
yáng qún
  • flock of sheep or goats
羊群[yáng qún]
  1. 每年夏天牧羊人都将羊群赶到牧场去。

    Every summer the shepherds drive the sheep up to pasture

  2. 只听得见远处羊群的哀鸣。

    The only sounds were the distant , melancholy cries of the sheep

  3. 他们的父亲在帮忙给羊群洗药浴。

    Their father was helping to dip the sheep .

  4. 牧羊人在看管他的羊群。

    The shepherd is tending to his sheep .

  5. 羊群正在山坡上吃草。

    The sheep are browsing on the hillside .

  6. 把羊圈关好,防备羊群跑掉。

    Close the gate of the pen properly to prevent the sheep from getting away .

  7. 姑娘们看护她们的羊群。

    The girls are keeping watch over the flock .

  8. 羊群散布在山坡上吃草。

    A flock of sheep are grazing here and there on the hillside .

  9. 牧羊人看守着自己的羊群。

    The shepherds watched their flocks .

  10. 经济行为的另一个具有深厚进化论根基的例子,就是引起金融泡沫的“羊群效应”。

    Another example of economic behaviour that may have deep evolutionary roots is the " herd " mentality that contributes to financial bubbles .

  11. 美国大自然保护协会还向众多入侵物种发起了宣战,从羊群到植物再到具有攻击性的阿根廷蚁。

    The Nature Conservancy has    declared   war on a multitude of invasive species here , from sheep to plants to the   aggressive   Argentine ant .

  12. 羊群里少了几只羊。

    A few sheep have been lost from the flock .

  13. 于是,他披上一身羊皮,趁羊群在牧场里游荡时悄然混进去。

    So he clothed himself in a sheepskin , and slipped among the sheep when they were out at pasture .

  14. 他完全骗过了放羊倌,晚上羊群被关进栏里时,他也被一起关了进去。

    He completely deceived the shepherd , and when the flock was penned for the night he was shut in with the rest .

  15. 起初,尝试着从羊群中偷取羔羊,但是牧羊人一见到狐狸,便放狗追他。

    He began by trying to steal a lamb from a flock of sheep , but the shepherd saw him and set his dogs on him .

  16. 狼群派了一个使者到羊群那里送去一份缔结永久和平的建议书,其中提出,只要羊群放弃牧羊犬的看护,并把他处死,狼群便愿意与羊群和平相处。

    The wolves sent a deputation to the sheep with proposals for a lasting1 peace between them , on condition of their giving up the sheepdogs to instant death .

  17. 有一头猪跑进正在牧场里吃草的羊群中,牧羊人抓住了他,要把他送到屠夫那里,猪鬼哭狼嚎般拼命挣扎着想逃出来。

    A pig found his way into a meadow where a flock of sheep were grazing . The shepherd caught him , and was proceeding1 to carry him off to the butcher 's when he set up a loud squealing2 and struggled to get free .

  18. 愚蠢的羊群同意了狼群的提议,但是,一只上了年纪的公羊因年长而颇具智慧,他说:“即使眼前有狗在保护我们,我们尚且不能平安地逃出你们的魔爪,还怎么敢期望着与你们和平相处呢?“

    The foolish sheep agreed to the terms , but an old Ram2 , whose years had brought him wisdom , interfered3 and said , " How can we expect to live at peace with you ? Why , even with the dogs at hand to protect us , we are never secure from your murderous attacks . "

  19. 羊群行为(HerdBehavior)是行为金融学里一个核心的概念。

    Herd Behavior is a key concept of behavioral finance .

  20. 金融市场中的羊群行为(HerdBehavior)是一种从众行为。

    Herd behavior in financial market is a kind of collective behavior .

  21. A区和B区绵羊临床表现出被毛发焦、脱毛、羔羊出现摇摆病,羊群中母羊发情推迟,公羊配种能力下降。

    Clinical symptoms of sheep in zones A , B showed that ram and ewe were reduced reproductive performance , steely wolf , fall wool and lamb swayback .

  22. 这一过程往往导致羊群行为(herdingbehaviour),使风险控制很容易变为次要问题。

    This process tends to lead to Herding Behaviour , in which risk controls easily become a secondary issue .

  23. 1995年,William和Roger提出将市场收益率分散度作为测度羊群行为的指标。

    In 1995 , William and Roger measured the herding of the market using the market return dispersion .

  24. 基于异质性信念的羊群行为CAPM模型修正

    Herb Behavior CAPM Model Modification Based on Heterogeneous Belief

  25. 国外对羊群行为的理论研究主要集中在羊群行为产生的机理上。其中,理性羊群行为(RationalHerding)理论认为,投资者之间的信息串联、基于声誉的考虑和报酬结构是产生羊群行为的主要原因。

    Thereinto , rational herding theories think that imperfect information , concern for reputation , and compensation structures are most important reasons for forming herd behaviour .

  26. 同时,作者尝试用时机选择理论、羊群效应理论和托宾Q理论来解释牛熊市长期并购绩效的差异,发现托宾Q理论能够更好地解释这一现象。

    At the same time , the author tries to apply timing theory , managerial herding theory and Tobin ' Q theory in explaining the long-term performance of M & A under different market status .

  27. 本文通过投资强度聚合模型计算了中国投资基金自2001年第二季度到2007年第4季度共27个季度区间内度量投资基金行业投资策略羊群效应的指标HB指数。

    The paper calculates the HB index of Mutual Fund investment strategies of Chinese from the second quarter of 2001 to the fourth quarter of 2007 using a special model .

  28. Q连锁酒店把店长比喻成头羊,把员工比喻成羊群,羊群在头羊的带领下会自动寻找水草丰盛的草地,员工在店长的带领下会自动自发地工作。

    Q hotel chain to store manager likened to sheep , the staff likened the sheep , the sheep in sheep under the leadership will automatically look for plants rich grassland , staff manager under the leadership will be self-motivated work .

  29. 另一类是非理性的羊群行为(IrrationalHerding),非理性的羊群行为研究主要是针对行为主体的心理,认为行为主体只会盲目的相互模仿,从而忽略了理性分析的重要性。

    The other one is Irrational Herding , which mostly refers to mentality of investors . It considers that all investors can do are imitating each other blindly and ignoring the importance of rational analysis .

  30. 但需要指出的是,要想使得个股收益率的横截面标准偏差CSSD随绝对市场收益率的增大而减小,只有当大部分的投资者都表现出强烈的羊群行为时才有可能。

    But it should be pointed out that only when most investors have serious herding behavior , the cross section with the standard deviation CSSD of stock returns will decrease as the absolute market yield increases .