“宫殿”里的小燕子能健健康康地长大,希望燕子一家每年都能开开心心地兴奋地生活在我家。

    I did not dare to down thought , I hope the " Palace " where the swallow can be perfectly healthy to grow up and want to swallow one every year happily excited to live in my home .