
qǐn gōng
  • mausoleum;imperial burial place;emperor's or king's resting place;imperial sleeping palace
寝宫 [qǐn gōng]
  • [imperial sleeping palace] 旧时皇帝、皇后起居的宫室。亦指帝王陵墓中放置灵柩的地宫

寝宫[qǐn gōng]
  1. 整个儿宫殿都是皇帝的寝宫吗?

    Did the whole palace serve as the emperor 's residence ?

  2. 国王寝宫的门卫问了同样的问题。

    Again asked the keeper of the king 's palace .

  3. 这只可爱的小夜莺快速飞到皇帝寝宫的窗边。

    Quickly the dear little nightingale flew down to the Emperor 's bedroom window .

  4. 最后这只金银打造的鸟被放回皇帝寝宫内的笼子里。

    At last the gold and silver bird was put back in its cage .

  5. 我把他送回寝宫。

    I will bear him to his chamber .

  6. 请嘱咐乐师们到我的寝宫里来吧。

    Command the musicians to my chamber .

  7. 济渎庙寝宫建筑研究

    Study on Coffin Chamber of Ji-du temple

  8. 克利奥帕特拉的陵墓和克利奥帕特拉的寝宫之间的距离很近。

    Cleopatra 's mausoleum was very close to the palace complex where Octavian was lodged .

  9. 在1911年中国封建帝制结束之前,紫禁城曾经是中国24位帝王的寝宫。

    The Forbidden City was home to24 emperors before the end of imperial rule in1911 .

  10. 你把它送回产生它的冥王寝宫了吗?

    Did you send it back to the dark recesses of Hades that spawned it ?

  11. 当有人偷偷溜进他的寝宫

    when somebody sneaked into his private chamber

  12. 厨房小女孩在皇帝寝宫窗户下的花园中哭泣。

    The little kitchen girl was weeping in the garden under the emperor 's bedroom window .

  13. 难道他没接受你的邀请,来国王的寝宫?

    Was he not , by your invitation , asked to come to the king 's bedchamber ?

  14. 我们参观了白宫饭店,见识到了皇后的寝宫,也欣赏了繁花似锦的花园。

    We visited the White Palace and saw where the Queen had slept and the gardens of beautiful flowers .

  15. 乐寿堂是慈禧太后住在颐和园时的寝宫。

    The Hall of Happiness and Longevity was the residence of Empress Dowager Cixi during her stay in the Summer Palace .

  16. 因此人们可以通过将这位国王的油画搬到他的寝宫这种方式恐吓他

    And so , people were able to scare him by moving a portrait of the king into his private apartments .

  17. 养心殿是清朝(1644-1911)最后八位皇帝的寝宫,20世纪80年代曾进行过局部修复。

    The Hall of Mental Cultivation , the residence of the last eight Qing Dynasty ( 1644-1911 ) emperors , was partially restored in the early 1980s .

  18. 一座桥梁连接着主街道和国王与王后勒菲绨缇及他们的六个女儿居住的寝宫。

    A bridge over the main street connected it to the king 's private residence which Akhenaton shared with his queen , Nefertiti , and with their six daughters .

  19. 寝宫旁是供奉太阳神阿托恩的露天大庙宇和神殿、军警总部以及专门存放外事档案的文档馆。

    Hard by were the great open-air temple and sanctuary of Aton , the police and military headquarters , and the records office for the " Foreign Office " archives .

  20. 线路之一是大殿建筑,常年开放,其中包括文艺复兴馆,统治者起居、办公大厅和皇帝寝宫。

    Line is one of the great hall building , open all the year round , including the Renaissance Hall , the rulers of living , office and Emperor Palace hall .

  21. 不过,我从边上看过去,觉得他在王后的寝宫中看到鬼魂时,本来还可以使那双长统袜表现得更帅一些。

    But , judging from the wing , it looked to me that when he see the ghost in the queen 's apartment , he might have made more of his stockings .

  22. 皇帝的寝宫夹在两个小湖的中间,也位于这个巨大的院落里,乾隆名之为九州清晏。

    Sandwiched between two small lakes , the emperors own bedroom was also located in this vast compound , which Qianlong designated as the Nine Continents in Peace ( Jiuzhou Qingyan ) .

  23. 当我经过王后寝宫的时候,发现一个美若天仙的女子正躺在一堆孩子的身边,他们睡得那么香甜。

    When I passed by the queen 's living room , I saw a really beautiful lady lying inside with a lot of kids around her and they were sleeping so sweet .

  24. 宫殿建筑是中国古代建筑的重要组成部分,是统治者的寝宫与朝殿,是统治地位的象征。

    Palace Architecture is an important constituent of the ancient architecture of China . It was the ruler 's imperial palace , the chamber , and also the symbol of the status .

  25. 洛奇写的传奇讲到在皇后的寝宫里人们可以看到“全世界的贞妇,都是用白银雕成的”。

    In lodge 's strange romance , it was stated that in the chamber of the queen one could behold " all the chaste ladies of the world , chiseled out of silver " .

  26. 在明代和清初,乾清宫是皇帝的寝宫,坤宁宫是皇后的住处。

    During the Ming and early Qing Dynasties , Qian Qing Gong ( Palace of Heavenly Purity ) was used as the emperor 's bedchamber , and Kun Ning Gong ( Palace of Earthly Tranquility ) was where the empress lived .

  27. 全国各地的精兵巧匠参与了这场浩大的工程,有72万人被征募参与了陵墓的修建。尽管秦始皇的“寝宫”陵墓至今尚未发现,但据说其“寝宫”比已发现的陵墓更奢华百倍。

    Craftsmen from across China were recruited for the massive project and as many as 720000 laborers were drafted to build it.While Qin Shi Huang 's own final resting place hasn 't been found yet , it 's rumored to be even more incredible than the rest of the complex .
