
mì dù yì zhì
  • density inhibition
  1. 成纤维细胞接触性和密度抑制特性对异常瘢痕形成的意义

    The role of characters of contact inhibition and density inhibition in fibroblasts on formation of abnormal scars

  2. 激光深熔焊中侧吹保护气体方法用于降低等离子体中的电子密度抑制等离子体,TIG中活性焊剂也有吸收电子的作用。

    The method of blow , side protecting gas in laser deep welding is used to reduce the electronic density of plasma , also , the active flux in TIG can absorb electron .

  3. 对36个经PCR检测为阳性的转基因株系进行了两年抗蚜虫筛选试验,结果表明:蚜口密度抑制率在13.19%-95.4%,平均蚜口密度抑制率为78.59%。

    Thirty-six transgenic Lycium plants that had been confirmed as being gna-integrated by PCR detection were tested for resistance to aphids in two years . The results showed that the inhibition rate of aphid population was 13.19 % - 95.4 % , 78.59 % on average .

  4. 转化植株幼苗饲虫实验表明,不同转化克隆的抗蚜性差异较大,蚜口密度抑制率从10%~84%不等,平均蚜口密度抑制率为39.4%。

    The insect bioassay with aphid showed that the aphid resistance of different transgenic plants was difference , and the rate of aphid population inhibition of them were from 10 % to 84 % with an average rate of 39.4 % .

  5. 脉冲电流、添加剂硫脲以及电铸液中加入的纳米Al2O3颗粒有助于获得平整性好的电铸层表面,其中硫脲的作用显著,能在高电流密度下抑制树枝状晶生长的形成。

    Using pulse current , and adding thiourea and nano-Al2O3 grains into the electrolyte are benefit for getting level deposit surfaces , and among them , the role of thiourea is the best one .

  6. 由测速系统的传递函数对振荡器随机相位功率谱密度的抑制作用,得到了测速终端输入端Doppler信号的随机相位功率谱密度公式。

    The formulas of the random phase power spectra density of the Doppler signal at the input of the range-rate measuring terminal are obtained from the random phase power spectra density of the frequency sources restrained by the transfer function of the range-rate measuring system .

  7. 结果与去卵巢组比较,强骨颗粒可升高大鼠骨密度,抑制血清BGP升高,增加骨中水含量,增加肾脏指数、Ca2+ATPase活性和膜流动性。

    Results Qiang Gu granules significantly increased BMD , water content in femur , bone ash weight , kidney weight / body weight ratio , Ca 2 + ATPase activity and membrane fluidity , while decreased the level of BGP in OVX + QG rats , compared with OVX group .

  8. 另外,增加载流子密度能抑制激子峰。

    In addition , the high carrier density can suppress the excitonic peaks .

  9. 低密度强抑制钻井液室内研究

    Study of Drilling Fluid of Low Density and High-inhibition

  10. 结论:槐甙胶囊有改善绝经后妇女腰椎骨密度和抑制骨吸收的作用,能明显减轻患者的腰背疼痛。

    Conclusions : Sophoricoside Capsule can improve BMD and relieve back pain by inhibiting bone resorption .

  11. 结果表明,强骨胶囊治疗肾阳虚证的原发性骨质疏松症的作用是通过提高患者的骨密度,抑制骨吸收,减少骨量丢失等环节实现的。

    Conclusion : The mechanism of QGC in treating POP is by increasing bone mineral density , inhibiting bone resorption and decreasing bone loss .

  12. 结论:中药可能是通过降低炎细胞密度,抑制气道粘膜细胞脂质过氧化,促进支气管及其周围肺组织修复而达到治疗目的。

    Conclusion : The TCM medicine probably treat bronchiectasis with decreasing the inflammation cells and restrain the peroxidization and promoting the repairation of lung tissue .

  13. 由汽泡脱离频率、脱离直径、汽化核心密度及抑制因子等参数计算核态沸腾换热。

    The heat transfer due to nucleate boiling is determined from the frequency and diameter of bubble departure , the density of active nucleation sites , and suppression factor .

  14. 通过控制负载量、湿度和放电能量密度可抑制有机副产物的生成;研究发现反应后催化剂表面存在碳沉积现象,并且随反应时间的延长沉积现象愈发明显。

    By controlling the metal loading , relative humidity , and energy density can inhibit the formation of organic by-products ; the catalyst surface may generate some long-chain materials and intermediate products containing N element , and this phenomenon becoming increasingly apparent with the reaction time .

  15. 氧化型低密度脂蛋白抑制人内皮细胞组织因子通路抑制子mRNA的表达

    Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein Inhibited Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor mRNA Expression in Human Endothelial Cells

  16. 密度增加则抑制了根的生长和根干物质的积累。

    On the contrary , the increasing of density inhibits the root development .

  17. 根据转基因植株对蚜口密度增长的抑制作用,以及其叶片提取液的凝血活性,初步说明雪花莲凝集素基因得到了表达。

    Aphid-resistance of transgenic plants and clotting actives indicated GNA gene was expressed .

  18. 虽然预蠕变引进较高的位错密度能有效抑制中温蠕变,但在实用上仍有困难。

    Although the high-density dislocations introduced by pre-creep treatment can restrict the intermediate temperature creep , it is difficult for application in practice .

  19. 通过原子上能级与光子频率带隙边缘的相对位置或者光子态密度,可以抑制或增强原子的自发辐射。

    Spontaneous emission can be totally suppressed or strongly enhanced depending on the relative position of the resonant frequency from the edge of the photonic band gap and the photonic mode density .

  20. 密度过大不但抑制14C同化速率,而且降低14C同化物运输分配效率。

    Not only assimilating rate but also transport and distribution efficiency was declined when the density was too high .

  21. 降低血管密度,肺转移抑制率为4762%。

    The inhibition rate of lung metastasis was 47.62 % and VEGF protein expression rate decreased significantly .

  22. 姜黄醇提取物对体外培养细胞氧化修饰低密度脂蛋白的抑制作用

    Turmerol Extract 's Inhibition on Oxidative Modification and Low Density Lipoprotein ( LP ) in Cells Cultured in Vitro

  23. 虫试结果表明,转基因植株对蚜虫密度有明显的抑制作用,平均能抑制蚜虫密度为达65.65%。

    The results of insect bioassay with peach aphid ( Myzus persicae ) showed that the transformed plants were aphid ? resistant evidenced by a 6 5.65 % reduction in aphid population density .

  24. 在离子玻恩斯坦波调制时,密度涨落被明显抑制,同时由静电涨落引起的向外的粒子通量和热通量减少到零。

    During the IBW Pulses , the density fluctuation is suppressed markedly in the whole frequency domain and the local outward particle flux and heat flux induced by electrostatic fluctuation decrease to almost zero .

  25. 通过将覆盖不同密度的沸石来抑制底泥污染物的实验结果进行对比,当沸石覆盖强度为3.3kg/m2时,脱氮效果较好,总氮的最高抑制率可达73.86%。

    Through comparing experimental results of covering zeolite of different density to suppress the sediment of pollutants , we know when zeolite cover density is 3.3 kg / m2 , denitrification effects is better and total nitrogen highest inhibition rate can reach 73.86 % .

  26. 抗蚜实验表明:转基因植株对蚜口密度增长有一定的抑制作用,转基因菊花离体叶片和整株幼苗的平均蚜口密度抑制率分别为38.6%和39.4%。

    The results from insect bioassay with aphid showed that the transgenic plants were aphid resistant . The average inhibition rate of aphid population development of detached leaves and whole plants were 38.6 % and 39.4 % .

  27. 高密度脂蛋白对氧化型低密度脂蛋白抑制的血管平滑肌细胞一氧化氮释放的影响

    Effect of High Density Lipoprotein on the Production of Nitric Oxide Inhibited by Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein

  28. 而降压法在保持Reynolds数不变的前提下同样可明显抑制自然对流的影响和密度差对流动与传热传质的影响,但对自然对流和传质过程的密度流的抑制效果有所不同。

    The depressurizing modeling can also reduce their effect with the same Reynolds number , however , their reductions of the nature flow and the density difference flow are different .