
  • 网络Density dependence;density-dependent factors;density dependent factor;density-dependent limiting factors
  1. 没有必要认为密度制约因素具有任何特殊的重要性。

    There is no need to regard density-dependent factors as having any special importance .

  2. 千岛湖蓝藻密度制约因素分析

    Research on Restricted Factors of Cyanophyceae density In Qian-dao Lake

  3. 两次分析皆表明:赤狐数量趋势的波动为随机波动,波动中赤狐种群的密度制约因素影响不明显。

    Among causes which effected fluctuations the density of Red fox was not main factor .

  4. 可能,在某物种的分布区的边缘,非密度制约因素最为重要。

    Probably density-independent factors are more important at the edge of the range of a species .

  5. 扩散原因是由于环境因素且由非密度制约因素引起的。

    Analysis of dispersal reasons showed that the dispersion was brought about by environment elements , especially by density independence factors .

  6. 在天然条件下,影响鱯鱼鳋种群消长的主要因素是非密度制约因素和大鳍鱯的免疫反应。

    In natural environment , the factors influencing the population growth of the parasite are density of independent factors and immunological responses generated by the host .

  7. 主要影响因素是非密度制约因素,但密度制约因素亦有一定影响。

    The main effect factors of the quantity change of rodent were " nondensity dependent factor " and the density dependent factors had some effect also .

  8. 对于捕食者的死亡率,我们不仅考虑了捕食者的自然死亡因素,而且还考虑了由于种内之间争夺资源及其它原因引起的死亡等因素,即考虑捕食者之间密度制约因素。

    We consider the death rate of predator as the natural mortality rate and the other death rate caused by the intraspecies competition or other factors , i.e. , we consider the predator density dependence .

  9. 影响病虫害发生流行的因素较多,包括气象条件、自然环境、生态条件、本身表现出的密度和非密度制约因素等。

    Prevalence of pests and diseases affecting many factors including weather conditions , natural environment , ecological conditions , shows the density and the non-density-dependent factors .